Topic Review
Sustainability in the Beef Cattle Industry in Brazil
Brazil is one of the world’s biggest beef producers and its largest exporter. However, beef cattle ranching is a leading cause of deforestation and habitat conversion in the Brazilian Amazon, which challenges sustainable development.
  • 1.1K
  • 16 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Decarbonization in Higher Education Institutions for Green Campus
Reducing the carbon footprint (CF) helps to meet the targets of the sustainable development goals (SDGs), with emphasis on SDG 13, which seeks urgent measures to combat climate change and its impacts. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) or universities, as organizations engaged in education, research, and community service, play an important role in promoting sustainable development. Thus, HEIs are increasingly interested in practices to reduce their CF, in addition to training professionals for this worldwide need. CF reduction is a tool to assess the sustainability and decarbonization of a campus that aligns with Green Campus (GC) initiatives. 
  • 518
  • 15 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Multidimensional View of Intellectual Capital
Examining the past state of the art in the intellectual capital sector for achieving high levels of innovation performance provided a multidimensional picture of intellectual capital, innovation performance, and dynamic capabilities. 
  • 374
  • 13 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Shared-Mobility Services
Shared-mobility services (SMS) remain a part of a wider sharing economy (SE) phenomenon developing in various spheres of the economy, i.e., finance, accommodation or transport. Today transport systems have become multimodal and the evolution of shared mobility has resulted in its many forms. It is about the shared use of a vehicle, motorcycle, scooter, bicycle, or other travel mode that provides users with short-term access to a transportation mode on an as-needed basis.
  • 317
  • 08 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Customer Centricity
Firms are increasingly organized around the client. At the same time, there is customer pressure on green and sustainable organizations. This entry joint this two stand points in a sustainable view.
  • 7.0K
  • 03 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Risk Factors in Business Valuation
It is widely accepted that risk and uncertainty are integral parts of the property valuation process. Uncertainty in property valuation is derived from the characteristics of property itself. The issue pertaining to risk and uncertainty in property valuations is currently one of the key concerns in global valuation practice to date in addressing the decision of risk and uncertainty in valuation, especially for business purposes or in the current term known as business valuation. The judgment and experience still depend on the expertise of the individual valuers alone.
  • 1.5K
  • 01 Mar 2023
Topic Review
E-Health in Southeast Asia
eHealth or digital health innovations expanded tremendously during the COVID-19 pandemic. Innovation and digitalization offer creative solutions to build up a healthy society. The eHealth technologies are quickly taken up by Southeast Asia countries and continue to flourish to alleviate the burden of healthcare challenges. 
  • 459
  • 27 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Circular Economy at Global and Energy Markets
Sustainability is a strategic approach to develop a more sustainable economy to support the environment and socio-economic development. Literature on sustainability has been concerned mainly with global warming and environmental degradation issues, whereas the Circular Economy (CE) concept has recently been suggested as an alternative solution to support market sustainability and deal with both environmental and socio-economic challenges. In order to tackle these challenges, countries must switch from linear economies that follow the “take-make-dispose” principle to circular and sustainable economies. This research applies a structural and conceptual literature review to elucidate the most decisive determinants in the formation of circular strategies, particularly in the context of the energy sector. This research examines obstacles that hinder CE adoption and formulates drivers and measures to overcome them. The research shows that the circular approach is critical in achieving sustainable development. Circularity can be considered a novel and innovative approach to alleviating the contradiction between rapid economic growth and energy and raw materials shortages. The CE structure must be considered as a sustainable foundation to enhance economic growth by avoiding waste, preserving natural capital, managing resource scarcity, recycling materials, maximizing energy efficiency, and recirculating them into the economy. Analysis reveals that the circular system is a key pillar of sustainability, security, and efficiency in the energy sector. The sustainable energy transition requires incorporating the CE principles in the design process. It also revealed that both public and private sectors must move away from the linear paradigm towards circularity to achieve CE implementation.
  • 382
  • 21 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Logistics Innovations in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
The disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have forced many companies in the logistics sector to innovate, or even transform their business and underlying processes. Closing borders, limited supply and manpower, and continuous changes in regulations challenged many logistics firms to innovate. 
  • 644
  • 17 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Gender Mainstreaming the European Union Energy Transition
The EU has set out its ambitions for an equitable transition to clean secure energy. It has also set out it objectives for gender equality. There is a disconnect between EU gender equality and clean energy plans and that gender has yet to be mainstreamed into the EU energy transition. This research identifies opportunities to mainstream gender into EU energy policies by linking to EU gender equality objectives, and connecting to gender-energy research themes.
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  • 14 Feb 2023
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