Topic Review
Big Data in Biodiversity Science
Biodiversity refers to the variety of genes, species and ecosystems of life on Earth, and is the source of many essential goods and services (e.g., food, timber, medicine, nutrient recycling, crop pollination) that support human well-being and quality of life. Despite several international treaties, efforts and commitments to curb its loss, biodiversity continues to decline at a rate above species discovery rate, largely due to anthropogenic factors. To assess the status and trends (local and global) in biodiversity requires a vast amount of relevant information on the distribution and abundance of different species across varying spatial and temporal scales. In other words, relevant data need to be collected, collated, and analyzed.
  • 593
  • 30 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Assimilation of Key Data in Land Surface Models
The correction of Soil Moisture (SM) estimates in Land Surface Models (LSMs) is considered essential for improving the performance of numerical weather forecasting and hydrologic models used in weather and climate studies. Along with surface screen-level variables, the satellite data, including Brightness Temperature (BT) from passive microwave sensors, and retrieved SM from active, passive, or combined active–passive sensor products have been used as two critical inputs in improvements of the LSM.
  • 593
  • 22 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Gender Equality in Tanzanite Mine-to-Market
In the mining industry, the contemporary concept of mapping artisanal and small-scale mining to the UN Sustainable Development Goals is a newer aspect of sustainability. SDG 5 aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. However, while there have been initiatives to support gemstone mining in Tanzania and East Africa, to date, the role of women in the lucrative tanzanite mine-to-market (M2M) supply chain has been less visible and a missed opportunity. This is a concern, as in 2019, pre-COVID-19 pandemic, gemstone and precious metals accounted for an incredible 33.2% of Tanzania’s total exports. In contrast, in leading mining countries such as Australia and Canada, the participation of women continues to steadily advance, economically empowering the women involved.
  • 593
  • 02 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Water Quality Observations from Space
Water is the basis of all life on this planet. Yet, approximately one in seven people in the world do not have access to safe water. Water can become unsafe due to contamination by various organic and inorganic compounds due to various natural and anthropogenic processes. Identifying and monitoring water quality changes in space and time remains a challenge, especially when contamination events occur over large geographic areas. Remote sensing makes it possible to monitor and identify large land and water bodies that suffer from quality problems more effectively and efficiently. 
  • 592
  • 23 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Forest Fires on Air Quality in Wolgan Valley
Forests are an important natural resource and are instrumental in sustaining environmental sustainability. Burning biomass in forests results in greenhouse gas emissions, many of which are long-lived. Precise and consistent broad-scale monitoring of fire intensity is a valuable tool for analyzing climate and ecological changes related to fire. Remote sensing and geographic information systems provide an opportunity to improve current practice’s accuracy and performance. 
  • 591
  • 28 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Non-Thermal Plasma for Microbial Decontamination and Chemical Removal
Plasma is a quasi-neutral system in a gaseous or fluid-like form that can be artificially generated in an electromagnetic field and a flow of neutral gases such as helium, argon, nitrogen, oxygen, or atmospheric air. It contains a mixture of radicals, H2O2, O3, ultraviolet radiation, charged particles, exited metastable atoms, and electric fields. Non-thermal atmospheric plasma has recently attracted great research interest as an alternative for operative solutions to problems related to safety and quality control. It is a powerful tool for the inactivation of different hazardous microorganisms and viruses, and the effective decontamination of surfaces and liquids has been demonstrated. Additionally, the plasma’s active components are strong oxidizers and their synergetic effect can lead to the degradation of toxic chemical compounds such as phenols and azo-dyes. 
  • 591
  • 02 Apr 2022
Topic Review
An Appeal to Reason
An Appeal to Reason: A Cool Look at Global Warming is a 2008 book by Nigel Lawson. In it, Lawson argues that global warming is happening, but that the science is far from settled. He opposes the scientific consensus as summarized by the IPCC. He also argues that warming will bring both benefits and negative consequences, and that the impact of these changes will be relatively moderate rather than apocalyptic. The book has been rejected by climatologists, including IPCC authors Jean Palutikof and Robert Watson as unscientific. The book was published in the UK and the USA in 2008. It appeared in Spanish translation the following year, published by Gota a gota, the imprint of the think tank FAES.
  • 591
  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Cyanobacteria, Blooms and Cyanotoxins in East African Lakes
Cyanobacteria, algal blooms and cyanotoxins have become common environmental enigmas in marine, freshwater and estuarine ecosystems. In East African lakes, mainly Microcystis, Arthrospira, Dolichospermum, Planktolyngbya and Anabaenopsis species of cyanobacteria have been responsible for the production of anatoxin-a, homoanatoxin-a, microcystins, cylindrospermopsin and nodularin. Microcystins and anatoxin-a have been implicated as the proximal cause of indiscriminate fish deaths and epornitic mortality of lesser flamingos
  • 591
  • 05 May 2023
Topic Review
Treatment Methods for Dye-Contaminated Effluents
Advancements in textile dyeing technologies have introduced novel categories of dyes that have deleterious effects on ecosystems. Primarily, azo dyes represent the majority of synthetic dyes employed in textiles and in the realms of culinary and miscellaneous applications. Traditionally, these dyes infiltrate the environment via discharged contaminated effluents such as wastewater from industrial facilities. The contaminated discharged effluent exerts a pervasive impact on ecosystems, engendering pernicious afflictions in both human and faunal populations. Several treatment methodologies are employed for the eradication of contaminants from natural water resources and wastewater, encompassing all phases within water and wastewater treatment infrastructures. The evolution of each treatment stage is intricately linked to the escalating demand for potable water of impeccable quality. Water treatment methods such as Coagulation and Flocculation, Photocatalytic Degradation, Ion Exchange, Electrochemical Technique, Membrane Filtration, Electrodialysis Process, Biodegradation Techniques, and Adsorption are covered in detail, alongside the impacts of bio-based activated carbon as an adsorbent for azo dye. 
  • 591
  • 26 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Waste Natural Polymers
 Waste natural polymers have received much attention as renewable, biodegradable, non-toxic and low-cost filler in polymer composites. In order to exploit the high potential for residual natural loading in latex composites, different types of surface modification techniques have been applied. This review discusses the preparation and characterization of the modified waste natural fillers for latex-based composites. The potency of the waste natural filler for the latex-based composites was explored with a focus on the mechanical, thermal, biodegradability and filler–latex interaction.
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  • 12 Nov 2021
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