Topic Review
Oscilloscope History
The history of the oscilloscope reaches back to the first recordings of waveforms with a galvanometer coupled to a mechanical drawing system in the second decade of the 19th century. The modern day digital oscilloscope is a consequence of multiple generations of development of the oscillograph, cathode-ray tubes, analog oscilloscopes, and digital electronics.
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  • 21 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Information Society, Electronics and AI
This entry presents relations between information society (IS), electronics and artificial intelligence (AI) mainly through twenty-four IS laws. The laws not only make up a novel collection, currently non-existing in the literature, but they also highlight the core boosting mechanism for the progress of what is called the information society and AI. The laws mainly describe the exponential growth in a particular field, be it the processing, storage or transmission capabilities of electronic devices. Other rules describe the relations to production prices and human interaction. Overall, the IS laws illustrate the most recent and most vibrant part of human history based on the unprecedented growth of device capabilities spurred by human innovation and ingenuity. Although there are signs of stalling, at the same time there are still many ways to prolong the fascinating progress of electronics that stimulates the field of artificial intelligence. There are constant leaps in new areas, such as the perception of real-world signals, where AI is already occasionally exceeding human capabilities and will do so even more in the future. In some areas where AI is presumed to be incapable of performing even at a modest level, such as the production of art or programming software, AI is making progress that can sometimes reflect true human skills. Maybe it is time for AI to boost the progress of electronics in return.
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  • 08 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Wind Energy Conversion Systems Based on Synchronous Generator
Since 20th century, electricity has been widely available, and a large portion of it is produced using coal and gas. Because of its adaptability and simplicity of delivery, electricity is a premium kind of energy. Global demand is rising because of rising consumer electronics, associated industrial activities, and greater consumer access in emerging nations. The most reliable and progressive renewable energy source is wind power. Utilizing the highest amount of wind power available and operating the wind turbine (WT) at its maximum energy conversion output is essential for the rapid adoption of wind generators in electrical grids. To complete this, a wind energy conversion system (WECS) must track or run at the maximum power point.
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  • 23 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Printed Humidity Sensors
Printing technologies have been attracting increasing interest in the manufacture of electronic devices and sensors. They offer a unique set of advantages such as additive material deposition and low to no material waste, digitally-controlled design and printing, elimination of multiple steps for device manufacturing, wide material compatibility and large scale production to name but a few.
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  • 24 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Affinity Sensors for COVID-19 Diagnosis
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was proclaimed a global pandemic in March 2020. Reducing the dissemination rate, in particular by tracking the infected people and their contacts, is the main instrument against infection spreading. Therefore, the creation and implementation of fast, reliable and responsive methods suitable for the diagnosis of COVID-19 are required. These needs can be fulfilled using affinity sensors, which differ in applied detection methods and markers that are generating analytical signals. Recently, nucleic acid hybridization, antigen-antibody interaction, and change of reactive oxygen species (ROS) level are mostly used for the generation of analytical signals, which can be accurately measured by electrochemical, optical, surface plasmon resonance, field-effect transistors, and some other methods and transducers.
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  • 12 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Liquid Crystal Waveguide Structures
Liquid crystal materials can be used to make either a core, in which light beams can be confined, or a cladding of optical waveguides.
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  • 02 Nov 2021
Topic Review
MEMS-Based Tunable Metamaterials
Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) is a well-known technology that mechanically reconfigures the metamaterial unit cells.
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  • 18 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Non-Resonant Single-Wire Power Transmission Systems
A single-wire power transmission is an option for reducing the capital cost of power line construction by utilizing fewer conductors and fittings and lighter power transmission towers while lowering operational expenses.
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  • 31 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Categorization of Radiation-Hardened-by-Design Flip-Flops
In this review, previously presented RHBD FFs are classified into three categories with an overview ofeach category. Six well-known RHBD FFs architectures are simulated using a 180 nm CMOS processto show a fair comparison between them while the conventional Transmission Gate Flip-Flop (TGFF)is used as a reference design for this comparison. The results of the comparison are analyzed to givesome important highlights about each design.
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  • 09 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Microgrid Cyber-Security
       The study examines the existing approaches to address cyber-physical security from a microgrid perspective. the work on the smart grid application, in general, lacks approach intersections and is still being dealt with from separate domains in the research world. Using the microgrid model to carry out experiments on the cyber-physical security has plenty of practical justifications attributed to the important role it plays in paving the way towards smart grids, the microgrid’s context was mainly consulted owing to the relative simplicity in capturing and recording the interventions, either as an injected attack or control modification. Cybersecurity measures for energy systems still come as accessories and not as a built-in function. In particular, for most of the part, the electricity-related equipment that gets evolved at an exponential rate makes it extremely difficult for cyber defenses’ mechanisms to keep pace with this development in the absence of up-to-date standards and common market trends. 
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  • 24 Aug 2020
Topic Review
Digital Twin Concept Developing on an Electrical System
Through the transformation that the electrical sector has been passing by, improvements in asset management and the guarantee of sustainable and quality services have become essential aspects for power companies. Thus, the digitalization of energy utilities presents itself as an important and crucial process. A concept that involves a variety of innovative trends is the digital twin. It consists of a 3D virtual replica of existing physical objects and real-time monitoring of certain measures. By developing a digital twin in the electrical power grid, a virtual replica of the network is obtained providing network virtual maps, 3D asset models, dynamic and real-time data of grid assets, and IoT sensing. All these data can feed a platform where AI-based models and advanced field operation technologies and solutions will be applied. With a Network Digital Twin©development, applications involving on-field activities can be improved through augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to enhance workforce operations. 
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  • 23 May 2022
Topic Review
Lithium-Ion Batteries-Energy Storage
Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are a good energy storage solution for plug-in electric vehicles. However, the performance and health of these batteries is highly dependent on the use case, including operating temperature, power consumption profile, and control strategy (heavy forced alternating charge–discharge modes) imposed by the battery management system.
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  • 16 Dec 2021
Topic Review
IP Code
The IP Code, International Protection Marking, IEC standard 60529, sometimes interpreted as Ingress Protection Marking, classifies and rates the degree of protection provided against intrusion (body parts such as hands and fingers), dust, accidental contact, and water by mechanical casings and electrical enclosures. It is published by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The equivalent European standard is EN 60529. The standard aims to provide users more detailed information than vague marketing terms such as waterproof. For example, a cellular phone rated at IP68 is "dust resistant" and can be "immersed in 1.5 meters of freshwater for up to 30 minutes". Similarly, an electrical socket rated IP22 is protected against insertion of fingers and will not be damaged or become unsafe during a specified test in which it is exposed to vertically or nearly vertically dripping water. IP22 or IP2X are typical minimum requirements for the design of electrical accessories for indoor use. The digits indicate conformity with the conditions summarized in the tables below. The digit 0 is used where no protection is provided. The digit is replaced with the letter X when insufficient data has been gathered to assign a protection level. There are no hyphens in a genuine IP code. IPX-8 (for example) is thus an invalid IP code. This page contains a combination of IEC 60529 (also EN 60529) and other standards, such as ISO 20653. The original documents are available for purchase, and have important and specific requirements that cannot be fully reprinted due to copyright restrictions. This often includes drawings specifying the required test equipment, such as the shape of water nozzles used for water jet testing. Additional standards are often referenced that may contain important information. One must refer to the latest revision of the required standard when conducting tests for agency certification.
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  • 16 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems
Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADASs) are used for increasing safety in the automotive domain, yet current ADASs notably operate without taking into account drivers’ states, e.g., whether she/he is emotionally apt to drive.
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  • 23 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Optimization Approaches and Techniques for Automotive Alternators
Optimization and improvement of the electrical system are applied to cope with the increased demand for electrical power in the vehicular system; they must be carried out in many ways to ensure that the vehicles are provided with the necessary electricity for their performance work electrical equipment.
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  • 28 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Wide Band Gap Devices
A decisive property that regulates semiconductor’s electrical and optical properties is the band gap, which is an important physical parameter for designating a wide band gap (WBG) semiconductor, and is defined as the energy needed for electrons to transition to the conduction band from the valence band. The magnetic property of the semiconducting materials also plays an important role for choosing of power devices in terms of energy efficiency with hysteresis and eddy current losses. The WBG semiconductor materials exhibit larger band gaps (2–4 eV) than their silicon (1–1.5 eV) counterparts and offer greater power efficiency, lower overall cost, smaller size, lighter weight, and lower energy consumption. WBG-based components in semiconductor devices permit its operation at high temperatures, which can be problematic when using conventional silicon semiconductors with smaller band gaps. The wider the bandgap, the higher the temperature at which the semiconductor power devices can function.
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  • 23 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Faults in a Photovoltaic System
Photovoltaic systems are prone to breaking down due to harsh conditions. In photovoltaic systems, various types of faults can cause power loss in some way. To improve the reliability of these systems, diagnostic methods using Machine Learning (ML) have been developed. 
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  • 15 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Embedded Machine Learning
Embedded machine learning (EML) can be applied in the areas of accurate computer vision schemes, reliable speech recognition, innovative healthcare, robotics, and more. However, there exists a critical drawback in the efficient implementation of ML algorithms targeting embedded applications. Machine learning algorithms are generally computationally and memory intensive, making them unsuitable for resource-constrained environments such as embedded and mobile devices. In order to efficiently implement these compute and memory-intensive algorithms within the embedded and mobile computing space, innovative optimization techniques are required at the algorithm and hardware levels. 
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  • 01 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Intelligent Dispatcher Training Simulator
The concept of dispatcher training simulator (DTS) was first proposed by Latimer in 1977, and the first DTS device was developed in the same year. After a large discussion on DTS organized by Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in 1978, DTS was rapidly promoted in the power industry. In the 1990s, dynamic simulation and object-oriented techniques were introduced into DTS. Traditional DTS has been unable to meet the needs of the continuously developing smart grid. As artificial intelligence (AI) advances, more intelligent techniques are introduced into DTS, and the intelligent dispatcher training simulator (IDTS) is taking the historical stage. Nico Brose designed the first visualized IDTS in Germany, using software PRINS, which is coupled via a tele-control server with the Root-Mean-Square (RMS) real-time simulation core (with the software PowerFactory) for dynamic grid simulations.
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  • 06 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Review Microwave Resonant Glucose Sensors
The measurement of glucose concentration finds interesting potential applications in both industry and biomedical contexts. Among the proposed solutions, the use of microwave planar resonant sensors has led to remarkable scientific activity during the last years. These sensors rely on the changes in the dielectric properties of the medium due to variations in the glucose concentration. These devices show electrical responses dependent on the surrounding dielectric properties, and therefore the changes in their response can be related to variations in the glucose content. This work shows an up-to-date review of this sensing approach after more than one decade of research and development. The attempts involved are sorted by the sensing parameter, and the computation of a common relative sensitivity to glucose is proposed as general comparison tool. The manuscript also discusses the key points of each sensor category and the possible future lines and challenges of the sensing approach.
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  • 09 Aug 2021
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