Topic Review
Local Brazilian Goat Breeds
Local Brazilian goat breeds comprise six main groups (Moxotó, Canindé, Repartida, Marota, Graúna, and Azul) and the non descript group derived from crosses.  Local Brazilian goat breeds is a vital genetic resource because they represent the main source of animal's protein to local smallholder communities in the Brazilian semiarid. 
  • 2.7K
  • 20 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Acinar Cells for Pancreatic Cancer
The carcinogenesis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) progresses according to multi-step evolution, whereby the disease acquires increasingly aggressive pathological features. Lineage-tracing experiments demonstrated that pancreatic cancerous lesions originate from acinar cells, a highly specialized cell type in the pancreatic epithelium. Acinar cells are polarized, pyramidal-shaped cells containing numerous acidophilic granules near the apical side. Those granules contain inactive proteases, which are activated and released into the tubular network upon activation. Primary acinar cells can survive in vitro as organoid-like 3D spheroids, which can transdifferentiate into cells with a clear ductal morphology in response to different cell- and non-cell-autonomous stimuli.This event, termed acinar-to-ductal metaplasia, recapitulates the histological and molecular features of disease initiation.
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  • 24 Sep 2020
Topic Review
British Sheep Breed Diversity
The UK can be proud of the fact that numerous native breeds of sheep have been developed here that possess unique phenotypic features and excellent productivity and are utilized throughout the world. Their remarkable popularity and further sustainable breeding on grass pastures of British Isles and elsewhere can benefit from genomic applications. At present, there is a rich arsenal of genetic and genomic resources, tools and applications used for livestock assessment, breeding and production including, first of all, genetic profiling of diverse breeds, and search for quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and candidate genes in farm animals. These genomic advances facilitate breed improvement and understanding of the genetic processes in the course of domestication and breed evolution.
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  • 27 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Maize/Sorghum as Raw Brewing Materials
Brewing is among the oldest biotechnological processes, in which barley malt and—to a lesser extent—wheat malt are used as conventional raw materials. Other cereals as corn and sorghum could also be used in  brewing.
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  • 06 May 2021
Topic Review
Agarwood, popularly known as oudh or gaharu, is a fragrant resinous wood of high commercial value, traded worldwide and primarily used for its distinctive fragrance in incense, perfumes, and medicine. This fragrant wood is created when Aquilaria trees are wounded and infected by fungi, producing resin as a defense mechanism. The depletion of natural agarwood caused by overharvesting amidst increasing demand has caused this fragrant defensive resin of endangered Aquilaria to become a rare and valuable commodity. Given that instances of natural infection are quite low, artificial induction, including biological inoculation, is being conducted to induce agarwood formation.
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  • 06 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Start School Later Movement
The movement to start school later consists of efforts by health care professionals, sleep scientists, educators, economists, legislators, parents, students, and other concerned citizens to restore a later start to the school day. Based on a growing body of evidence that starting middle and high schools too early in the morning is unhealthy, counterproductive, and incompatible with adolescent sleep needs and patterns. During the second half of the 20th century, many public schools in the United States began shifting instructional time earlier than the more conventional bell time, thought to be about 9 a.m. Today it is common for American schools to begin the instructional day in the 7 a.m. hour and end about seven hours later, around 2 p.m. Most sleep research suggests that morning classes should begin no earlier than 8:30 a.m. for middle and high school students. Advocates of a return to later school start times argue that sleep and school hours should be viewed as a public health issue, citing evidence linking early school start times to widespread sleep deprivation among teenagers as well as a wide array of acute and chronic physical, psychological, and educational problems. Not only do students consistently get significantly more sleep on school nights when their schools move to later start times, but later school hours have been consistently linked with improved school performance, reduced impulsiveness, and greater motivation, as well as with lower rates of depression, tardiness, truancy, and morning automobile accidents. Recent (2011) studies suggest that early school start times disproportionately hurt economically disadvantaged students and may even negatively impact future earning potential of students, offsetting any financial savings to the school system attributed to earlier hours.
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  • 06 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Pathophysiology of Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis refers to excessive bone loss as reflected by the deterioration of bone mass and microarchitecture, which compromises bone strength. It is a complex multifactorial endocrine disease. Its pathogenesis relies on the presence of several endogenous and exogenous risk factors, which skew the physiological bone remodelling to a more catabolic process that results in net bone loss.
  • 2.6K
  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Dowel-Type Joints in Timber Structures
Dowel-type joints are one of the most common connectors. They basically consist of one or more cylindrical steel dowels inserted into aligned holes of different elements. The dowels transmit loads between the elements, being subjected to opposite compressive forces on the contact area with each element. This causes the dowels to work under bending moments and shear forces. There is an almost infinite number of possible configurations for dowel-type joints.
  • 2.6K
  • 09 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Agricultural Extension for Smallholder Farmers
The creation of commercialization opportunities for smallholder farmers has taken primacy on the development agenda of many developing countries. Invariably, most of the smallholders are less productive than commercial farmers and continue to lag in commercialization. Apart from the various multifaceted challenges which smallholder farmers face, limited access to agricultural extension services stands as the underlying constraint to their sustainability. 
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  • 02 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Cereal–Legume Intercropping
With the current objective of moving away from monoculture and the development of the "ecological intensification" of agrosystems, the cereal-legume intercropping takes advantage of the symbiotic relationships that the legume develops with soil micro-organisms (rhizobiums). Legumes are capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen thanks to the nodules of its roots, and thus provide to this crop a part of its nitrogen needs. The choice of species and the proportion of grains to be sown are determined by the objectives of intercropping. For human food, simple mixtures are favoured (e.g. wheat/pea, barley/bean, triticale/pea). For fodder production, the number of species can be higher.
  • 2.6K
  • 27 Oct 2020
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