Topic Review
Monoterpenes as Anticancer Therapeutic Agents
Terpenes—a diverse group of secondary metabolites—constitute the largest class of natural products abundant in almost every plant species.
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  • 17 May 2021
Topic Review
Phenolic Compounds in Functional Pasta
Phenolic compounds are lost during the refining of flour and semolina, hence commonly consumed pasta is not a carrier of these components. Consumption of food products rich in phenolic compounds has been associated to reduced risk of chronic disease onset. Hence, several strategies have been developed to formulate functional pasta rich in phenolic compounds.  Whole grain, legume and composite flours are the main substituents of durum wheat semolina used for this purpose. Plant by-products from industrial food wastes have been also used as functional ingredients. In addition, pre-processing technologies on raw materials such as sprouting, or the modulation of extrusion/extrusion-cooking conditions, are valuable approaches to increase phenolic content in pasta.
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  • 22 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Mental Health in Adults
High total intake of fruits and vegetables, and some of their specific subgroups including berries, citrus, and green leafy vegetables, may promote higher levels of optimism and self-efficacy, as well as reduce the level of psychological distress, ambiguity, and cancer fatalism, and protect against depressive symptoms. The general recommendation to consume at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day may be beneficial also for mental health.
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  • 30 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Amaryllidaceae Alkaloids
Alkaloids are an important group of specialized nitrogen metabolites with a wide range of biochemical and pharmacological effects. Since the first publication on lycorine in 1877, more than 650 alkaloids have been extracted from Amaryllidaceae bulbous plants and clustered together as the Amaryllidaceae alkaloids (AAs) family. 
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  • 31 May 2021
Topic Review
Extracellular Vesicles in Blood
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are important players for intercellular communication. EVs are secreted by almost all cell types; they can transfer information between nearby or distant cells, and they are highly abundant in body fluids. The present work provides an overview of the components, effects, and applications of EVs in blood.
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  • 26 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Molecular Progression of Prostate Cancer
We have witnessed noteworthy progress in our understanding of prostate cancer over the past decades. This basic knowledge has been translated into efficient diagnostic and treatment approaches leading to the improvement in patient survival. However, the molecular pathogenesis of prostate cancer appears to be complex, and histological findings often do not provide an accurate assessment of disease aggressiveness and future course. Moreover, we also witness tremendous racial disparity in prostate cancer incidence and clinical outcomes necessitating a deeper understanding of molecular and mechanistic bases of prostate cancer. Biological research heavily relies on model systems that can be easily manipulated and tested under a controlled experimental environment. Over the years, several cancer cell lines have been developed representing diverse molecular subtypes of prostate cancer. In addition, several animal models have been developed to demonstrate the etiological molecular basis of the prostate cancer. In recent years, patient-derived xenograft and 3-D culture models have also been created and utilized in preclinical research. This review is an attempt to succinctly discuss existing information on the cellular and molecular progression of prostate cancer. We also discuss available model systems and their tested and potential utility in basic and preclinical prostate cancer research.
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  • 24 Sep 2020
Topic Review
Neurotropic Black Yeast Exophiala dermatitidis
The neurotropic and extremophilic black yeast Exophiala dermatitidis (Herpotrichellaceae) inhabits diverse indoor environments, in particular bathrooms, steam baths and dishwashers. It can grow at human body temperature, assimilate cyclic hydrocarbons and human neurotransmitters. Accordingly, they are capable to grow in artificial and natural environments, including synthetic/rubber hydrocarbon-rich materials. Their polymorphic nature allows them to survive environmental stress, such as UV radiation, high temperatures, pH fluctuations, low water activity and others. E. dermatitidis is known as extremely plastic which has evolutionarily led to adaptation on the human body. It causes numerous infections in almost all human organs, and may also be associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
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  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Coronary Vasculitis
The term coronary “artery vasculitis” is used for a diverse group of diseases with a wide spectrum of manifestations and severity. Clinical manifestations may include pericarditis or myocarditis due to involvement of the coronary microvasculature, stenosis, aneurysm, or spontaneous dissection of large coronaries, or vascular thrombosis. As compared to common atherosclerosis, patients with coronary artery vasculitis are younger and often have a more rapid disease progression. Several clinical entities have been associated with coronary artery vasculitis, including Kawasaki’s disease, Takayasu’s arteritis, polyarteritis nodosa, ANCA-associated vasculitis, giant-cell arteritis, and more recently a Kawasaki-like syndrome associated with SARS-COV-2 infection.
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  • 11 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Fennec Fox
The Fennec Fox (Vulpes zerda) is a small, desert-dwelling fox species known for its distinctive large ears, which serve to dissipate heat and detect prey underground. Native to the arid regions of North Africa, particularly the Sahara Desert, the Fennec Fox is supremely adapted to its harsh environment, with specialized physiological and behavioral traits that enable survival in extreme conditions. Despite its diminutive size, the Fennec Fox is a highly efficient predator, preying on insects, small mammals, and birds, and its charming appearance has made it a popular subject of fascination and conservation efforts worldwide
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  • 08 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Microglial Staining
Neuroinflammation has recently been identified as a fundamentally important pathological process in most, if not all, CNS diseases. The main contributor to neuroinflammation is the microglia, which constitute the innate immune response system. Accurate identification of microglia and their reactivity state is therefore essential to further understanding of CNS pathophysiology. Many staining techniques have been used to visualise microglia in rodent and human tissue, and immunostaining is currently the most frequently used.
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  • 29 Apr 2022
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