Topic Review
Climatic Threats and Adaptation of Marine Biodiversity
Oceans play a vital role in socioeconomic and environmental development by supporting activities such as tourism, recreation, and food provision while providing important ecosystem services. However, concerns have been raised about the threat that climate change poses to the functions of oceans.
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  • 23 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Using Storytelling as a Means Of Teaching
Storytelling was an important part of my culture and an intrinsic part of people’s way of life. As I grew up and went to school, storytelling was one the ways of learning and conveying important information about the culture, world views, morals, expectations, norms and values. 
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  • 03 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Driving Mechanism of Spring-Algal-Bloom in Lakes Freeze-Thaw Processes
Lakes are important carriers of surface water resources, playing a role in protecting biodiversity, maintaining ecological balance within the watershed, and supplying fresh water. The migration pathways and rates of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients to lakes have exhibited diversity and variability under the dual pressure of global warming and human activities. The algal blooms in mid- to high-latitude lakes are facing challenges such as earlier outbreak times, longer duration, and increased frequency of occurrence. Previous studies have found that the presence of freeze-thaw processes is the key to promoting the mechanism of algal blooms in mid- to high-latitude lakes, which is different from that in low-latitude lakes. Hence, how to reveal the impact mechanism of freeze-thaw processes on the occurrence and development of spring algal blooms is crucial for water-environment management.
  • 146
  • 30 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Resilient Renewable Energy: Strategies During Supply Chain Disruptions
Maintaining progress on greenhouse gas reduction goals is crucial even during supply chain disruptions, as these disruptions can significantly impact the availability of critical components and materials, thereby affecting project timelines and financial performance. Strategies to comply with these goals include prioritizing investments in research and development (R&D) to enhance resilience and efficiency, fostering long-term partnerships with suppliers to ensure priority access to necessary resources, and expanding the development of bioenergy companies that rely on locally or regionally sourced organic materials, among other measures​.
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  • 26 Jun 2024
Topic Review
Effects of Climate Change on Northeastern American Forests
Forests and forestry-related industries and ecosystem services play a critical role in the daily life of all societies, including in cultural, ecological, social, economic, and environmental aspects. Globally, there are about 4.1 billion hectares of forestland. In the United States, there are about 304 million hectares of forestland, covering about 34% of the total land area, and the forest product industry produces over USD 200 billion worth of forestry products annually. Evidence suggests these precious resources may be negatively impacted by climate change via direct and indirect processes, including wildfires, insect/pest pressure, drought, extreme storm events, increased air temperature, solar radiation, vapor pressure deficit, and other factors and variables that can be detrimental.
  • 140
  • 19 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Ecotoxicological Impact of Bioplastics Biodegradation
The emergence of bioplastics presents a promising solution to the environmental impact of the plastics industry. Bioplastics are engineered to degrade in aquatic or soil environments. However, not all bioplastics are completely biodegradable, and some, like petrochemical-based plastics, may contribute to plastic pollution. The biodegradability of bioplastics is significantly different in different environmental conditions such as soil, marine, and composting environments. At the same time, bioplastics produced from natural resources contain a mixture of known and unknown materials and show 32% cytotoxicity, 42% oxidative stress, 67% baseline toxicity, and 23% antiandrogenicity in bioassays. The extensive biodegradation of bioplastics in soil can also change the soil nutrients, leading to eutrophication or stunted plant growth. However, many concerns have arisen, according to which bioplastics may not be an alternative option for global plastic pollution in the long run, and limited studies focus on this scenario. 
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  • 22 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Semi-Supervised Learning for Forest Cover Mapping
Forest cover mapping is of paramount importance for environmental monitoring, biodiversity assessment, and forest resource management. In the realm of forest cover mapping, significant advancements have been made by leveraging fully supervised semantic segmentation models. However, the process of acquiring a substantial quantity of pixel-level labelled data is prone to time-consuming and labour-intensive procedures. 
  • 132
  • 28 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Biopiracy and Its Impact on Traditional Communities
Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar o impacto da biopirataria na vida cotidiana de comunidades tradicionais, particularmente aquelas que residem em áreas de intensa exploração de recursos naturais, como a Amazônia. Inicialmente, a análise começou com uma revisão de bases de dados para encontrar literatura abordando as principais comunidades afetadas por tais atividades e o impacto em suas vidas, incluindo violações de seus direitos humanos. Este estudo se baseia exclusivamente na revisão de bibliografias atuais encontradas em arquivos brasileiros. Foi constatado que desde os primórdios do descobrimento do Brasil, os recursos naturais têm sido implacavelmente contrabandeados para várias colônias com fins lucrativos, deixando os nativos sem acesso aos seus próprios bens naturais e privando-os de suas atividades rotineiras. Até hoje, não há salvaguardas contra tais práticas. Além disso, a biopirataria dificulta a implementação dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS), pois ameaça a conservação e o uso sustentável da biodiversidade.
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  • 09 Aug 2024
Topic Review
Recent Advances in Predictability and Prediction Using PDE-Based, AI-Powered, and Idealized Generalized Lorenz Models
In recent years, substantial progress has been achieved in the domain of atmospheric predictability and forecasting, harnessing both traditional partial differential equation (PDE)-based methods and advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Drawing on our recent comprehensive review of predictability studies, this investigation explores the potential for extending the two-week predictability limit initially proposed in the 1960s. While PDE-physics-based systems have consistently provided valuable insights, the emergence of AI-powered models, particularly those employing deep learning and transformer-based architectures, has paved the way for extending prediction horizons. These AI models have demonstrated performance that is comparable to, or even surpasses, traditional methods in short-term forecasts (3-14 days) and hold significant promise for addressing the challenges of subseasonal prediction. The synergy of AI and traditional approaches also underscores the potential for cost-effective, long-range weather predictions, with reports indicating promising predictions beyond 30 days. Furthermore, the development of generalized Lorenz models, incorporating time-varying parameters, has deepened our understanding of the coexistence of chaotic and regular behaviors with distinct predictability, challenging the conventional perception of weather systems as purely chaotic. This dual nature introduces fresh perspectives on long-term predictability and regional dependencies, such as seasonal variations and blocking patterns. In addition to reviewing recent advancements, this study proposes future research directions aimed at enhancing predictive accuracy and further exploring the limits of predictability in the realms of both weather and climate modeling.
  • 112
  • 03 Sep 2024
Topic Review
Layers of Paint for the Exterior
The number of layers needed can also depend on the quality and type of paint used. High-quality exterior paints often require fewer coats to achieve full coverage and durability. Acrylic paints, for example, are known for their excellent adhesion and weather resistance, often resulting in a smoother finish with fewer layers.
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  • 31 Jul 2024
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