Topic Review
Pyrolysis and Gasification Mechanism of Biomass
Biomass can be converted to energy by using thermochemical and biochemical methodsecology; environmental; biomass; pyrolysis. Biochemical methods, including anaerobic digestion and fermentation, constitute the transformation of cellulose and hemicellulose into biofuel at the stages of hydrolysis and fermentation. At present, biochemical methods are cost-intensive, and involve problems with using lignin-rich biomass.
  • 2.4K
  • 26 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids
Pyrethrins and pyrethroids are a dominating group of insecticidal compounds that have been used for a long time and are still being used today, due to their potency and their variability. From natural pyrethrins, which can be utilized especially for their biodegradable properties, to the synthetic derivatives, pyrethroids, which may be used for their potency, this class of organic insecticides displays a lot of variability. It must be acknowledged that without plants, and plant metabolites, a great area of the insecticide compound class would be missing.
  • 240
  • 15 Jan 2024
Topic Review
PVTv2 for Deep Hash Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
For high-resolution remote sensing image retrieval tasks, single-scale features cannot fully express the complexity of the image information. Due to the large volume of remote sensing images, retrieval requires extensive memory and time. Researchers propose an end-to-end deep hash remote sensing image retrieval model (PVTA_MSF) by fusing multi-scale features based on the Pyramid Vision Transformer network (PVTv2).
  • 167
  • 16 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Purification of Biodiesel Glycerol from Waste Oils
To facilitate the glycerol purification, it is important to know the composition of glycerol from the biodiesel obtained from waste oils and how these oils and the type of biodiesel synthesis influence the glycerol composition. First, different glycerol impurities were studied based on the oil origin and the used catalysts. Thus, the glycerol impurities are detailed to show their influence on the glycerol or on its transformation in other products. Different glycerol characterization techniques were used to determine the purity level and properties of glycerol. The main interest of this part is to describe different methods to purify glycerol and to understand its composition and its utilization.
  • 2.8K
  • 20 May 2022
Topic Review
Public Opinion on Global Warming
Public opinion on global warming is the aggregate of attitudes or beliefs held by the adult population concerning the science, economics, and politics of global warming. It is affected by media coverage of climate change.
  • 1.7K
  • 11 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Public Acceptance of Autonomous Vehicles in Public Transportation
The field of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is advancing rapidly, with prototype development and on-road testing of AVs frequently occurring, suggesting that AV deployment for public transportation may soon become a reality.
  • 501
  • 11 May 2023
Topic Review
Protection Forest of Pagaibamba (Peru)
The protection of natural areas is considered an essential strategy for environment conservation. Researchers was to determine the level of vulnerability, considering the characterization and identification of the risk zones and ecological protection of the Pagaibamba Protection Forest (PPF, Peru). To determine the vulnerable areas, Landsat ETM satellite images, topographic, geological, ecological, and vegetation cover maps were used. Geological, physiographic, edaphological, vegetation cover, and land use potential characteristics, were analyzed. Three Ecological Protection and Risk Zones were identified, with the largest extension of the PPF corresponding to lands of very high and high vulnerability and high ecological risk, which include >85% of Protected Natural Areas (PNA) and 54% of the Buffer Zone (BZ). Moderate risk areas represent 30% of the Buffer Zone (BZ) and 13% of the PNA, and the low-risk areas (represent 15% of the BZ and 2% of the PNA). 
  • 463
  • 06 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Protected Areas in Lebanon
Protected areas (PA) play a significant role in the conservation of the world’s habitats and the protection of biodiversity that have become highly threatened by devastating anthropocentric practices. In addition, protected areas, especially biosphere reserves (BR), are considered effective instruments for both nature conservation and rural development. However, their impact on rural communities constitutes the most controversial debate in conservation policy and practice.
  • 480
  • 01 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Prosopis Species in South Africa
The infestation of invasive plants such as Prosopis species does not only affect the groundwater levels but also threatens the grazing capacity and species richness of most of the semi-arid areas around South Africa. Though Prosopis is invasive, it is however of good nutritive value and can serve as an alternative source of protein and minerals for livestock during the dry season. Bush encroachment by browsable invasive species can be controlled through biological methods by using organisms such as livestock. 
  • 1.5K
  • 30 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Properties of Moringa Oleifera Seeds
Because the seeds of Moringa Oleifera contain a water-soluble cationic coagulant protein, they are used as a primary coagulant in drinking water clarification and wastewater treatment through their ability to reduce the turbidity of treated water. These proteins are considered the most widely investigated plant-based coagulant, having been researched by several scholars.The seeds of Moringa Oleifera possess good coagulating properties comparable to commercial alum used in turbidity removal.
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  • 08 Mar 2023
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