Topic Review
The E-Commerce-Delivery
Except for digital goods, all other products sold on e-commerce platforms require physical delivery. The delivery of goods to end consumers is an important part of e-commerce, but it is also one of the most polluting and least efficient parts of logistics. The process of delivering goods to consumers can be inefficient due to factors such as urban sprawl and the growth of e-commerce. Additionally, consumer habits and preferences have led to an increase in the distribution of goods over short distances, which requires approaches and measures to minimize the environmental effects. 
  • 396
  • 29 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Insurance Solvency
Solvency must be understood as the guarantee of adequate capital to meet liabilities to policyholders and beneficiaries. Regulation can be adjusted to incorporate one or more elements of the above dimensions in order to make solvency more sustainable. There has been a change in the main regulations governing the solvency of the world’s main insurance markets. Sustainability is an issue that is becoming increasingly important among to the various stakeholders in the insurance industry. It is a complex concept that has many different dimensions that can be included in these regulations, allowing for a more sustainable solvency.
  • 395
  • 17 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Green Balanced Scorecard
A green balanced scorecard allows businesses to monitor their environmental progress and energy use, as well as quantify their achievements toward decreasing their ecological footprint. Businesses have made it a priority to build an energy-efficient management system based on the Sustainable Balanced Scorecard, which will help them achieve their organization’s environmental strategic goals. 
  • 395
  • 25 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Renewable Energy Integration for Sustainable Economic Growth
Renewable energy plays a pivotal role in catalyzing a green economic transformation. This transformation not only mitigates adverse ecological impacts, but also fosters job creation, local community development, and enhanced energy security. This correlation is particularly pronounced in regions endowed with abundant renewable resources, reaffirming the potential for renewable energy to stimulate investment, propel economic expansion, and promote equitable development.
  • 395
  • 02 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Scaling Local Bottom-Up Innovations
Bottom-up initiatives of active citizens are increasingly demonstrating sustainable practices within local ecosystems. Local urban farming, sustainable agri-food systems, circular supply chains, and community fablabs are exemplary ways of tackling global challenges on a local level. Although promising in accelerating towards future-proof systems, these hyper-localized, bottom-up initiatives often struggle to take root in new contexts due to embedded socio-cultural challenges.
  • 394
  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Indicators System for Modern Regional Innovation Systems
In general terms, the features of the innovation strategies of the countries that affect the indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of their national and regional systems differ in many ways.
  • 394
  • 19 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Knowledge Transfer Performance of China's Industry-University-Research Institute Collaboration
Knowledge transfer performance is a key consideration in the process of R&D collaboration between companies and research institutes; how to improve the performance of knowledge transfer depends on the matching between the partners of IUR collaboration. The goal difference of industry-university-research institute collaboration partners has a negative moderating effect on the relationship between learning willingness, absorptive capacity, and knowledge transfer performance. The greater the degree of goal difference, the lower the role of the enterprise’s learning willingness and absorptive capacity to promote knowledge transfer performance. Technical knowledge difference has a significant inverted U-shaped effect on the relationship between absorptive capacity and knowledge transfer performance: a high degree of technical knowledge difference weakens the effects of absorptive capacity on knowledge transfer performance, while a low degree of technical knowledge difference will also negatively moderate the effects of absorptive capacity on knowledge transfer performance.
  • 394
  • 28 Dec 2021
Topic Review
“Pseudo-Contracted” Workers in Greece
Non-standard forms of employment, also called “flexible” or “new forms” of employment, such as temporary employment, part-time employment, seasonal employment, project agreement, leasing through TWAs, and outsourcing are a worldwide rapidly expanding phenomenon that affects more than one-third of the worldwide workforce. Flexible or new forms of employment emerged in the 1980s and gained popularity during the acute financial crisis (2007), as well as during the recent pandemic COVID-19 that also hugely affected Europe and the USA. More specifically, in 2022, the EU-27 marked rates of 12.1% of temporary employment and 17.6% of part-time employment over total employment. Enterprises turn to flexible forms of employment when aiming to reduce labour costs and to increase their productivity and competitiveness. More specifically, enterprises reduce their internally allocated range of tasks and assign part of or entire activities to external undertakings, thus expanding labour market segmentation and amplifying social inequalities among the employees.
  • 394
  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
China Labor Watch
China Labor Watch (CLW) is a New York City , New York-based non-government organization founded by labor activist Li Qiang in October 2000. Its mission is the defense of workers' rights in China . Through research, advocacy and legal assistance, CLW seeks to help China's workers become more informed of their rights and more empowered to realize those rights within their communities.
  • 393
  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Priorities in Bioeconomy Strategies
Bioeconomy is an emerging concept and no commonly accepted definition has been given. Bioeconomy strategies attempt to cover every aspect of this emerging concept from a different perspective, depending on the country, region, or organisation issuing them. For these reasons, each strategy has its own priority fields depending on the economic, geomorphological, social, ecological, and technological conditions of each country. There are trends in the priority fields of bioeconomy strategies in the years 2013–2022. Moreover, the economic and technological development of the respective countries foreshadows their priorities. A successful transition to a bioeconomic model requires the participation of society as a whole, because a sustainable society as a whole requires sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions. 
  • 393
  • 25 Oct 2022
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