Topic Review
Fabrication of Semiconductor Optical Fibers
Because of their thermal and mechanical mismatch with typical glass materials, the fabrication of optical fibers from semiconductors is a considerable challenge for the field of materials science. As a result, the platform for optical fibers has been restricted to materials that are consistent with the typical fiber drawing techniques for an extended period. In 2006, a chemical deposition approach was used to create the initial example of a crystalline semiconductor optical fiber. As a result of this endeavor, different methods have been utilized in the fabrication of semiconductor optical fibers. Each of these methods has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Since there have been no standardized techniques for fabricating these fibers, their production is relatively costly.
  • 575
  • 31 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Scanning Kelvin Probe
In microscopy, a scanning Kelvin probe (SKP) is a non-contact, non-destructive scanning probe microscopy (SPM) technique used to measure the work function of the sample under study. By raster scanning in the x,y plane the work function of the sample can be locally mapped for correlation with sample features. It is predominantly used to measure corrosion and coatings. It is closely related to the Kelvin probe force microscope (KPFM) technique.
  • 954
  • 30 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Traditional Chinese Timekeeping
The traditional Chinese time systems refers to the time standards for divisions of the day used in China until the introduction of the Shixian calendar in 1628 at the beginning of the Qing dynasty.
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  • 30 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Spectrochemistry is the application of spectroscopy in several fields of chemistry. It includes analysis of spectra in chemical terms, and use of spectra to derive the structure of chemical compounds, and also to qualitatively and quantitively analyze their presence in the sample. It is a method of chemical analysis that relies on the measurement of wavelengths and intensity of electromagnetic radiation.
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  • 30 Oct 2022
Topic Review
As described by the third of Newton's laws of motion of classical mechanics, all forces occur in pairs such that if one object exerts a force on another object, then the second object exerts an equal and opposite reaction force on the first. The third law is also more generally stated as: "To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction: or the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts." The attribution of which of the two forces is the action and which is the reaction is arbitrary. Either of the two can be considered the action, while the other is its associated reaction.
  • 1.2K
  • 30 Oct 2022
Topic Review
MicrOmega-IR is an infrared hyperspectral microscope that is part of the science payload on board the European Rosalind Franklin rover, tasked to search for biosignatures on Mars. The rover is planned to land on Mars in the mid- or late 2020s. MicrOmega-IR will analyse in situ the powder material derived from crushed samples collected by the rover's core drill.
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  • 30 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Cubic Mile of Oil
The cubic mile of oil (CMO) is a unit of energy, aiming to give the general public an understanding of large quantities of energy. It is approximately equal to 1.6×1020 joule. It was created by Hew Crane of SRI International to aid in public understanding of global-scale energy consumption and resources. Large scale sources of energy include wind, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, nuclear, hydroelectric, oil, coal, natural gas, geothermal, and biomass (primarily the burning of wood). Traditionally, many different units are commonly used to measure these sources (e.g., joules, BTUs, kilowatt hours, therms) but only some of them are familiar to a global general public, and some argue that fewer are needed and a standard should be chosen. Still, these common energy units are mainly sized for everyday activities, for example a joule is the energy required to lift a small apple one metre vertically. For regional, national, and global scales, larger energy units, such as exajoule, terawatt-hour, billion barrels of oil equivalent (BBOE) and quad are used. Derived by multiplying the small common units by large powers of ten these larger units pose additional conceptual difficulties for many citizens. Crane intended the cubic mile of oil to provide a visualizable scale for comparing the contributions of these diverse energy components as a percentage of total worldwide, energy use. In 2005, the global economy was consuming approximately 30 billion barrels (4.8 billion cubic metres; 1.3 trillion US gallons) of oil each year. Numbers of this magnitude are difficult to conceive by most people. The volume occupied by 1 trillion US gallons (3.8 billion cubic metres) is about 1 cubic mile (4.2 billion cubic metres). Crane felt that a cubic mile would be an easier concept for the general public than a trillion gallons.
  • 1.1K
  • 28 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Biaxial Tensile Test
Biaxial tensile test is a tensile testing in which the sample is stretched in two distinct directions. This technique is used to obtain the mechanical characteristics of anisotropic materials, such as composite materials, textiles, and soft biological tissues. There are three main types of biaxial tensile testing: Bursting test, based on a circular specimen clamped along the edge and inflated by air or water under pressure until the specimen bursts; Cylinder test, based on a hollow cylinder subjected to internal pressure and axial pressure or tension; Plane biaxial test, which offers the best result because of the independent force introduction in the two main directions.
  • 1.3K
  • 28 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Causal Fermion System
The theory of causal fermion systems is an approach to describe fundamental physics. It provides a unification of the weak, the strong and the electromagnetic forces with gravity at the level of classical field theory. Moreover, it gives quantum mechanics as a limiting case and has revealed close connections to quantum field theory. Therefore, it is a candidate for a unified physical theory. Instead of introducing physical objects on a preexisting spacetime manifold, the general concept is to derive spacetime as well as all the objects therein as secondary objects from the structures of an underlying causal fermion system. This concept also makes it possible to generalize notions of differential geometry to the non-smooth setting. In particular, one can describe situations when spacetime no longer has a manifold structure on the microscopic scale (like a spacetime lattice or other discrete or continuous structures on the Planck scale). As a result, the theory of causal fermion systems is a proposal for quantum geometry and an approach to quantum gravity. Causal fermion systems were introduced by Felix Finster and collaborators.
  • 413
  • 28 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Pellicle Mirror
A pellicle mirror (diminutive of pellis, a skin or film) is an ultra-thin, ultra-lightweight semi-transparent mirror employed in the light path of an optical instrument, splitting the light beam into two separate beams, both of reduced light intensity. Splitting the beam allows its use for multiple purposes simultaneously. The thinness of the mirror practically eliminates beam or image doubling due to a non-coincident weak second reflection from the nominally non-reflecting surface, a problem with mirror-type beam splitters.
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  • 28 Oct 2022
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