Topic Review
Exploring Geochemical Signatures in Production Water
Produced water denotes the water co-produced during hydrocarbon exploration and includes flow-back water, gas condensates, basinal brine, and/or mixtures. The hydrostatic pressure of coal bed formation water traps the gas generated in coal and shale beds.
  • 1.7K
  • 18 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Extracellular Vesicles-Loaded Microneedle Technology
Microneedles (MNs), renowned for their painless and minimally invasive qualities, exhibit significant potential for facilitating effective drug delivery, vaccination, and targeted sample extraction. Extracellular vesicles (EVs), serving as cargo for MNs, are naturally occurring nanovesicles secreted by cells and characterized by novel biomarkers, low immunogenicity, and cell-source-specific traits. MNs prove instrumental in extracting EVs from the sample fluid, thereby facilitating a promising diagnostic and prognostic tool. To harness the therapeutic potential of EVs in tissue repair, MNs with sustained delivery of EVs leverage micron-sized channels to enhance targeted site concentration, demonstrating efficacy in treating various diseases, such as Achillea tendinopathy, hair loss, spinal cord injury, and diabetic ulcers. EV-loaded MNs emerge as a promising platform for repair applications of skin, cardiac, tendon, hair, and spinal cord tissues.
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  • 18 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Molecular Markers of Embryo Quality
Evaluation of the optimal number of embryos, their quality, and the precise timing for transfer are critical determinants in reproductive success, although still remaining one of the main challenges in assisted reproduction technologies (ART). Indeed, the success of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments relies on a multitude of events and factors involving both the endometrium and the embryo. Despite concerted efforts on both fronts, the overall success rates of IVF techniques continue to range between 25% and 30%. The role of the endometrium in implantation has been recognized, leading to the hypothesis that both the “soil” and the “seed” play a central role in a successful pregnancy. In this respect, identification of the molecular signature of endometrial receptivity together with the selection of the best embryo for transfer become crucial in ART.
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  • 18 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Biofuel Vehicles
Biofuels and bioenergy are produced by processing biomass, or organic matter, from plants, crops, and their waste products. Biofuel can displace fuels made from petroleum because it comes from renewable sources. The only alternative energy source that can provide liquid fuels to take the place of fossil fuels is bioenergy. Biofuels are a viable alternative to meet future demand while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and environmental effects.
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  • 18 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Ontology-Based Parkinson’s Disease Monitoring and Alerting with PHKG-GNNs
In the realm of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) research, the integration of wearable sensor data with personal health records (PHR) has emerged as a pivotal avenue for patient alerting and monitoring. The complex domain of PD patient care was delved into, with a specific emphasis on harnessing the potential of wearable sensors to capture, represent and semantically analyze crucial movement data and knowledge. The primary objective is to enhance the assessment of PD patients by establishing a robust foundation for personalized health insights through the development of Personal Health Knowledge Graphs (PHKGs) and the employment of personal health Graph Neural Networks (PHGNNs) that utilize PHKGs. The objective is to formalize the representation of related integrated data, unified sensor and PHR data in higher levels of abstraction, i.e., in a PHKG, to facilitate interoperability and support rule-based high-level event recognition such as patient’s missing dose or falling. This is an extension of researchers' previous related work, presents the Wear4PDmove ontology in detail and evaluates the ontology within the development of an experimental PHKG. Furthermore, the integration and evaluation of PHKG within the implementation of a Graph Neural Network (GNN) are focused on. The importance of integrating PD-related data for monitoring and alerting patients with appropriate notifications are emphasized. These notifications offer health experts precise and timely information for the continuous evaluation of personal health-related events, ultimately contributing to enhanced patient care and well-informed medical decision-making. Finally, a novel approach for integrating personal health KGs and GNNs for PD monitoring and alerting solutions is proposed.
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  • 18 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Emission Reduction Decisions in Blockchain-Enabled Low-Carbon Supply Chains
With the rapid development of the global economy, carbon emissions are increasing year by year. The continuous promotion of low-carbon policies has led to a gradual increase in consumers’ carbon perception sensitivity and environmental awareness. With the increasing maturity of blockchain technology, its distributed database technology realizes the transparency and traceability of the carbon emission reduction process, which effectively enhances consumers’ trust in low-carbon products.
  • 132
  • 18 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Role of Dioxygen in Microbial Bio-Oxygenation
Dioxygen (O2, more commonly referred to as molecular oxygen) is the only element in the Earth’s environment that is paramagnetic in its ground-state. Dioxygen-dependent enzymes (principally mono- and dioxygenases) play in relevant aspects of bio-oxygenation. This is reflected by the multiple strategic roles that dioxygen -dependent microbial enzymes play both in generating valuable synthons for chemoenzymatic synthesis and in facilitating reactions that help to drive the global geochemical carbon cycle. 
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  • 18 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Natural Image Reconstruction from fMRI
Reconstructing natural stimulus images using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is one of the most challenging problems in brain decoding and is also the crucial component of a brain–computer interface.
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  • 18 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Integrated GNN and DRL in E2E Networking Solutions
Graph neural networks (GNN) and deep reinforcement learning (DRL) are at the forefront of algorithms for advancing network automation with capabilities of extracting features and multi-aspect awareness in building controller policies. While GNN offers non-Euclidean topology awareness, feature learning on graphs, generalization, representation learning, permutation equivariance, and propagation analysis, it lacks capabilities in continuous optimization and long-term exploration/exploitation strategies. Therefore, DRL is an optimal complement to GNN, enhancing the applications towards achieving specific policies within the scope of end-to-end (E2E) network automation.
  • 168
  • 18 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Reducing Carbon Emissions from Prefabricated Decoration in China
Since decoration is an essential part of buildings, the carbon emissions generated by decoration work should not be ignored. Prefabricated decoration has attracted much attention as efforts are made to pursue green, low-carbon, and waste-reducing buildings. Prefabricated decoration is characterized by the pre-manufacturing of building decoration elements in the factory, which are later assembled on-site. One of the primary advantages of this method is the utilization of eco-friendly materials that substantially reduce the environmental footprint of construction projects. These materials are selected for their sustainability, durability, and lower carbon emissions, supporting the global shift towards environmentally responsible building practices.
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  • 18 Mar 2024
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