Topic Review
Current Technologies and Target Crops in Australia
Indoor farm facilities are broadly categorised into the following three levels of technological advancement: low-, medium- and high-tech with corresponding challenges that require innovative solutions. Furthermore, limitations on indoor plant growth and protected cropping systems (e.g., high energy costs) have restricted the use of indoor agriculture to relatively few, high value crops. Hence, there is a need to develop new crop cultivars suitable for indoor agriculture that may differ from those required for open field production. In addition, protected cropping requires high start-up costs, expensive skilled labour, high energy consumption, and significant pest and disease management and quality control. Overall, protected cropping offers promising solutions for food security, while reducing the carbon footprint of food production. However, for indoor cropping production to have a substantial positive impact on global food security and nutritional security, the economical production of diverse crops will be essential. 
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  • 24 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Mycosporine-Like Amino Acids as Sunscreen
Prolonged exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation (UVR) can induce many chronic or acute skin disorders in humans. To protect themselves, many people have started to apply cosmetic products containing UV-screening chemicals alone or together with physical sunblocks, mainly based on titanium–dioxide (TiO2) or zinc-oxide (ZnO2). However, it has now been shown that the use of chemical and physical sunblocks is not safe for long-term application, so searches for the novel, natural UV-screening compounds derived from plants or bacteria are gaining attention. Certain photosynthetic organisms such as algae and cyanobacteria have evolved to cope with exposure to UVR by producing mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs). These are promising substitutes for chemical sunscreens containing commercially available sunblock filters. The use of biopolymers such as chitosan for joining MAAs together or with MAA-Np (nanoparticles) conjugates will provide stability to MAAs similar to the mixing of chemical and physical sunscreens. 
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  • 21 May 2021
Topic Review
Silver Nanoparticles in Plant Disease Management
Exploration of nanoparticles (NPs) for various biological and environmental applications has become one of the most important attributes of nanotechnology. Due to remarkable physicochemical properties, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are the most explored and used NPs in wide-ranging applications. Also, they have proven to be of high commercial use since they possess great chemical stability, conductivity, catalytic activity, and antimicrobial potential. Though several methods including chemical and physical methods have been devised, biological approaches using organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and plants have emerged as economical, safe, and effective alternatives for the biosynthesis of AgNPs. Recent studies highlight the potential of AgNPs in modern agricultural practices to control the growth and spread of infectious pathogenic microorganisms since the introduction of AgNPs effectively reduces plant diseases caused by a spectrum of bacteria and fungi.
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  • 15 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Viral Infections and Thymus
The thymus gland is a primary lymphoid organ for T-cell development. T-cells are one of the white blood cells that play a critical role in adaptive immune response. Various viral infections can result in the disturbance of thymic functions.
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  • 17 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Testis-Determining Factor
An Error has occurred retrieving Wikidata item for infobox Testis-determining factor (TDF), also known as sex-determining region Y (SRY) protein, is a DNA-binding protein (also known as gene-regulatory protein/transcription factor) encoded by the SRY gene that is responsible for the initiation of male sex determination in therian mammals (placental mammals and marsupials). SRY is an intronless sex-determining gene on the Y chromosome. Mutations in this gene lead to a range of disorders of sex development (DSD) with varying effects on an individual's phenotype and genotype. TDF is a member of the SOX (SRY-like box) gene family of DNA-binding proteins. When complexed with the SF1 protein, TDF acts as a transcription factor that causes upregulation of other transcription factors, most importantly SOX9. Its expression causes the development of primary sex cords, which later develop into seminiferous tubules. These cords form in the central part of the yet-undifferentiated gonad, turning it into a testis. The now-induced Leydig cells of the testis then start secreting testosterone, while the Sertoli cells produce anti-Müllerian hormone. SRY gene effects normally take place 6–8 weeks after fetus formation which inhibits the female anatomical structural growth in males. It also works towards developing the dominant male characteristics.
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  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
FTIR Spectroscopy as Diagnostic Tools
Infrared spectroscopy has long been used to characterize chemical compounds, but the applicability of this technique to the analysis of biological materials containing highly complex chemical components is arguable. However, recent advances in the development of infrared spectroscopy have significantly enhanced the capacity of this technique in analyzing various types of biological specimens. Consequently, there is an increased number of studies investigating the application of infrared spectroscopy in screening and diagnosis of various diseases. The lack of highly sensitive and specific methods for early detection of cancer has warranted the search for novel approaches. Being more simple, rapid, accurate, inexpensive, non-destructive and suitable for automation compared to existing screening, diagnosis, management and monitoring methods, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy can potentially improve clinical decision-making and patient outcomes by detecting biochemical changes in cancer patients at the molecular level. Besides the commonly analyzed blood and tissue samples, extracellular vesicle-based method has been gaining popularity as a non-invasive approach. Therefore, infrared spectroscopic analysis of extracellular vesicles could be a useful technique in the future for biomedical applications.
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  • 23 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Electrodiffusion in Neuroscience and NPP-Equations
There are two main processes governing the ionic transport, i.e., diffusion—the particle motion caused by a gradient of concentration, and migration—motion of ions caused by a gradient of electrical potential. These two processes are referred to as electrodiffusion. Electrodiffusion of electrolytes serves as a mean for communication in the nervous system. It can directly affect the excitatory transmission in the synaptic cleft. Electrodiffusion maintains the local ions concentration in brain extracellular spaces at heathy levels but may be also involved in the propagation of epileptic seizures during pathological conditions. The accurate interpretation of physiological observations requires better understanding of the underlying electrodiffusion phenomena.The description of electrodiffusion is very often performed using the Nernst–Planck–Poisson (NPP) model. It has been acknowledged that the spatiotemporal dynamics of the ion concentrations in thin dendrites and dendritic spines of nerve cells follow the Nernst–Planck equation, and sub-membrane currents in neuronal membrane have already been successfully described using the NPP model.
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  • 29 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Solidago virgaurea L
Solidago virgaurea L. (European goldenrod, Woundwort), Asteraceae, is a familiar medicinal plant in Europe and other parts of the world, widely used and among the most researched species from its genus. The aerial parts of European goldenrod have long been used for urinary tract conditions and as an anti-inflammatory agent in the traditional medicine of different peoples. Its main chemical constituents are flavonoids (mainly derived from quercetin and kaempferol), C6-C1 and C6-C3 compounds, terpenes (mostly from the essential oil), and a large number of saponin molecules (mainly virgaureasaponins and solidagosaponins). 
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  • 16 Dec 2020
Ralph Waldo Trine
Ralph Waldo Trine (October 26, 1866 – November 8, 1958) was an American philosopher, author, and teacher. He wrote many books on the New Thought movement. Trine was a close friend of Henry Ford and had several conversations with him about success in life. Born September 9, 1866,[1] in Mount Morris, Illinois,[2] Trine was the son of Samuel G. Trine and Ellen E. Newcomer.[3] He attended publi
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  • 30 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Antioxidant Capacity of Seminal Plasma
The total antioxidant capacity of seminal plasma is a very common way of presenting the antioxidant capabilities of the seminal plasma. This term is used to evaluate the total ability of a fluid to scavenge free radicals in solution. In general, fertile men have seminal plasma with a higher total antioxidant capacity than that of infertile patients.
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  • 26 Oct 2021
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