Topic Review
Graphene Derivatives in Caries Management
Graphene is a two-dimensional mono-atomic sp2 hybridized carbon-based nanomaterial known as the thinnest and strongest element in existence. Dental caries is the chronic local damage of dental hard tissue (enamel, dentin, and cementum) that acidic byproducts of bacterial metabolism of dietary carbohydrates often cause, and periodontal disease is the inflammation of periodontium (gums, periodontal ligaments, and alveolar bone surrounding the teeth); both are associated with microbes. 
  • 712
  • 29 Sep 2022
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Dental Patients’ Perspective on COVID-19: A Systematic Review
The COVID-19 epidemic has changed patients’ approach to dental treatments. While dentists worldwide have shown an excellent level of adaptability to face the new challenges presented by the unprecedented situation due to the rapid spread of COVID-19, dental patients have witnessed a sudden suspension of elective treatments and a slow resumption of dental care activities after several national lockdowns. In addition, the general climate of anxiety and fear due to the high COVID-19 risk and the high level of mortality has influenced the perception and attitudes of people towards dental activity, inducing many dental patients to avoid appointments to the dentist if not highly urgent. We present an overview of the current state of knowledge about dental patients’ perception, perspective, attitude, and expectations towards a full resumption of regular dental treatments.
  • 773
  • 27 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Solvents in Non-Surgical Endodontic Retreatment
Non-surgical endodontic retreatment is a reliable conservative option for managing post-treatment apical periodontitis. However, effective microbial control, based on the maximization of filling removal and disinfection protocols, is not yet predictable. Traditional gutta-percha solvents, which are indistinctively used for both the core and sealer filling materials, became obsolete due to unprecedented advances in endodontic technology. Nonetheless, microtomography, scanning electronic microscopy findings, and histobacteriological analysis tend to confirm the persistence of filling materials and the lack of association between root canal enlargement and superior disinfection. There is a controversy regarding the most suitable clinical protocols surrounding the shaping procedures and the supplementary disinfection steps.
  • 527
  • 23 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Cranial and Odontological Methods for Sex Estimation
The estimation of sex from osteological remains can be achieved using three major types of methods: morphological assessment (non-metric) of teeth and bone traits that exhibit dimorphic features, morphometric assessment (by measuring specific quantifiable features of bones and teeth) and biochemical analysis.
  • 534
  • 22 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Compromised Teeth Preserve or Extract
Prognosis involves “the prediction of the course or outcome of an existing disease, based on empirical information, as well as the ability to recover from the disease”. In dentistry, the predictive probability of dental mortality is based on the stability of the supporting tissues.
  • 493
  • 20 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Microbiota and Oral Cancer
A complex balanced equilibrium of the bacterial ecosystems exists in the oral cavity that can be altered by tobacco smoking, psychological stressors, bad dietary habit, and chronic periodontitis. Oral dysbiosis can promote the onset and progression of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) through the release of toxins and bacterial metabolites, stimulating local and systemic inflammation, and altering the host immune response. During the process of carcinogenesis, the composition of the bacterial community changes qualitatively and quantitatively. Bacterial profiles are characterized by targeted sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene in tissue and saliva samples in patients with OSCC. The human microbiota may determine the response to cancer therapy through different mechanisms, and thus may positively or negatively influence the outcome.
  • 529
  • 14 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Silver Diamine Fluoride in Arresting Caries
Dental caries is a painful condition that could lead to nutritional problems which affects the overall health of the child, as well it is expensive to treat. 
  • 294
  • 13 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Velopharyngeal Insufficiency Treatment in Cleft Palate Patients
Cleft lip and palate (CLP) are one of the most common congenital anomalies with a global prevalence of 1:700. Velopharyngeal insufficiency may occur as a result of an anatomical or structural defect and may be present in patients with cleft lip and palate. The treatment options presented in the literature are varied, covering invasive and non-invasive methods.
  • 405
  • 09 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Applications of Biodegradable Magnesium-Based Materials
Reconstruction of defects in the maxillofacial region following traumatic injuries, craniofacial deformities, defects from tumor removal, or infections in the maxillofacial area represents a major challenge for surgeons. Various materials have been studied for the reconstruction of defects in the maxillofacial area. Biodegradable metals have been widely researched due to their excellent biological properties. Magnesium (Mg) and Mg-based materials have been extensively studied for tissue regeneration procedures due to biodegradability, mechanical characteristics, osteogenic capacity, biocompatibility, and antibacterial properties. 
  • 533
  • 07 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Porphyromonas gingivalis on Biomaterials
It was found that Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis) was frequently found at the peri-implantitis site. P. gingivalis is a Gram-negative, obligately anaerobic, non-motile, and non-spore-forming bacterium with several virulence factors: hyaluronidase and chondroitin sulfatase enzymes, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) capsule, fimbriae, collagenase, and aminopeptidase.
  • 516
  • 02 Sep 2022
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