Topic Review
Huizhou Fire Seal Walls in Chinese Traditional Buildings
In the history of human civilization, traditional villages and buildings have been significantly threatened by fire. As an essential part of Huizhou traditional architecture, fire seal walls play a crucial role in preserving Huizhou architecture by effectively blocking the spread of fire. 
  • 337
  • 01 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Pharmacological Activity and Toxicity of Bracken Fern
Bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn) is ubiquitous and acts as a cosmopolitan weed in pastures and similar environments. Despite its historical uses, it presents risks due to toxicity. 
  • 337
  • 29 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Computational Materials Design for Ceramic Nuclear Waste Forms
Ceramic waste forms are designed to immobilize radionuclides for permanent disposal in geological repositories. One of the principal criteria for the effective incorporation of waste elements is their compatibility with the host material. In terms of performance under environmental conditions, the resistance of the waste forms to degradation over long periods of time is a critical concern when they are exposed to natural environments.
  • 336
  • 18 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Sensing and Measurement Techniques for Nature-Based Solutions Evaluation
Sensing and measurement techniques are necessary to study, evaluate, and understand the complex physical and chemical interactions that must occur for the successful deployment of nature-based solutions (NbS). Sensing and measurement techniques can provide useful meteorological and physiological data on nature-based interventions between different spatial, spectral, temporal, and thematic scales. Because NbS encompass research from across different fields, it is essential to reduce barriers to knowledge dissemination, and enable the circulation of information across different jurisdictions. 
  • 335
  • 17 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Sample Preparation Methods of PhACs in Waters Matrices
In the environment, pharmaceutical residues are a field of particular interest due to the adverse effects to either human health or aquatic and soil environment. Because of the diversity of these compounds, at least 3000 substances were identified and categorized into 49 different therapeutic classes, and several actions are urgently required at multiple steps, the main ones: (i) occurrence studies of pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs) in the water cycle; (ii) the analysis of the potential impact of their introduction into the aquatic environment; (iii) the removal/degradation of the pharmaceutical compounds; and, (iv) the development of more sensible and selective analytical methods to their monitorization.
  • 335
  • 22 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Environmental Factors in Water Systems
Microplastics, MPs, in aquatic environments pose serious threats when associated with other pollutants, such as pharmaceuticals, PHs. MPs and PHs are considered emerging and ubiquitous contaminants in water bodies, and their interaction has a complex chain effect.
  • 334
  • 26 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Object Detection for Small Water Floater
Object detection is one of the most widely used applications in UAV missions. Detection of small objects in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images remains a persistent challenge due to the limited pixel values and interference from background noise.
  • 333
  • 07 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Design of Supply Chain in Perishable Products
A perishable product (PP) is defined as one that, by natural consequence, deteriorates in terms of its quality and/or organoleptic properties. The design of supply chains for products of all kinds is a classic problem of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering as well as Cold Technology Engineering in order to provide the producer and customer with the optimal means for the manufacturing, packaging, loading, transport and download of the product with time windows.
  • 333
  • 25 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Application of Machine Learning for Runoff Prediction
Water resource modeling is an important means of studying the distribution, change, utilization, and management of water resources. By establishing various models, water resources can be quantitatively described and predicted, providing a scientific basis for water resource management, protection, and planning. Traditional hydrological observation methods, often reliant on experience and statistical methods, are time-consuming and labor-intensive, frequently resulting in predictions of limited accuracy. However, machine learning technologies enhance the efficiency and sustainability of water resource modeling by analyzing extensive hydrogeological data, thereby improving predictions and optimizing water resource utilization and allocation.
  • 333
  • 07 Feb 2024
Topic Review
A Lightweight Remote Sensing Aircraft Object Detection Network
Remote sensing aircraft object detection is crucial in various applications. In civil aviation and the aerospace industry, it helps identify other aircraft, drones, or obstacles around an aircraft to prevent collisions and enhance aviation safety. It also aids in the real-time monitoring and tracking of civil aviation flights, cargo planes, and private aircrafts to ensure their flight path and status.
  • 333
  • 13 Mar 2024
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