Topic Review
Neural Stem Cell
Stem cells have extensive proliferative potential and the ability to differentiate into one or more mature cell types. The mechanisms by which stem cells accomplish self-renewal provide fundamental insight into the origin and design of multicellular organisms. These pathways allow the repair of damage and extend organismal life beyond that of component cells, and they probably preceded the evolution of complex metazoans.
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  • 11 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Hearing Loss in Mucopolysaccharidoses
Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are a group of lysosomal storage disorders caused by a deficiency of one of the enzymes involved in the degradation of glycosaminoglycans. Hearing loss is a common clinical presentation in MPS. MPS VI presents primarily with conductive hearing loss, while the other subtypes (MPS I, MPS II, MPS III, MPS IVA, and MPS VII) can present with any type of hearing loss (conductive, sensorineural, or mixed hearing loss). However, hearing loss is absent in MPS IVB and MPS IX. The sensorineural component develops as the disease progresses, but there is no consensus on the etiology of the sensorineural component. Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) is the most common therapy utilized for MPS, but the effects of ERT on hearing function have been inconclusive. This review highlights a need for more comprehensive and multidisciplinary research on hearing function that includes behavioral testing, objective testing, and temporal bone imaging. This information would allow for better understanding of the progression and etiology of hearing loss. Owing to the prevalence of hearing loss in MPS, early diagnosis of hearing loss and annual comprehensive audiological evaluations are recommended.
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  • 14 Aug 2020
Topic Review
Ammonia Classification and Biological Ammonia Production
Ammonia, a compound with the chemical formula NH3, is composed of two of the most ubiquitous elements on Earth—nitrogen and hydrogen. Ammonia is colorless and characterized by its pungent odor. Ammonia has a wide range of industrial and agricultural applications due to its unique properties
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  • 31 May 2023
Topic Review
Entomopathogen Isolation
Microbes that cause infections amongst insects leading to death or serious disabilities are known as entomopathogens. Entomopathogenic bacteria and fungi are quite frequently found in soils and insect cadavers. The first step in utilizing these microbes as biopesticides is to isolate them, and several culture media and insect baiting procedures have been tested in this direction. In this work, the authors review the current techniques that have been developed so far, in the last five decades, and display brief protocols which can be adopted for the isolations of these entomopathogens. Among bacteria, this study focuses on Serratia spp. and bacteria from the class Bacilli. Among fungi, the review focuses those from the order Hypocreales, for example, genera Beauveria, Clonostachys, Lecanicillium, Metarhizium, and Purpureocillium. The authors chose these groups of entomopathogenic bacteria and fungi based on their importance in the microbial biopesticide market.
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  • 13 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Plant Growth in Altered Gravity/Microgravity
Understanding how plants respond and adapt to extraterrestrial conditions is essential for space exploration initiatives. Deleterious effects of the space environment on plant development have been reported, such as the unbalance of cell growth and proliferation in the root meristem, or gene expression reprogramming. However, plants are capable of surviving and completing the seed-to-seed life cycle under microgravity. A key research challenge is to identify environmental cues, such as light, which could compensate the negative effects of microgravity.
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  • 31 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Aflatoxins in Cereals and Cereal-Based Products
Cereals and cereal-based products are primary sources of nutrition across the world. However, contamination of these foods with aflatoxins (AFs), secondary metabolites produced by several fungal species, has raised serious concerns. AF generation in innate substrates is influenced by several parameters, including the substrate type, fungus species, moisture content, minerals, humidity, temperature, and physical injury to the kernels. Consumption of AF-contaminated cereals and cereal-based products can lead to both acute and chronic health issues related to physical and mental maturity, reproduction, and the nervous system. Therefore, the precise detection methods, detoxification, and management strategies of AFs in cereal and cereal-based products are crucial for food safety as well as consumer health.
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  • 03 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Coenzyme Q10 and Oocyte Quality
Acquiring oocyte competence requires optimal mitochondrial function and adequate ATP levels. In this context, CoQ10 supplementation may improve human oocyte quality and subsequent reproductive performance given its role in ATP synthesis and mitochondrial protection from ROS oxidative damage. In infertility treatments, CoQ10 therapy can be orally supplied to promote a more favorable environment for oocyte development in vivo or by its addition to culture media in an attempt to improve its quality in vitro. 
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  • 16 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Endothelial to mesenchymal transition
Lung diseases, such as pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary fibrosis, are life-threatening diseases and have common features of vascular remodeling. During progression, extracellular matrix protein deposition and dysregulation of proteolytic enzymes occurs, which results in vascular stiffness and dysfunction. Although vasodilators or anti-fibrotic therapy have been mainly used as therapy owing to these characteristics, their effectiveness does not meet expectations. Therefore, a better understanding of the etiology and new therapeutic approaches are needed. Endothelial cells (ECs) line the inner walls of blood vessels and maintain vascular homeostasis by protecting vascular cells from pathological stimuli. Chronic stimulation of ECs by various factors, including pro-inflammatory cytokines and hypoxia, leads to ECs undergoing an imbalance of endothelial homeostasis, which results in endothelial dysfunction and is closely associated with vascular diseases.
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  • 22 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Finger Millet Seed Coat
Finger millet (FM) is one of the little millets grown in Asia and Africa. Although still classified as an “orphan crop”, there is an increasing interest in the research of FM seed coat (FMSC), also known as bran. It houses 90% of the seed’s polyphenols and dietary fibre. 
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  • 01 Dec 2022
Topic Review
MBD5-Associated Neurodevelopmental Disorder
MBD5-associated neurodevelopmental disorder (MAND) is a condition that affects neurological and physical development.
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  • 24 Dec 2020
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