Topic Review
Universe & Anharmonic Oscillator & Singularity Avoidance Higgs
The functioning of our universe and atomic is based on the oscillation of the particle itself and asymmetrically between matter and antimatter. This mechanism is a classical an-harmonic oscillator and uses a linear oscillation of the particle, where the energy can be represented by the graph of a potential well. In this potential well the alternation of energies ocurs between the kinetic energy and potential energy. This an-harmonic oscillation of the particle thus occurs through a gravitational oscillator (see "hole through the Earth simple harmonic motion"), followed by a singularity avoidance. Indeed the important kinetics of the particle leads to a singularity avoidance to pass over the supermassive black hole to plot the Higgs field/potential. The alternation of the particle at very high frequency generates by the principle of mass-energy equivalence in vacuum (E=mc²) a mass flux expressed by the quantum fluctuation determined by a scalar energy density. This scalar density represents for example the dark matter and the residues of the latter in the quantum vacuum. However a vectorial interpretation of the particle is possible as soon as its oscillation through the oscillator is really minimized before becoming a mass-energy equivalence flux. That represent the elements related to Einstein's Stress Energy Tensor. Here is the one of interpretation of quantum mechanics in relation to relativistic physics. 
  • 2.9K
  • 23 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Universal Tick Vaccines
Vaccination is usually proposed as a safe and sustainable strategy to overcome problems related to tick infestation and disease transmission. However, progress in anti-vector vaccine development has been slow and patchy, and currently, only a handful of vaccines targeting ectoparasites have been developed and tested successfully.
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  • 03 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Universal Reconciliation
In Christian theology, universal reconciliation (also called universal salvation, Christian universalism, or in context simply universalism) is the doctrine that all sinful and alienated human souls—because of divine love and mercy—will ultimately be reconciled to God. The doctrine has often been rejected by mainstream Christian religion, which holds to the doctrine of special salvation that only some members of humanity will eventually enter heaven, but it has received support from many prestigious Christian thinkers as well as many groups of Christians. The Bible itself has a variety of verses that, on the surface, seem to support a plurality of views. Universal salvation may be related to the perception of a problem of Hell, standing opposed to ideas such as endless conscious torment in Hell, but may also include a period of finite punishment similar to a state of purgatory. Believers in universal reconciliation may support the view that while there may be a real "Hell" of some kind, it is neither a place of endless suffering nor a place where the spirits of human beings are ultimately 'annihilated' after enduring the just amount of divine retribution. The concept of reconciliation is related to the concept of salvation—i.e., salvation from spiritual and eventually physical death—such that the term "universal salvation" is functionally equivalent. Universalists espouse various theological beliefs concerning the process or state of salvation, but all adhere to the view that salvation history concludes with the reconciliation of the entire human race to God. Many adherents assert that the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus Christ constitute the mechanism that provides redemption for all humanity and atonement for all sins. Unitarian Universalism is a religious movement which emerged in part from the Universalist Church, but it no longer holds any official doctrinal positions, being a non-creedal faith. Universal reconciliation, however, remains a popular viewpoint among many congregations and individual believers including many that have not at all associated with said church. An alternative to universal reconciliation is the doctrine of annihilationism, often in combination with Christian conditionalism. Some Christian leaders, such as influential theologian Martin Luther, have hypothesized other concepts such as 'soul death'.
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  • 14 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Universal Privacy Model for Electronic Health Record Systems
High-profile data breaches in systems such as Australia’s My Health Record (MHR) and the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) have exposed millions of records, resulting in substantial financial losses for the healthcare industry.
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  • 21 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Universal Priesthood
The universal priesthood or the priesthood of all believers is a principle in some branches of Christianity which abrogates the doctrine of holy orders found in some other branches, including the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox. Derived from the Bible and elaborated in the theology of Martin Luther and John Calvin, the principle became prominent as a tenet of Protestant Christian doctrine, though the exact meaning of the belief and its implications vary widely among denominations.
  • 1.3K
  • 11 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Universal Photonic Biosensors, Emerging Pathogens
To provide resiliency against pandemics, new types of universal biosensors that can be rapidly adapted and deployed on a large scale for the detection of new pathogens and new variants of known pathogens and exhibit real-time detection with LOD as low as a few target molecules need to be developed. Photonic biosensors, which provide optical signal amplification and can be mass-produced by existing semiconductor foundries, offer a promising platform, which is in principle amenable to multiplexing with spectroscopic and electrochemical detection techniques. However, to reach sub-fM detection levels, photonic biosensors typically have had to be engineered to support ultra-high-Q trapped modes.
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  • 13 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Universal Model of Cancer Transformation and Development
As a phenomenon, cancer is a disease related to multicellular evolution, i.e., cancer in general is understood to be a failure of the multicellular systems and is considered a reversal to unicellularity. Cancer cells are like unicellular organisms that benefit from ancestral-like traits. As a disease, cancer can be interpreted as (a) a destruction of cooperative behaviors underlying multicellular evolution, (b) a disruption of molecular networks established during the emergence of multicellularity or (c) an atavistic state resulting from reactivation of primitive programs typical of the earliest unicellular species. From this point of view and in accordance with the layered model of evolution of cellular functionalities, cancer transformation can occur as a result of huge disturbances or the destruction of functionalities that are located in the multicellular layer.
  • 3.9K
  • 06 May 2022
Topic Review
Universal Medicine
Universal Medicine (UniMed) (UM) is a socially harmful cult founded and led by Serge Benhayon, a former bankrupt tennis coach from New South Wales (NSW) Australia who has no medical qualifications. It sells "Esoteric healing" products, music, publications, workshops and courses. None of the healing modalities are evidence based or have been proven effective by scientific research. Uruguayan-born Benhayon founded the group in 1999 after receiving what he described as an "energetic impress" while on the toilet. A NSW Supreme Court jury found it was true to say that he leads a "socially dangerous" and "socially harmful cult", "intentionally indecently touched" clients and "is a charlatan who makes fraudulent medical claims". In a British court ruling, UM was found to be "a cult with some potentially harmful and sinister elements". The organisation and unregulated health service provider is principally located in Goonellabah and Wollongbar, near Lismore, NSW, Australia. Its European headquarters are known as "The Lighthouse" and is situated between Tytherington and Frome, Somerset, England. The signature treatments practised and taught by Universal Medicine are "esoteric breast massage", "esoteric healing", "ovarian readings", "chakra-puncture", "esoteric connective tissue therapy" and "esoteric ovary massage". All treatments were devised by non-registered health practitioner Serge Benhayon, who has claimed the business grosses at least AUD$2 million a year from courses and retreats. The followers of its doctrine "The Way of the Livingness" are known collectively as "The Student Body". "The Teachings" are classified into meditation, self-care, nutrition, exercise, music, reincarnation, psychological wellbeing and the esoteric, and are supported by audio, books, and online lectures. Serge Benhayon describes himself as a "seer", calls himself the "Ascended Master", and followers call him the "new Messiah". They also believe he "was the one sent from (the mythical kingdom of) Shambhala to awaken us all", is the only human to have achieved the "highest level of initiation" on earth and claim the NSW Supreme Court ruling against him is "totally untrue". In the British court ruling, the doctrine was said to be one of "erroneous and malign beliefs". While Benhayon has denied engaging in unethical practices, significant evidence to the contrary has been documented.
  • 1.3K
  • 30 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Universal Intelligence for Sustainability
Artificial intelligence (AI), as a product of biological intelligence, is a technological tool based on data and the information-processing power of discrete machines that carry out a series of interdependent operations to generate and store discrete data and information, using discrete, finite, and closed algorithms. In turn, the concept of sustainability is increasingly considered an almost essential component of discourses designed to support and justify decision-making at all levels of human activities.  The strong and functional couplings among ecological, economic, social, and technological processes explain the complexification of human-made systems, and phenomena such as globalization, climate change, the increased urbanization and inequality of human societies, and the power of information, and the COVID-19 syndemic. Sustainability for complex systems implies enough efficiency to explore and exploit their dynamic phase spaces and enough flexibility to coevolve with their environments. This means solving intractable nonlinear semi-structured dynamic multi-objective optimization problems, with conflicting, incommensurable, non-cooperative objectives and purposes, under dynamic uncertainty, restricted access to materials, energy, and information, and a given time horizon. Given the high stakes; the need for effective, efficient, diverse solutions; their local and global, and present and future effects; and their unforeseen short-, medium-, and long-term impacts; achieving sustainable complex systems implies the need for Sustainability-designed Universal Intelligent Agents (SUIAs). The proposed philosophical and technological SUIAs will be heuristic devices for harnessing the strong functional coupling between human, artificial, and nonhuman biological intelligence in a non-zero-sum game to achieve sustainability.
  • 775
  • 21 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Universal Influenza Vaccines
Influenza viruses pose a significant threat to human health. They are responsible for a large number of deaths annually and have a serious impact on the global economy. There are numerous influenza virus subtypes, antigenic variations occur continuously, and epidemic trends are difficult to predict—all of which lead to poor outcomes of routine vaccination against targeted strain subtypes. Therefore, the development of universal influenza vaccines still constitutes the ideal strategy for controlling influenza. This article reviews the progress in development of universal vaccines directed against the conserved regions of hemagglutinin (HA), neuraminidase (NA), and other structural proteiinfluenza virus; antigenic variation; universal vaccine; cross-protection; cellular immunityns of influenza viruses using new technologies and strategies with the goals of enhancing our understanding of universal influenza vaccines and providing a reference for research into the exploitation of natural immunity against influenza viruses.
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  • 22 Oct 2020
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