Topic Review
Corporate Financial Statements
Corporate financial statements address multiple stakeholders’ needs. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), among others, allow two different classifications, “by function of expense” and “by nature of expense”, for the statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income for the period (from now on, also identified in short as “Income Statement”, or “IS”). XBRL standards ensure compliance and consistency in financial statements’ drafting and filing. XBRL taxonomies reflect the Income Statement IFRS disclosure requirement in the {310000} and {320000} codifications, respectively.
  • 793
  • 11 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Public–Private Partnership Infrastructure Investment
Interconnected infrastructure is an essential foundation for sustainable economic development. As China’s economy enters the new normal, the contradiction between the continuously growing demand for public goods represented by infrastructure and the insufficient supply efficiency and quality of single government-led investment mode under downward economic pressure and fiscal constraints has profoundly changed the supply and investment mode of infrastructure. Public–private partnership (PPP) has become the most important means of investing in infrastructure. PPP, an innovative mode of infrastructure investment, has been widely applied in China and has become an essential policy tool with which to promote sustainable economic development.
  • 486
  • 11 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Crowdsourcing Air Forwarders
Not yet commonly known or used by the totality of sectors, crowdsourcing has shown its huge potential in various projects and tasks usually processed by computers.Crowdsourcing focuses on “taking and outsourcing a job, previously done by a designated agent, to an undefined and large number of people via an open call”. Crowdsourcing could be seen as a conflation of the terms “knowledge of crowds” and “outsourcing”. Each crowd member can complete and be assigned a project. They get paid for their work. Crowdsourcing forms a very appealing project completion method for both enterprises and crowd workers, thus leading to development of the most known crowdsourcing platforms and service providers. The need for businesses to adapt to service model performing ridesharing same-day delivery services is a phenomenon known as “Crowdsourced Logistics”.
  • 486
  • 11 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Green Human Resource Management
Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) is a new field related to human capital that prioritizes the employees’ attitude development on the environmentally conscious organization.
  • 1.5K
  • 10 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Six-Gear Roadmap towards Smart Factory
The fourth industrial revolution is the transformation of manufacturing into smart manufacturing. Advanced industrial digital technologies that make the trend Industry 4.0 are considered as the transforming force that will enable this transformation. However, these technologies need to be connected, integrated and used effectively to create value and to provide insights for data driven manufacturing. Smart manufacturing is a journey and requires a roadmap to guide manufacturing organizations for its adoption. The proposed roadmap is a simple holistic management strategy for an Industry 4.0 implementation journey. It serves as a strategic practical tool for rapid adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies. It bridges the gap between the advanced technologies and their application in manufacturing industry, especially for SMEs.
  • 4.5K
  • 06 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Board Characteristics and Value Creation
Firm value relies considerably on intellectual capital. As a reliable source of sustainable competitive advantage, intellectual capital can lead a firm to economic growth and technological development. As the mainstream of intangible assets, it is expected that the application of intellectual capital plays a critical role in developing sustainable competitive advantages for companies. Intellectual capital is a vital intangible asset to a business, especially in high-tech industries. A considerable part of organizational knowledge is embodied in the board’s intellectual capital, contributing significantly to the board’s decision-making. The board’s intellectual capital should be managed appropriately to create value for a company even in unpredictable economies, increase competitive advantages, and stabilize profitability.
  • 575
  • 05 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Participative Decision Making (PDM)
Participative decision making (PDM) is the opportunity for an employee to provide input into the decision-making process related to work matters (i.e., work organization, task priority) or organizational issues, for example, when they have a say on promoting new strategy ideas. Elele and Fields state that PDM is a management initiative based on the ”theory Y”, which suggests that employees are interested in being committed and performing well if managers value their contributions in making decisions that affect the nature of work. The diverse opportunities to participate in the decision-making process can provide mutual benefits for employees and employers. Some writers have proposed that PDM enhances motivation, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. The literature frames employee participation in different contexts, depending on the political, social, and legal environment of the countries.
  • 15.3K
  • 05 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Big Data Mining
Big data mining (BDM) is an approach that uses the cumulative data mining or extraction techniques on large datasets / volumes of data. It is mainly focused on retrieving relevant and demanded information (or patterns) and thus extracting value hidden in data of an immense volume. BDM draws from the conventional data mining notation but also combines the aspects of big data, i.e. it enables to acquire useful information from databases or data streams that are huge in terms of “big data V’s”, like volume, velocity, and variety.
  • 6.6K
  • 05 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Innovation Capability and Strategic Agility
  Strategic Agility and Innovation Capability 1.      Definition  Due to the nature of business environments as volatile and unforecastable, organizations are required to have appropriate capabilities such as strategic agility and innovation capability [1-4]. Strategic agility encompasses organization ability to sense and adapt to changes in the work environment and add value to its customer in combination of leadership support. On the other hand, innovation capability as the ability to produce novel products based on novel processes [5] is very critical for organizations. Despite the results on the effect of strategic agility on innovation capability [6-10], there is a little knowledge on the effect of former construct on the later one in the Middle East business environment, particularly in Jordan. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating the impact of strategic agility on innovation capability.
  • 1.6K
  • 04 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Asset Management, Complex System Governance
Asset management (AsM) has emerged from engineering as a structured approach to organizing complex organizations to realize the value of assets while balancing performance, risks, costs, and opportunities. Complex system governance (CSG) is an emerging field encompassing a framework for system performance improvement through the purposeful design, execution, and evolution of essential metasystem functions.
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  • 04 Aug 2021
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