Topic Review
Larval Feeding Guilds
Larval feeding guilds may affect pollinator ecology, evolution and diversity. I propose to evaluate the nutritional demands of pollinating insects from different larval feeding guilds and the nutrient supplies offered by their host plants/other larval food to explore the nutritional dimension of the ecology and evolution of pollinators and their host plants.
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  • 05 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Conservation (Ethic)
Conservation's goals include protecting species from extinction, maintaining and restoring habitats, enhancing ecosystem services and protecting biological diversity. A range of values underlie conservation, which can be guided by biocentrism, anthropocentrism, ecocentrism and sentientism. There has recently been a movement towards evidence-based conservation which calls for greater use of scientific evidence to improve the effectiveness of conservation efforts.
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  • 27 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Volatile Organic Compounds
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are promising alternatives to synthetic pesticides in pest and disease management. VOCs are gaining interest due to the various advantages of their application, such as the reduction in residuals in the environment and their ease of application in different agricultural systems. 
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  • 18 Apr 2023
Topic Review Video
Bee Nutritional Demands
For all bee species, the pollen quality determines the overall quality of the larval food, influences the development of individuals and shapes their populations. However, not all plants produce pollen that fully satisfies the nutritional requirements of bees. Lack of understanding of the nutritional requirements of wild bees may lead to unintended negative effects of conservation efforts. Ecological stoichiometry provides an approach to better understand the nutritional constraints on growing and developing organisms and their colonies and populations. It makes reference to elements that, if scarce in the environment, prevent the construction of biologically important organic molecules. The least understood aspect of the nutritional requirements of bees concerns stoichiometric balancing and the need for adequate ratios of nutritional elements in consumed food. This text provides theoretical foundation for the project aiming at determining the likely limitations imposed on wild bees by the lack of nutritionally balanced pollen. The following hypotheses may be tested: 1. Pollen stoichiometry vary among plant species and populations but will differ more widely among species than within different populations of the same species.2. The stoichiometry of bees will vary substantially among bee species and between sexes within a species, which suggests the existence of different nutritional demands. Therefore, it is expected that the stoichiometric mismatches experienced by bees will vary in a species-specific and sex-specific manner.3. For a given bee species, specific pollen species allow the overcoming of stoichiometric mismatches and will balance the diet. Accordingly, it is expected expect that flora diversity and, thus, pollen diversity matches the stoichiometric niches of bees. I predict that the occurrence of specific key host plant species that produce stoichiometrically desirable pollen allows bees to stoichiometrically balance their diets. The project may ask if and how floral diversity, particularly the accessibility of nutritionally desirable key species, may influence bee populations. The obtained data will allow the parameterization of a conceptual model of nutritional limitations (to be developed in the future), which will enable to predict how floral community influences wild bee populations via supply and demand of nutrients.
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  • 05 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Epulis (Greek: ἐπουλίς; plural epulides) is any tumor like enlargement (i.e. lump) situated on the gingival or alveolar mucosa. The word literally means "(growth) on the gingiva", and describes only the location of the mass and has no further implications on the nature of the lesion. There are three types: fibromatous, ossifying and acanthomatous. The related term parulis (commonly called a gumboil) refers to a mass of inflamed granulation tissue at the opening of a draining sinus on the alveolus over (or near to) the root of an infected tooth. Another closely related term is gingival enlargement, which tends to be used where the enlargement is more generalized over the whole gingiva rather than a localized mass.
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  • 30 Nov 2022
Topic Review
The Principles and Characteristics of NIR Spectroscopy
Spectroscopy technology is a popular method for quantitative and qualitative analysis in fields such as agricultural products and foods by combining with various chemometric methods. In fact, this is the application basis for spectroscopy and spectral imaging techniques in other fields such as genetics and transgenic monitoring. There has been considerable research using spectroscopy (especially near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy) for the effective identification of agricultural products and foods. The principles and characteristics of NIR spectroscopy and its applications in the detection of transgenic agricultural products and foods are described.
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  • 03 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Induction of heme oxygenase-1 Expression
Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) catalyzes the degradation of heme molecules releasing equimolar amounts of biliverdin, iron and carbon monoxide. Its expression is induced in response to stress signals such as reactive oxygen species and inflammatory mediators with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive consequences for the host. Interestingly, several intracellular pathogens responsible for major human diseases have been shown to be powerful inducers of HO-1 expression in both host cells and in vivo. Studies have shown that this HO-1 response can be either host detrimental by impairing pathogen control or host beneficial by limiting infection induced inflammation and tissue pathology. These properties make HO-1 an attractive target for host-directed therapy (HDT) of the diseases in question, many of which have been difficult to control using conventional antibiotic approaches.
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  • 10 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Secoiridoids from Olea europaea L.
Iridoids, which have beneficial health properties, include a wide group of cyclopentane [c] pyran monoterpenoids present in plants and insects. The cleavage of the cyclopentane ring leads to secoiridoids. Mainly, secoiridoids have shown a variety of pharmacological effects including anti-diabetic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, neuroprotective, anti-cancer, and anti-obesity, which increase the interest of studying these types of bioactive compounds in depth. Secoiridoids are thoroughly distributed in several families of plants such as Oleaceae, Valerianaceae, Gentianaceae and Pedialaceae, among others. Specifically, Olea europaea L. (Oleaceae) is rich in oleuropein (OL), dimethyl-OL, and ligstroside secoiridoids, and their hydrolysis derivatives are mostly OL-aglycone, oleocanthal (OLE), oleacein (OLA), elenolate, oleoside-11-methyl ester, elenoic acid, hydroxytyrosol (HTy), and tyrosol (Ty). These compounds have proved their efficacy in the management of diabetes, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, and viral and microbial infections. Particularly, the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties of secoiridoids from the olive tree (Olea europaea L. (Oleaceae)) have been suggested as a potential application in a large number of inflammatory and reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated diseases.
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  • 28 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Horned lizards (Phrynosoma), also known as horny toads or horntoads, are a genus of North American lizards and the type genus of the family Phrynosomatidae. The common names refer directly to their horns or to their flattened, rounded bodies, and blunt snouts. The generic name Phrynosoma means "toad-bodied". In common with true toads (amphibians of the family Bufonidae), horned lizards tend to move sluggishly, often remain motionless, and rely on their remarkable camouflage to avoid detection by predators. They are adapted to arid or semiarid areas. The spines on the lizard's back and sides are modified reptile scales, which prevent water loss through the skin, whereas the horns on the head are true horns (i.e., they have a bony core). Of the 22 species of horned lizards, 15 are native to the United States. The largest-bodied and most widely distributed of the US species is the Texas horned lizard.
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  • 26 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Drought Stress
Drought is one of the most important factors restricting agricultural production, which seriously affects crop yield.
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  • 18 May 2021
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