Topic Review
Hyperbolic Barriers in Geophysical Flows and Their Extraction
Transport barriers are material surfaces across which the transport is minimal. They can be classified into elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic barriers. Hyperbolic barriers are less evident. They are the most influential repelling and attracting material lines (or surfaces in 3D cases) with the strongest local stability, which can be identified in real oceanic and atmospheric flows by calculating the maximal Lyapunov exponents. The transport barriers are fundamental features controlling the movement of anthropogenic and natural pollutants, plankton, cross-shelf exchange, and the propagation of upwelling fronts in coastal zones.
  • 360
  • 23 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Hyperspectral Imaging Applied to Sediment Core Analysis
The color analysis of sediment in the laboratory has followed important technological developments in closely related fields, such as the analysis of soils and sedimentary rocks, as well as in more distant fields, such as remote sensing. This has led to the development of sensors allowing the analysis of color and, more generally, of the electromagnetic spectrum of light to answer problems of rapidity, high resolution, automation, and increasing the amount of interesting information remotely without affecting the sample. The hyperspectral imaging sensor will be the focus of this practical guide. 
  • 665
  • 23 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Plant
Hyperspectral remote sensing provides image data with very high spectral resolution. This high resolution allows subtle differences in plant health to be recognized. Such a multidimensional data space, generated by hyperspectral sensors, has given rise to new approaches and methods for analyzing hyperspectral data.
  • 1.6K
  • 31 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Hypoxia Environment Training Protocols
The relevant oxygen concentrations, exposure protocols, and training periods should be considered to determine training prescriptions for different sports. In the hypoxia high-intensity interval training protocol, there is an increase in physiological changes to cardiorespiratory function, power output, hemodynamic function, and performance efficacy. However, improvements in these parameters do not always produce effective results, as they depend on the training duration and the athlete’s proficiency. 
  • 335
  • 31 Oct 2023
Topic Review
IAQ and Façade–Ventilation Systems
Poor indoor air quality affects the health of the occupants of a given structure or building. It reduces the effectiveness of learning and work efficiency. Among many pollutants, PM 2.5 and 10 dusts are extremely important. They can be eliminated using mechanical ventilation equipped with filters. Façade ventilation devices are used as a way to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) in existing buildings. For their analysis, researchers used carbon dioxide as a tracer gas. They have shown that façade ventilation devices are an effective way to improve IAQ, but require further analysis due to the sensitivity of façade ventilation devices to the effects of wind and outdoor temperature. In addition, legal regulations in some countries require verification in order to enable the use of this type of solution as a way to improve IAQ in an era characterised by the effort to transform buildings into passive houses (standard for energy efficiency in a building). 
  • 805
  • 04 Mar 2021
Topic Review
IAQ in Museum Display Cases
The control of air quality in museum showcases is a growing issue for the conservation of the displayed artefacts. Inside an airtight showcase, volatile substances may rapidly concentrate and favor or directly cause the degradation or other unwanted phenomena on the objects. The role of materials used in the construction of museum display cases as a source of pollutants and volatile compounds dangerous for the cultural heritage integrity is here reviewed with an illustration of consequences and critical damages. Ways of assessing the suitability of materials used either in the construction or in use of the display cases are also discussed altogether with an overview of the possible choices for monitoring the air quality and limiting the concentration of volatile compounds in their interior.
  • 586
  • 29 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Iberian Peninsula under Climate Change
This entry presents the results of a systematic review of temperature and precipitation extremes over the Iberian Peninsula, focusing on observed changes in temperature and precipitation during the past years and what are the projected changes by the end of the 21st century. The purpose of this entry is to assess the current literature about extreme events and their change under global warming. Observational and climate modeling studies from the past decade were considered in this entry.
  • 718
  • 18 Feb 2022
Topic Review
ICON Single-Column Mode
The ICON (ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic) SCM (single-column mode) is a single-column configuration of the ICON modeling framework. The primary purpose of the ICON SCM is to use it as a tool for research, model evaluation and development. Thanks to the simplified geometry of the ICON SCM, various aspects of the ICON model, in particular the model physics, can be studied in a well-controlled environment. Additionally, the ICON SCM has a reduced computational cost and a low data storage demand. The ICON SCM can be utilized for idealized cases—several well-established cases are already included—or for semi-realistic cases based on analyses or model forecasts.
  • 578
  • 05 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Illegal Toxic Waste Dumping
Poor management of hazardous waste can lead to environmental pollution, injuries, and adverse health risks. Children’s exposure to hazardous waste may cause serious acute and chronic health problems due to their higher vulnerability to the toxic effects of chemicals. 
  • 1.8K
  • 24 Mar 2021
Topic Review
The Illite-Age-Analysis (IAA) method was first proposed by Pevear (1992, 1999)for the catalytic dating of sedimentary basins. After van der Pluijm et al. (2001) discovered a new application for defining the age of fault-thrust development with the IAA method, it has been applied to the shallow faults of various tectonic environments by a number of researchers for the past 20 years, and has played a decisive role in the study of tectonic evolution and understanding of seismic phenomena. In particular, the development of the WILDFIRE© program by Reynolds (1994)has made great strides in the quantitative analysis of illite polytype by simulating the 1M/1Mdpolytype patterns.
  • 680
  • 11 Nov 2021
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