Topic Review
Boreal (Age)
In paleoclimatology of the Holocene, the Boreal was the first of the Blytt-Sernander sequence of north European climatic phases that were originally based on the study of Danish peat bogs, named for Axel Blytt and Rutger Sernander, who first established the sequence. In peat bog sediments, the Boreal is also recognized by its characteristic pollen zone. It was preceded by the Younger Dryas, the last cold snap of the Pleistocene, and followed by the Atlantic, a warmer and moister period than our most recent climate. The Boreal, transitional between the two periods, varied a great deal, at times having within it climates like today's.
  • 538
  • 02 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Combinatorial Approaches of Pressurized Liquid Extraction
Seaweeds are an underutilized food in the Western world, but they are widely consumed in Asia, with China being the world’s larger producer. Seaweeds have gained attention in the food industry because of their composition, which includes polysaccharides, lipids, proteins, dietary fiber, and various bioactive compounds such as vitamins, essential minerals, phenolic compounds, and pigments. Extraction techniques, ranging from more traditional techniques such as maceration to novel technologies, are required to obtain these components. Pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) is a green technique that uses high temperatures and pressure applied in conjunction with a solvent to extract components from a solid matrix. To improve the efficiency of this technique, different parameters such as the solvent, temperature, pressure, extraction time and number of cycles should be carefully optimized. It is important to note that PLE conditions allow for the extraction of target analytes in a short-time period while using less solvent and maintaining a high yield. Moreover, the combination of PLE with other techniques has been already applied to extract compounds from different matrices, including seaweeds. In this way, the combination of PLE-SFE-CO2 seems to be the best option considering both the higher yields obtained and the economic feasibility of a scaling-up approximation. 
  • 538
  • 31 Mar 2023
Topic Review
High-Solid Anaerobic Digestion
High-solid anaerobic digestion (HS-AD) and solid-state anaerobic digestion (SS-AD) are technologies presenting an outstanding capacity for treating organic wastes and requiring lower digester volumes. 
  • 537
  • 17 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Bioretention Systems Optimization and Design Characterization Model
Urban stormwater has become a persistent concern on a global scale due to its adverse environmental implications. It is the prime vector of aquatic contaminants worldwide that causes pollutants when water bodies drain. Bioretention systems are increasingly used to alleviate setbacks associated with stormwater run-off in urban locales. It has played a substantial role in the implementation of low impact development (LID), a concept that addresses urban stormwater problems caused by land changes and development. The use of LID technologies is an innovative approach.
  • 537
  • 30 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Covalent Organic Frameworks Solid-State Electrolytes
Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) have emerged as a promising platform of materials for solid-state battery electrolytes due to their porous and robust structures, and their special spaces such as 1D and 3D, as well as their ability to be modified with functional groups. 
  • 537
  • 16 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Governance on Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Africa
The connection linking economic growth (ECG), tourism, and environmental pollution problems has been extensively argued. Extant research has investigated the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) assumptions from empirical and theoretical perspectives to measure the connection between the environment’s quality and economic growth. Environmental issues are quantified by factors such as ECG, tourism (TOUR), governance (GOV), urbanization, energy consumption, and financial development. Furthermore, most studies employed the environmental EKC theory to reveal the significance of the connection of variables foreign direct investment (FDI), TOUR, and ECG to an economy.
  • 536
  • 12 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Location-Based Advertising
Location-based advertising (LBA) is a form of advertising that integrates mobile advertising with location-based services. The technology is used to pinpoint consumers location and provide location-specific advertisements on their mobile devices. According to Bruner and Kumar (2007), "LBA refers to marketer-controlled information specially tailored for the place where users access an advertising medium".
  • 536
  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Integrating Environment with Health
With the increasing challenge of addressing environmental health issues, various approaches have been proposed to reduce environmental problems. For Muslims all over the world, the Qur’an, Hadith, and Sunnah are recognised as the authoritative messages for spiritual and behavioural guidance on how humans can react to protect the environment and health.
  • 536
  • 17 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Protected Areas in Lebanon
Protected areas (PA) play a significant role in the conservation of the world’s habitats and the protection of biodiversity that have become highly threatened by devastating anthropocentric practices. In addition, protected areas, especially biosphere reserves (BR), are considered effective instruments for both nature conservation and rural development. However, their impact on rural communities constitutes the most controversial debate in conservation policy and practice.
  • 535
  • 01 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Boosting C Sequestration through Forest Management
Soil has a major role in sequestering atmospheric CO2. This has further benefits and potential to improve soil fertility and food production, mitigate climate change, restore land degradation, and conserve ecosystem biodiversity. However, its health is increasingly being threatened by the growing population, land degradation and climate change effects. Despite its importance, soil organic carbon (SOC) is understudied in the tropics.
  • 535
  • 24 Feb 2022
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