Topic Review
Valorization of Bread Waste into Value-Added Products
Bread is a universal food that is sold and consumed across the entire social and geographical spectrum. Bread waste is currently of increasing interest, as it is considered a huge global issue with serious environmental impacts and significant economic losses that have become even greater in the post-pandemic years due to an increase in cereal prices, which has led to higher production costs and bread prices. Meanwhile, many efforts have been initiated in the past decades to investigate methods of repurposing bread residues into fuel and chemicals such as bioethanol, biohydrogen, succinic acid, and various added-value products that can be exploited in versatile industries.
  • 1.2K
  • 09 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Valorization of Agro-Food Industrial Residues by Solid-State Fermentation
Agro-food industrial residues (AFIRs) are generated in large quantities all over the world. The vast majority of these wastes are lignocellulosic wastes that are a source of value-added products. Technologies such as solid-state fermentation (SSF) for bioconversion of lignocellulosic waste, based on the production of a wide range of bioproducts, offer both economic and environmental benefits. The versatility of application and interest in applying the principles of the circular bioeconomy make SSF one of the valorization strategies for AFIRs that can have a significant impact on the environment of the wider community.
  • 507
  • 07 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Valorising Agricultural Residues through Pelletisation
The agricultural sector and its related production chains are good sources of residual biomass. The pelletisation represents an effective alternative in order to valorise these agricultural wastes. Statistics show that over 60% of the available tree pruning comes from vine and olive cultivations, justifying several authors’ interest in the energetic valorisation of this biomass material. Pelletisation increases bulk, energy density and energy content, making this fuel close to traditional fuels such as coal.
  • 444
  • 16 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Valorisation of Waste Heat in District Heating Systems
To recover thermal energy from different sources, its quality and possibilities for utilisation are essential. The wide range of engineering solutions includes a direct connection to the district heating (DH) system and the integration of low-quality heat using heat pumps to increase the temperature level of recoverable heat. 
  • 293
  • 10 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Valorisation of Carbon-Rich Wastes as Secondary Resources
Carbon-based materials have become an indispensable component in a myriad of domestic and industrial applications. Most of the carbon-based end-of-life products discussed end up in landfills. Where recycling is available, it usually involves the production of lower-value products. The allotropic nature of carbon has been analysed to identify novel materials that could be obtained from used products, which also transform into a secondary carbon resource. Thermal transformation of carbon-rich wastes is a promising and viable pathway for adding value to waste that would otherwise go to landfills. The valorisation routes of four different carbon-rich wastes by thermal transformation are reviewed in the study—automotive shredder residue (ASR), textile wastes, leather wastes, and spent coffee grounds (SCGs). Textile wastes were thermally transformed into carbon fibres and activated carbon, while ASRs were used as a reductant to produce silicon carbide (SiC) from waste glass. 
  • 556
  • 13 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Valorisation of Animal By-Products
The treatment and reduction of animal by-products has registered an increase in the awareness that this type of materials is underutilised and can represent a valuable resource if treated correctly. Consequently, it is no longer practical to dispose of animal by-products, especially when a significant amount of potential raw materials is produced, which can have a high economic potential through the production of new products with significant added value. The reuse and valorisation of animal by-products (ABPs) generated in the food retail sector can involve sending these by-products to another company/organisation or industry, where they will be processed in order to obtain added-value products. This type of valorisation originates an industrial symbiosis.
  • 1.1K
  • 22 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Vallis (Planetary Geology)
Vallis or valles /ˈvælɪs/ (plural valles /ˈvæliːz/) is the Latin word for valley. It is used in planetary geology to name landform features on other planets. Scientists used vallis for old river valleys they discovered when they sent the first probes to Mars. The Viking Orbiters caused a revolution in our ideas about water on Mars; finding huge river valleys in many areas. Space craft cameras showed that floods of water broke through dams, carved deep valleys, eroded grooves into bedrock, and traveled thousands of kilometers. Some valles on Mars (Mangala Vallis, Athabasca Vallis, Granicus Vallis, and Tinjar Valles) clearly begin at graben. On the other hand, some of the large outflow channels begin in rubble-filled low areas, called chaos or chaotic terrain. It has been suggested that massive amounts of water were trapped under pressure beneath a thick cryosphere (layer of frozen ground), then the water was suddenly released, perhaps when the cryosphere was broken by a fault.
  • 579
  • 23 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Valley Network
Valley networks are branching networks of valleys on Mars that superficially resemble terrestrial river drainage basins. They are found mainly incised into the terrain of the martian southern highlands, and are typically - though not always - of Noachian age (approximately four billion years old). The individual valleys are typically less than 5 kilometers wide, though they may extend for up to hundreds or even thousands of kilometers across the martian surface. The form, distribution, and implied evolution of the valley networks are of great importance for what they may tell us about the history of liquid water on the martian surface, and hence Mars' climate history. Some authors have argued that the properties of the networks demand that a hydrological cycle must have been active on ancient Mars, though this remains contentious. Objections chiefly arise from repeated results from models of martian paleoclimate suggesting high enough temperatures and pressures to sustain liquid water on the surface have not ever been possible on Mars. The advent of very high resolution images of the surface from the HiRISE, THEMIS and Context (CTX) satellite cameras as well as the Mars Orbital Laser Altimeter (MOLA) digital terrain models have drastically improved our understanding of the networks in the last decade.
  • 370
  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Validity and Reliability of the Research Instrument
Questionnaire is one of the most widely used tools to collect data in especially social science research. The main objective of questionnaire in research is to obtain relevant information in most reliable and valid manner. Thus the accuracy and consistency of survey/questionnaire forms a significant aspect of research methodology which are known as validity and reliability. Often new researchers are confused with selection and conducting of proper validity type to test their research instrument (questionnaire/survey). 
  • 57.2K
  • 15 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Validation of Aerosol Optical Depth and Characterization
The validation of aerosol optical depth and its characterization describes how important the use of multiple instrument in the study of aerosols. The content of this work highlights recent results in the use of satellite, ground-based and modeling method to study aerosols. 
  • 323
  • 25 Jul 2023
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