Topic Review
Fundamental Interaction
In physics, the fundamental interactions, also known as fundamental forces, are the interactions that do not appear to be reducible to more basic interactions. There are four fundamental interactions known to exist: the gravitational and electromagnetic interactions, which produce significant long-range forces whose effects can be seen directly in everyday life, and the strong and weak interactions, which produce forces at minuscule, subatomic distances and govern nuclear interactions. Some scientists hypothesize that a fifth force might exist, but these hypotheses remain speculative. Each of the known fundamental interactions can be described mathematically as a field. The gravitational force is attributed to the curvature of spacetime, described by Einstein's general theory of relativity. The other three are discrete quantum fields, and their interactions are mediated by elementary particles described by the Standard Model of particle physics. Within the Standard Model, the strong interaction is carried by a particle called the gluon, and is responsible for quarks binding together to form hadrons, such as protons and neutrons. As a residual effect, it creates the nuclear force that binds the latter particles to form atomic nuclei. The weak interaction is carried by particles called W and Z bosons, and also acts on the nucleus of atoms, mediating radioactive decay. The electromagnetic force, carried by the photon, creates electric and magnetic fields, which are responsible for the attraction between orbital electrons and atomic nuclei which holds atoms together, as well as chemical bonding and electromagnetic waves, including visible light, and forms the basis for electrical technology. Although the electromagnetic force is far stronger than gravity, it tends to cancel itself out within large objects, so over large (astronomical) distances gravity tends to be the dominant force, and is responsible for holding together the large scale structures in the universe, such as planets, stars, and galaxies. Many theoretical physicists believe these fundamental forces to be related and to become unified into a single force at very high energies on a minuscule scale, the Planck scale, but particle accelerators cannot produce the enormous energies required to experimentally probe this. Devising a common theoretical framework that would explain the relation between the forces in a single theory is perhaps the greatest goal of today's theoretical physicists. The weak and electromagnetic forces have already been unified with the electroweak theory of Sheldon Glashow, Abdus Salam, and Steven Weinberg for which they received the 1979 Nobel Prize in physics. Some physicists seek to unite the electroweak and strong fields within what is called a Grand Unified Theory (GUT). An even bigger challenge is to find a way to quantize the gravitational field, resulting in a theory of quantum gravity (QG) which would unite gravity in a common theoretical framework with the other three forces. Some theories, notably string theory, seek both QG and GUT within one framework, unifying all four fundamental interactions along with mass generation within a theory of everything (ToE).
  • 660
  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Fundamentals and Mechanisms of Light-Activated Gas Sensors
The light-activated gas sensors show promising results, particularly using visible light as an external trigger that lowers the power consumption as well as improves the stability, sensitivity and safety of the sensors. It effectively eliminates the possible damage to sensing material caused by high operating temperature or high energy light. 
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  • 07 Mar 2024
Topic Review
A g-factor (also called g value or dimensionless magnetic moment) is a dimensionless quantity that characterizes the magnetic moment and angular momentum of an atom, a particle or the nucleus. It is essentially a proportionality constant that relates the different observed magnetic moments μ of a particle to their angular momentum quantum numbers and a unit of magnetic moment (to make it dimensionless), usually the Bohr magneton or nuclear magneton.
  • 3.5K
  • 28 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Gabor-Domain Optical Coherence Microscopy
Gabor-domain optical coherence microscopy (GDOCM) is a high transverse resolution variant of spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). It was proposed to break the cellular resolution limit of optical coherence tomography (OCT). GDOCM achieves invariant transverse and axial resolutions of 2 micron in 3D by fusing together multiple volumetric images that are acquired employing a liquid lens to dynamically refocus at different depths inside the sample with no moving parts.
  • 2.5K
  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Gallium Nitride Epitaxy
Gallium nitride (GaN) is a wide-bandgap semiconductor material with excellent electrical and optical properties, making it a promising candidate for various electronic and optoelectronic devices. In particular, the unique characteristics of GaN make it a popular choice for high-power and high-frequency applications, such as power electronics, RF amplifiers, and light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
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  • 25 Apr 2023
Topic Review
GaN-Based LEDs: Modeling and Simulation
Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) based on Gallium Nitride (GaN) have been revolutionizing various applications in lighting, displays, biotechnology, and other fields. Many theoretical models have been developed for GaN-LED simulation, analysis, and design optimization, including carrier transport models, quantum well recombination models, and light extraction models. The overview below is a strongly abbreviated version of Ref. [1].
  • 1.4K
  • 17 Dec 2020
Topic Review
GaN-Based Resonant-Cavity Light-Emitting Diodes Grown on Si
GaN-on-Si resonant-cavity light-emitting diodes (RCLEDs) have been successfully fabricated through wafer bonding and Si substrate removal. 
  • 458
  • 17 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Garlic Volatile Diallyl Disulfide
Diallyl disulfide (DADS) is a major allelochemical of the volatile organic compounds in garlic.
  • 687
  • 24 Dec 2021
Topic Review
The gastropods (/ˈɡæstrəpɒdz/), commonly known as snails and slugs, belong to a large taxonomic class of invertebrates within the phylum Mollusca called Gastropoda (/ɡæsˈtrɒpədə/). This class comprises snails and slugs from saltwater, from freshwater, and from the land. There are many thousands of species of sea snails and slugs, as well as freshwater snails, freshwater limpets, and land snails and slugs. The class Gastropoda contains a vast total of named species, second only to the insects in overall number. The fossil history of this class goes back to the Late Cambrian. (As of 2017), 721 families of gastropods are known, of which 245 are extinct and appear only in the fossil record, while 476 are currently extant with or without a fossil record. Gastropoda (previously known as univalves and sometimes spelled "Gasteropoda") are a major part of the phylum Mollusca, and are the most highly diversified class in the phylum, with 65,000 to 80,000 living snail and slug species. The anatomy, behavior, feeding, and reproductive adaptations of gastropods vary significantly from one clade or group to another, so stating many generalities for all gastropods is difficult. The class Gastropoda has an extraordinary diversification of habitats. Representatives live in gardens, woodland, deserts, and on mountains; in small ditches, great rivers, and lakes; in estuaries, mudflats, the rocky intertidal, the sandy subtidal, the abyssal depths of the oceans, including the hydrothermal vents, and numerous other ecological niches, including parasitic ones. Although the name "snail" can be, and often is, applied to all the members of this class, commonly this word means only those species with an external shell big enough that the soft parts can withdraw completely into it. Those gastropods without a shell, and those with only a very reduced or internal shell, are usually known as slugs; those with a shell into which they can partly but not completely withdraw are termed semislugs. The marine shelled species of gastropods include species such as abalone, conches, periwinkles, whelks, and numerous other sea snails that produce seashells that are coiled in the adult stage—though in some, the coiling may not be very visible, for example in cowries. In a number of families of species, such as all the various limpets, the shell is coiled only in the larval stage, and is a simple conical structure after that.
  • 3.1K
  • 08 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Gauss' Method
In orbital mechanics (subfield of celestial mechanics), Gauss's method is used for preliminary orbit determination from at least three observations (more observations increases the accuracy of the determined orbit) of the orbiting body of interest at three different times. The required information are the times of observations, the position vectors of the observation points (in Equatorial Coordinate System), the direction cosine vector of the orbiting body from the observation points (from Topocentric Equatorial Coordinate System) and general physical data. Carl Friedrich Gauss developed important mathematical techniques (summed up in Gauss's methods) which were specifically used to determine the orbit of Ceres. The method shown following is the orbit determination of an orbiting body about the focal body where the observations were taken from, whereas the method for determining Ceres' orbit requires a bit more effort because the observations were taken from Earth while Ceres orbits the Sun.
  • 1.4K
  • 10 Nov 2022
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