Topic Review
Perovskite Nanomaterial
Recently, perovskite-based nanomaterials are utilized in diverse sustainable applications. Their unique structural characteristics allow researchers to explore functionalities towards diverse directions, such as solar cells, light emitting devices, transistors, sensors, etc. Many perovskite nanomaterial-based devices have been demonstrated with extraordinary sensing performance to various chemical and biological species in both solid and solution states. In particular, perovskite nanomaterials are capable of detecting small molecules such as O2, NO2, CO2, etc. This review elaborates the sensing applications of those perovskite materials with diverse cations, dopants and composites. Moreover, the underlying mechanisms and electron transport properties, which are important for understanding those sensor performances, will be discussed. Their synthetic tactics, structural information, modifications and real time sensing applications are provided to promote such perovskite nanomaterials-based molecular designs. Lastly, we summarize the perspectives and provide feasible guidelines for future developing of novel perovskite nanostructure-based chemo- and biosensors with real time demonstration.
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  • 17 Jul 2020
Topic Review
Green Social Work Practice in Rural Community
Social work interventions in rural communities feature a spectrum of interventions, from supporting residents’ health and well-being to advancing rural community social development and advocating for policy improvement. In the current global context of climate change, these efforts have been conducted through three major social work practice fields (practice with clients, research, and policymaking), addressing environmental justice and sustainability in rural community development; however, there is a paucity of nuanced understanding of current rural community-driven social work interventions pertaining to climate change and its social consequences. Generally, the foundation of social work interventions associated with climate change, disasters, and other crises is understood as green social work (GSW), namely, social work practitioners are integral to enhancing local adaptation and promoting sustainability practices in the face of increasing climate-related extreme events. GSW, which forms a theoretical framework, supports the understanding of the urgent need for social work interventions to address environmental justice and sustainability in rural communities, contributing to climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction, eventually promoting building resilient and sustainable rural communities.
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  • 08 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Applications of Chitin in Agricultural Industries
Chitin can play a key role in the agricultural industry due to its water-soluble nature. The different applications of chitin in the agricultural industry have been well documented with even more novel processes still in development. Some of those would include, but are not limited to, being used as fertilizers, soil conditioning agents, plant disease control agents, antitranspirants, fruit retardants, and seed coatings. Furthermore, chitin can increase the natural defense mechanisms in plants by upregulating plant growth regulators, growth stimulants, anti-stress agents, and elicitors for the production of secondary metabolites.
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  • 24 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Acrylic Bone Cements
Acrylic bone cements (ABC) are widely used in orthopedics for joint fixation, antibiotic release, and bone defect filling, among others. Most of the commercial ABCs available today consist of two components, one solid, based mainly on poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), and one liquid, based on methyl methacrylate (MMA), which are mixed and, through the polymerization reaction of the monomer, transformed into a hardened cement paste. 
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  • 22 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Lipids in Food Flavor Generation
Lipids in food are a source of essential fatty acids and also play a crucial role in flavor and off-flavor development. Lipids contribute to food flavor generation due to their degradation to volatile compounds during food processing, heating/cooking, and storage and/or interactions with other constituents developed from the Maillard reaction and Strecker degradation, among others. The degradation of lipids mainly occurs via autoxidation, photooxidation, and enzymatic oxidation, which produce a myriad of volatile compounds. The oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids generates hydroperoxides that then further break down to odor-active volatile secondary lipid oxidation products including aldehydes, alcohols, and ketones.
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  • 15 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Peptide/Protein Self-Assembly and Aggregation
The self-assembly of proteins is an essential process for a variety of cellular functions including cell respiration, mobility and division. On the other hand, protein or peptide misfolding and aggregation is related to the development of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, among other aggregopathies.
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  • 11 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Wavelet Scattering Transform
A knowledge-based feature extraction technique has been developed by Bruna and Malat named wavelet scattering transform (WST), which utilizes complex wavelets to balance the discrimination ability and stability of the time-frequency domain signal.
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  • 09 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Post-WWII Anti-fascism
Antifa movements (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/) and Anti-Fascist Action networks are left wing, often anarchist, extra-parliamentary and often violent political movements that describe themselves as anti-fascist. Such movements have been active in several countries in the second half of the 20th and early 21st century.
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  • 09 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Misnagdim (מתנגדים; also Mitnagdim; singular misnaged/mitnaged) is a Hebrew word meaning "opponents". The term "Misnagdim" commonly refers to opponents of Hasidism. The term "Misnagdim" gained a common usage among Jews living in Europe as the term that referred to Ashkenazi Jews who opposed the rise and spread of early Hasidic Judaism.
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  • 18 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Methods for Electric Energy Accumulation
The daily non-uniform power demand is a serious problem in power industry. In addition, recent decades show a trend for the transition to renewable power sources, but their power output depends upon weather and daily conditions. These factors determine the urgency of energy accumulation technology research and development. The presence of a wide variety of energy storage mechanisms leads to the need for their classification and comparison as well as a consideration of possible options for their application in modern power units.
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  • 23 Dec 2022
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