Topic Review
Threats to Aquatic Stage of Amphibian Life Cycle
The aquatic stage of biphasic amphibians typically represents a phase of rapid growth and development. For many amphibians the aquatic life cycle starts when females deposit gelatinous eggs in the water, which are externally fertilized by a male during amplexus. After a period of development, the embryos hatch and enter the larval stage.
  • 588
  • 18 May 2023
Topic Review
IAQ in Museum Display Cases
The control of air quality in museum showcases is a growing issue for the conservation of the displayed artefacts. Inside an airtight showcase, volatile substances may rapidly concentrate and favor or directly cause the degradation or other unwanted phenomena on the objects. The role of materials used in the construction of museum display cases as a source of pollutants and volatile compounds dangerous for the cultural heritage integrity is here reviewed with an illustration of consequences and critical damages. Ways of assessing the suitability of materials used either in the construction or in use of the display cases are also discussed altogether with an overview of the possible choices for monitoring the air quality and limiting the concentration of volatile compounds in their interior.
  • 587
  • 29 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Bieconomy is the economy of the green technologies and is capable to offer global food security, improve nutrition and health, create innovative bio-based products and biofuels. Bioeconomy would help agriculture, forestry, aquaculture, and other ecosystems to adapt to the climate change. It is an opportunity to boost innovation, create jobs in rural and industrial areas, reduce fossil fuel dependence, and improve economic and environmental sustainability.
  • 587
  • 24 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Ammonia Emission in Poultry Facilities
Brazil is the largest broiler meat exporter in the world. This important economic activity generates income in different branches of the production chain. However, the decomposition of residues incorporated in the poultry litter generates several gases, among them ammonia. When emitted from the litter to the air, ammonia can cause several damages to animals and man, in addition to being able to convert into a greenhouse gas.
  • 587
  • 13 Sep 2021
Topic Review
The Impact of Climate Change on Cholera
Water ecosystems can be rather sensitive to evolving or sudden changes in weather parameters. These changes can result in alterations in the natural habitat of pathogens, vectors, and human hosts, as well as in the transmission dynamics and geographic distribution of infectious agents. 
  • 587
  • 27 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Exposure Routes of Micro and Nanoplastics to Human
Microplastics (MPs) are plastic particles that range from 1 μm to less than 5 mm, while nanoplastics (NPs) are plastic particles smaller than 1 μm. MNPLs are mainly classified in two ways—primary or secondary—taking into account their origin. Primary MNPLs are plastic particles intentionally manufactured to have a small size (1 μm to less than 5 mm), e.g., pellet beads, which are used as raw material for the production of cosmetics, such as toothpastes, exfoliating treatments, body wash, and other personal care products.
  • 586
  • 22 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Uturunku (Quechua for jaguar, Hispanicized spellings Uturunco, Uturuncu) is a dormant volcano in the Cordillera de Lípez in Potosí Department, Bolivia. It is located in the Sur Lípez Province, San Pablo de Lípez Municipality. It is in the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes, and its highest summit is 6,008 metres (19,711 ft) above sea level. The volcano has two summits, with a fumarole field between them. The volcano's landforms include lava domes and lava flows. The volcano was sporadically active during the Pleistocene, with the most recent eruption dated at 271,000 years ago. Since then, Uturunku has displayed fumarolic activity. Starting in 1992, satellite observations have indicated a large area of regional uplift centered on Uturunku, which has been interpreted as an indication of large-scale magma intrusion under the volcano. This might be a prelude to large-scale volcanic activity, including "supervolcanic" activity and caldera formation.
  • 586
  • 29 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Ecosystem Service Trade-Offs/Synergies of Karst Desertification Control
Ecosystem services, as the term of a scientific period, began in 1970 with the publication of the UN University’s report on “Human Impact on the Global Environment”. Since then, Costanza has proposed that ecosystem services are benefits derived directly or indirectly by human beings from the ecosystem, which are used to maintain the natural environmental conditions and utilities on which human beings depend for survival and development. Trade-offs, as a fundamental concept, first appeared in economics and were defined as opportunity costs. Where resources are scarce, an individual or group must give up a certain amount of additional scarce resources to obtain more of the scarce resources. Karst desertification refers to the land degradation phenomenon caused by the disturbance and destruction of unreasonable human social and economic activities under the fragile karst environment in the subtropical zone, which is manifested by soil erosion, gradual rock exposure, land productivity degradation, and a desert-like landscape on the surface. The results of management over the years show that forests, as the main provider of ecosystem services, have the functions of water conservation, soil and water conservation, carbon sequestration, and climate change mitigation. In particular, they play an irreplaceable role in managing karst desertification.
  • 586
  • 13 Mar 2023
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
A Methodology for Air Temperature Extrema Characterization Pertinent to Improving the Accuracy of Climatological Analyses
The suggested methodology for the characterization of temperature extrema presents a multistep preprocessing procedure intended to derive extrema time series of correctly identified and thermally defined daily air temperature extrema pairs. The underlying conceptual framework for this approach was developed in response to the existing gaps in the current state of daily extrema identification and the development of extrema-based synthetic air temperature time series. A code consisting of a series of algorithms was developed to establish four-parameter criteria for a more accurate representation of daily variability that allows easy replication of temperature distribution based on the correct characterization of daily temperature patterns. The first preprocessing step consists of subjecting the high-frequency temperature time series to a theoretical diurnal observing window that imposes latitudinally and seasonally crafted limits for the individual identification of daily minima and maxima. The following pre-processing step involves the supplementation of air temperature extrema with the information on the occurrence of extrema timing deemed as vital information for the reconstruction of the temperature time series. The subsequent step involves the application of an innovative temperature pattern recognition algorithm that identifies physically homogeneous air temperature populations based on the information obtained in previous steps. The last step involves the use of a metric for the assessment of extrema temperature and timing parameters’ susceptibility to climate change. The application of the presented procedure to high-frequency temperature data yields two strains of physically homogeneous extrema time series with the preserved characteristics of the overall temperature variability. In the present form, individual elements of this methodology are applicable for correcting historical sampling and air temperature averaging biases, improving the reproducibility of daily air temperature variation, and enhancing the performance of temperature index formulae based on daily temperature extrema. The objective of this analysis is the eventual implementation of the presented methodology into the practice of systematic temperature extrema identification and preprocessing of temperature time series for the configuration of physically homogeneous air temperature subpopulations.
  • 586
  • 29 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Implementations in Urban Planning
The rapid growth of urban populations and the need for sustainable urban planning and development has made Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) a valuable tool for data collection, mapping, and monitoring.
  • 586
  • 12 Jun 2023
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