Topic Review
Nanocellulose from Agricultural Wastes
Nanocellulose-based composites are characterized for being highly biocompatible and scarcely toxic, which are the the major reasons for its use in numerous biomedical applications. Incorporation of nanocellulose to drug delivery systems could control both the manner drugs are released and the interactions with target molecules, thus increasing the effectiveness of drug administration. Changes on nanocellulose surface must be carried out to link drugs, non-ionic chemicals with hydrophobic character, to the nanopolymer.
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  • 18 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Epigenetics and Probiotics Application in Fish Reproductive Performance
Fish represent an excellent source of animal protein as well as a biomedical research model as a result of their evolutionary relatedness and similarity with the human genome. Commercial and ornamental fish culture has achieved popularity, but reproductive dysfunctions act as a limiting factor for quality fry production, interfering with the sustainability of the aquaculture industry. Fish reproduction is crucial for any species’ existence, and reproductive performance can potentially be improved through applications of epigenetics and probiotics. Epigenetics is a highly sensitive molecular approach that includes chromatin structure and function alteration, DNA methylation, and modification of non-coding RNA molecules for the transfer of desired information from parents to offspring. DNA methyltransferase improves reproductive cyp11a1, esr2b, and figla gene expression and feminizes zebrafish (Danio rerio). Moreover, epigenetics also contributes to genome stability, environmental plasticity, and embryonic development. However, methylation of specific genes can negatively affect sperm quality, resulting in poor fertilization. Probiotic administration is able to induce responsiveness of incompetent follicles to maturation-inducing hormones and can change oocyte chemical composition during vitellogenic development. The positive role of probiotics on testicular cells is validated by upregulating the transcription levels of leptin, bdnf, and dmrt1 genes facilitating the spermatogenesis.
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  • 02 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Torpor and hibernation are natural physiological processes. Torpor refers to a pe-riod of metabolic suppression with a duration from a few hours to several weeks. The state of torpor is probably older in evolutionary terms and was likely a survival strate-gy of protomammals. Hibernation is a more elaborate behavior, structured in many long bouts of torpor separated by brief interbouts of arousal.
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  • 23 Feb 2021
Topic Review
The “exposome” is the cumulative exposures (diet, exercise, environmental exposure, vaccination, genetics, etc.) an individual has experienced and provides a mechanism for the establishment of immune training or immunotolerance. It is becoming increasingly clear that trained immunity constitutes a delicate balance between the dose, duration, and order of exposures. Upon innate stimuli, trained immunity or tolerance is shaped by epigenetic and metabolic changes that alter hematopoietic stem cell lineage commitment and responses to infection. Due to the immunomodulatory role of the exposome, understanding innate immune training is critical for understanding why some individuals exhibit protective phenotypes while closely related individuals may experience immunotolerant effects (e.g., the order of exposure can result in completely divergent immune responses). Research on the exposome and trained immunity may be leveraged to identify key factors for improving vaccination development, altering inflammatory disease development, and introducing potential new prophylactic treatments, especially for diseases such as COVID-19, which is currently a major health issue for the world. Furthermore, continued exposome research may prevent many deleterious effects caused by immunotolerance that frequently result in host morbidity or mortality. 
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  • 09 Dec 2020
Topic Review
α-Synuclein Aggregation in Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease, the second most common neurodegenerative disorder worldwide, is characterized by the accumulation of protein deposits in the dopaminergic neurons. These deposits are primarily composed of aggregated forms of α-Synuclein (α-Syn). PD is a complex pathology initially associated with motor deficiencies, as a result of an acute neuronal loss in substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc), with a significant dopaminergic (DA) impairment.
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  • 31 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Food Waste Biorefinery
Food waste biorefineries for the production of biofuels, platform chemicals, and other bio-based materials can significantly reduce a huge environmental burden and provides opportunities for a sustainable way of chemical and material production.
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  • 17 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Carnitine Acyl-carnitine Carrier
The SLC25A20 transporter, also known as carnitine acyl-carnitine carrier (CAC), catalyzes the transport of short, medium and long carbon chain acyl-carnitines across the mitochondrial inner membrane in exchange for carnitine. The 30-year story of the protein responsible for this function started with its purification from rat liver mitochondria. 
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  • 07 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Design of Gold Nanoparticle Vertical Flow Assays
Vertical flow assays (VFAs) or flow-through assays have emerged as an alternate type of paper-based assay due to their faster detection time, larger sample volume capacity, and significantly higher multiplexing capabilities compared to lateral flow assays (LFAs).  VFA can be used for detecting important biomarkers in diagnostic medicine, particularly when VFA is paired with gold nanoparticle conjugation.
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  • 10 May 2022
Topic Review
Technologies for Seaweed Polysaccharides Extraction
Algal metabolites possess nutritional properties, but they also exhibit antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antiviral activities, which allow them to be involved in several pharmaceutical applications. Seaweeds have been incorporated since ancient times into diets as a whole food. With the isolation of particular seaweed compounds, it would be possible to develop new types of food with therapeutically properties. Polysaccharides make up the majority of seaweed biomass, which has triggered an increase in interest in using seaweed for commercial purposes, particularly in the production of agar, carrageenan, and alginate. The bio-properties of polysaccharides are strictly dependent to their chemical characteristics and structure, which varies depending on the species, their life cycles, and other biotic and abiotic factors. 
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  • 06 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Biofortified Products
Biofortification is widely regarded as a very valuable technique that increases the availability of micronutrients (vitamin A, selenium, zinc, iron and other micronutrients) absorbed by plants and transferred from them to consumers.
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  • 07 May 2021
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