Topic Review
Factors Affecting N2O Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Plants
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) generate significant amounts of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide (N2O) is an important greenhouse gas with a global warming potential (GWP) 273 times that of carbon dioxide (CO2), contributing to ozone layer depletion and climate change. Therefore, even small amounts of N2O emissions can significantly contribute to total greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. Thus, it can be concluded that the minimization of N2O emissions and the identification of the factors controlling these emissions constitute a great challenge.
  • 204
  • 07 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Factors Affecting Pedogenic Carbonate Formation and Recrystallization
As a principal part of the atmosphere–lithosphere interface, soil plays a key role in regulating the atmospheric CO2 concentration and global climate. Comprising two major pools (carbonate in soils and bicarbonate in groundwater), soil inorganic carbon (SIC) is deemed as the primary carbon (C) sink and source in areas with low mean annual rainfall. SIC may originate from soil parent material or from the formation of secondary carbonate when divalent cations from an extraneous source are supplied. The latter may result in pedogenic carbonate (PC) formation, increasing soil C content and sequestering atmospheric carbon. Since the sequestration of atmospheric CO2 through formation of pedogenic carbonate is gaining popularity as a method to support climate change mitigation efforts and to claim carbon credits, the mechanisms influencing the formation and migration of pedogenic carbonate need to be well understood.
  • 858
  • 06 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Factors Affecting SIC Formation in Arid Soils
Soil inorganic carbon (SIC) has received increasing attention due to the high accumulation of SIC in arid soils contributed by its high temperature, low soil moisture, less vegetation, high salinity, and poor microbial activities. SIC storage in dryland soils is a complex process comprising multiple interactions of several factors such as climate, land use types, farm management practices, irrigation, inherent soil properties, soil biotic factors, etc. In addition, soil C studies in deeper layers of drylands have opened-up several study aspects on SIC storage. 
  • 892
  • 27 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Factors in Expectation Confirmation Model
Bhattacherjee studied the continuance intention of online banking by using the ECM, which added the perceived usefulness variable in the technology acceptance model, and established a model for inspecting users’ continuance intention of an information system (IS). The ECM has four constructs: confirmation, perceived usefulness, satisfaction, and IS continuance intention. Among them, confirmation refers to the consistency between users’ expectations and the actual performance of the IS. Perceived usefulness refers to users’ expected benefits from using an IS. This construct is similar to performance expectancy in UTAUT, as both describe users’ perceived benefits from using an IS. Satisfaction refers to users’ feelings while using the IS. Finally, IS continuance intention refers to users’ intentions to continue using the IS.
  • 322
  • 18 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Factors of Consumer Attitudes towards Organic Food Products
Globally, organic food production and consumption have significantly increased, driven largely by perceived positive impacts on consumer health, the environment, and sustainable development. In emerging economies, consumers often lack trust in institutions which are responsible for ensuring food safety and quality. Certification is the most influential factor in consumers’ attitudes towards organic food products. In addition, actors involved in the organic food system should make an effort to better communicate the health, environmental, and social benefits associated with the consumption of organic food products to consumers, given that health and environmental issues significantly influence consumers’ attitudes towards organic food products. A joint effort should be made to increase awareness and knowledge of the provision of other positive externalities of organic farming, including other sustainability aspects related to animal welfare, rural development, local origin, and respect for human rights. This indicates that there is potential for growth of the organic market considering that most consumers have concerns about food safety, health, and the environment.
  • 1.4K
  • 13 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Farmers in Adopting Climate Adaptation Measures in Itay
Concerns raised about climate risks on agriculture indicate that adaptation of the agricultural sector to climate change is necessary to mitigate the negative consequences of climate change. Despite many opportunities to implement climate adaptation measures at farm level, there are several obstacles to their adoption. Farmers’ decision to implement adaptation measures lies in the difficulty of accessing knowledge about adaptation practices and in the lack of resources for upfront investments required by adaptation.
  • 159
  • 23 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Farmland Consumption of Biogas Slurry
Biogas slurry (BS) is an attractive agricultural waste resource which can be used to regulate soil microbial communities, enhance nutrient absorption capacity of crops, promote plant–soil interactions, and consequently, increase crop productivity.
  • 260
  • 16 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Female Fertility and Environmental Pollution
Terrestrial ecosystems are contaminated by heavy metals and organic chemicals that can be taken up by and accumulate in crop plants, and water tables are heavily contaminated by untreated industrial discharges. As deadly particulates can drift far, poor air quality has become a significant global problem and one that is not exclusive to major industrialized cities. The consequences are a dramatic impairment of our ecosystem and biodiversity and increases in degenerative or man-made diseases. In this respect, it has been demonstrated that environmental pollution impairs fertility in all mammalian species. The worst consequences are observed for females since the number of germ cells present in the ovary is fixed during fetal life, and the cells are not renewable. This means that any pollutant affecting hormonal homeostasis and/or the reproductive apparatus inevitably harms reproductive performance. 
  • 913
  • 18 Jan 2021
Topic Review
The use of new technologies for the removal of pollutants from wastewater has become globally necessary due to the complexity and facilities defined by conventional treatments. Advanced oxidative processes, specifically the Fenton process, have become widely applied given their low cost and ease of use.
  • 355
  • 22 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Fermented Foods and Gut Microbiota
Fermented foods and beverages are generally defined as products made by microbial organisms and enzymatic conversions of major and minor food components. Further to the commonly-recognized effects of nutrition on the digestive health and well-being, there is now strong evidence for the impact of fermented foods and beverages, produced or preserved by the action of microorganisms, on general health, namely their significance on the gut microbiota balance and brain functionality. 
  • 818
  • 19 May 2021
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