Topic Review
Single-Cell Analysis and Application
Biological parameters extracted from electrical signals from various body parts have been used for many years to analyze the human body and its behavior. In addition, electrical signals from cancer cell lines, normal cells, and viruses, among others, have been widely used for the detection of various diseases. Single-cell parameters such as cell and cytoplasmic conductivity, relaxation frequency, and membrane capacitance are important.
  • 194
  • 13 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Single-Cell Adhesion Force Kinetics
Cells exert, sense, and respond to the different physical forces through diverse mechanisms and translating them into biochemical signals. The adhesion of cells is crucial in various developmental functions, such as to maintain tissue morphogenesis and homeostasis and activate critical signaling pathways regulating survival, migration, gene expression, and differentiation. More importantly, any mutations of adhesion receptors can lead to developmental disorders and diseases. 
  • 563
  • 27 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Single Particle Trajectories
Single particle trajectories (SPTs) consist of a collection of successive discrete points causal in time. These trajectories are acquired from images in experimental data. In the context of cell biology, the trajectories are obtained by the transient activation by a laser of small dyes attached to a moving molecule. Molecules can now by visualized based on recent Super-resolution microscopy, which allow routine collections of thousands of short and long trajectories. These trajectories explore part of a cell, either on the membrane or in 3 dimensions and their paths are critically influenced by the local crowded organization and molecular interaction inside the cell, as emphasized in various cell types such as neuronal cells, astrocytes, immune cells and many others.
  • 339
  • 02 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Single Omic Layer Analyses in Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal cancer is a major health concern since it is a highly diagnosed cancer and the second cause of death among cancers. Thus, the most suitable biomarkers for its diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment have been studied to improve and personalize the prevention and clinical management of colorectal cancer. The emergence of omic techniques has provided a great opportunity to better study CRC and make personalized medicine feasible.
  • 245
  • 02 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Single Molecule Real Time Sequencing
Single molecule real time sequencing (SMRT) is a parallelized single molecule DNA sequencing method. Single molecule real time sequencing utilizes a zero-mode waveguide (ZMW). A single DNA polymerase enzyme is affixed at the bottom of a ZMW with a single molecule of DNA as a template. The ZMW is a structure that creates an illuminated observation volume that is small enough to observe only a single nucleotide of DNA being incorporated by DNA polymerase. Each of the four DNA bases is attached to one of four different fluorescent dyes. When a nucleotide is incorporated by the DNA polymerase, the fluorescent tag is cleaved off and diffuses out of the observation area of the ZMW where its fluorescence is no longer observable. A detector detects the fluorescent signal of the nucleotide incorporation, and the base call is made according to the corresponding fluorescence of the dye.
  • 794
  • 01 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Single Molecule Dynamics Measurements Using Diffracted X-ray Tracking
In 1998, the diffracted X-ray tracking (DXT) method pioneered the attainment of molecular dynamics measurements within individual molecules. This breakthrough revolutionized the field by enabling unprecedented insights into the complex workings of molecular systems. Similar to the single-molecule fluorescence labeling technique used in the visible range, DXT uses a labeling method and a pink beam to closely track the diffraction pattern emitted from the labeled gold nanocrystals. Moreover, by utilizing X-rays with extremely short wavelengths, DXT has achieved unparalleled accuracy and sensitivity, exceeding initial expectations. As a result, this remarkable advance has facilitated the search for internal dynamics within many protein molecules. 
  • 188
  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Single Domain Antibody in Medicine
The camelid-derived single chain antibody (sdAb), also termed VHH or nanobody, is a unique, functional heavy (H)-chain antibody (HCAb). In contrast to conventional antibodies, sdAb is a unique antibody fragment consisting of a heavy-chain variable domain. It lacks light chains and a first constant domain (CH1). With a small molecular weight of only 12~15 kDa, sdAb has a similar antigen-binding affinity to conventional Abs but a higher solubility, which exerts unique advantages for the recognition and binding of functional, versatile, target-specific antigen fragments. 
  • 407
  • 03 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Single Cell Transcriptomics to Understand Hematopoietic Stem Cells
Aging leads to a decline in the functions of the hematopoietic and immune system, which in the elderly results in an increased risk of infection, poor vaccination efficacy, anemia and blood cancers. It is now well established that age-related dysfunction of the entire hematopoietic system originates from hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), which lose their fitness over time. Single-cell transcriptomic technologies enable the uncovering and characterization of cellular heterogeneity and pave the way for studies aiming at understanding the origin and consequences of it. The hematopoietic system is in essence a very well adapted model system to benefit from this technological advance because it is characterized by different cellular states. Each cellular state, and its interconnection, may be defined by a specific location in the global transcriptional landscape sustained by a complex regulatory network. This transcriptomic signature is not fixed and evolved over time to give rise to less efficient hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), leading to a well-documented hematopoietic aging. 
  • 398
  • 18 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Single Cell RNAseq of PBMCs in Stored Blood
With highly sensitive single cell RNA-seq (scRNAseq), our study highlights the effects of blood storage on PBMCs, e.g. gene sets highly relevant to human diseases (NF-kB, AP-1 signaling) are upregulated, and advocates for scRNAseq/bulk RNAseq experiments of PBMCs from fresh blood.
  • 601
  • 06 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Single Cell Protein Production Using Different Fruit Waste
The single cell protein (SCP) refers to the dead, dried microbial cells or total protein extracted from the pure microbial culture of algae, bacteria, filamentous fungi, unicellular algae, and cyanobacteria cultivated on different carbon sources that are used as a protein supplement in human foods or animal feeds. Many studies reported that the wastes from various fruits such as orange, sweet orange, mango, banana, pomegranate, pineapple, grapes, watermelon, papaya, and many others are potential substrates for SCP production. These SCPs can be used as a protein supplement in human foods or animal feeds. 
  • 3.5K
  • 28 Jul 2022
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