Topic Review
Independent Video Game Development
Independent video game development, or indie game development, is the video game development process of creating indie games; these are video games, commonly created by individual or small teams of video game developers and usually without significant financial support of a video game publisher or other outside source. These games may take years to be built from the ground up or can be completed in a matter of days or even hours depending on complexity, participants, and design goal. Driven by digital distribution, the concept of independent video game development has spawned an "indie" movement. The increase in popularity of independent games has allowed increased distribution on popular gaming platforms such as the PlayStation Network, Nintendo eShop, Xbox Live and Steam.
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  • 21 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Common Factors Theory
Common factors theory, a theory guiding some research in clinical psychology and counseling psychology, proposes that different approaches and evidence-based practices in psychotherapy and counseling share common factors that account for much of the effectiveness of a psychological treatment. This is in contrast to the view that the effectiveness of psychotherapy and counseling is best explained by specific or unique factors (notably, particular methods or procedures) that are suited to treatment of particular problems. According to one review, "it is widely recognized that the debate between common and unique factors in psychotherapy represents a false dichotomy, and these factors must be integrated to maximize effectiveness". In other words, "therapists must engage in specific forms of therapy for common factors to have a medium through which to operate". Common factors is one route by which psychotherapy researchers have attempted to integrate psychotherapies.
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  • 08 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Non-Ionic Surfactants
Surfactants are essential in the manufacture of polymeric nanoparticles by emulsion formation methods and to preserve the stability of carriers in liquid media. The deposition of non-ionic surfactants at the interface allows a considerable reduction of the globule of the emulsion with high biocompatibility and the possibility of oscillating the final sizes in a wide nanometric range.
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  • 29 Jun 2021
Topic Review
United Express Flight 3411 Incident
Template:Infobox Aircraft occurrence The United Express Flight 3411 incident occurred at Chicago O'Hare International Airport, United States on April 9, 2017, when Dr. David Dao Duy Anh, a Vietnamese-American passenger, was injured while being forcibly removed from a fully boarded, sold-out flight to Louisville International Airport. Dao, a pulmonologist and folk musician, refused to surrender his seat when requested because he needed to see patients the following day. Chicago Department of Aviation Security officers were called to remove him from the plane; in the process, they struck Dao's face against an armrest, then pulled him, apparently unconscious, by his arms along the aircraft aisle past rows of onlooking passengers. Prior to the confrontation, United agents offered travel vouchers to passengers to vacate their seats to make room for four deadheading Republic Airways employees, but none of the passengers accepted. United then selected four passengers for involuntary removal from the flight, one of whom was Dao, and the three other passengers agreed to leave. Flight 3411 was operated by Republic Airways on behalf of United Express, a United Airlines regional branch. Video of the incident recorded by passengers went viral on social media, resulting in anger over the force that was used. Politicians expressed concern and called for an official investigation. Then-U.S. President Donald Trump criticized United Airlines, calling its treatment of Dao "horrible." The next morning, then-CEO of United, Oscar Munoz, issued a statement that appeared to justify the removal of Dao, referring to "re-accommodating the customers." Munoz also sent an email to United staff commending the crew's actions for following established procedures and referring to Dao as "disruptive" and "belligerent," though this characterization contradicted passengers' accounts of the incident. Passenger Jason Powell asserted that Dao was not belligerent, saying instead, "He was very polite, matter-of-fact." Cell phone video by passenger Joya Cummings also contradicted Munoz's description of Dao as belligerent. Munoz and United were sharply criticized for their initial statements, and United suffered a drop in its stock price. Two days after the incident, Munoz issued an additional statement, apologizing and promising that such an incident would never again occur on a United aircraft. He said, "No one should ever be mistreated this way." In an ABC television interview, Munoz was asked, "Do you think [Dao] was at fault in any way?" Munoz responded, "No. He can't be. He was a paying passenger sitting on our seat in our aircraft." Munoz's previously planned promotion to become United's chairman was delayed until May 2020 as a result of the incident. Dao reached an "amicable" settlement with United on April 27, 2017, though its terms were not publicly announced.
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  • 24 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Fedora (Operating System)
Fedora is a Linux distribution developed by the community-supported Fedora Project which is sponsored primarily by Red Hat, a subsidiary of IBM, with additional support from other companies. Fedora contains software distributed under various free and open-source licenses and aims to be on the leading edge of free technologies. Fedora is the upstream source of the commercial Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution and for CentOS. Fedora is a fork of Red Hat Linux since RHL was discontinued in 2003. Since the release of Fedora 30, five different editions are currently available: Workstation, focused on the personal computer, Server for servers, CoreOS, focused on cloud computing, Silverblue, focused on an immutable desktop specialized to container-based workflows and IoT, focused on IoT devices. (As of February 2016), Fedora has an estimated 1.2 million users, including Linus Torvalds ((As of May 2020)), creator of the Linux kernel.
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  • 27 Oct 2022
Topic Review
The Cat Mandible
The cat mandible is small and has some peculiarities relative to the dentition (only three incisors, a prominent canine, two premolars and one molar); a conical and horizontally oriented condyle, and a protudent angular process in its ventrocaudal part. Most of the body of the mandible is occupied by the mandibular dental roots and the mandibular canal that protects the neurovascular supply: the inferior alveolar artery and vein, and the inferior alveolar nerve that exits the mandible rostrally as the mental nerves. They irrigate and innervate all the teeth and associated structures such as the lips and gingiva. Tooth roots and the mandibular canal account for up to 70% of the volume of the mandibular body. Consequently, when fractured it is difficult to repair without invading the dental roots or vascular structures.
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  • 01 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Railway and Tourism
From the second half of the 20th century, numerous railways, especially in industrial and mining areas, were abandoned for economic reasons. The activism of the “railfans”, who are fond of trains, has made it possible to set up voluntary associations that have been the lifeblood of the beginning of projects for the recovery of the historic railway heritage and the promotion of it in a touristic sense. The railway tourism process always originates from a project for the restoration of railway heritage, possibly maintaining authenticity. The voluntary associations, along with their “railfans”, are the main stakeholder, not only preserving the rail heritage but also developing railway tourism activities. The touristic railway could regenerate the local community, with positive benefits on the local economy. Many tourists could be attracted by railway tourism destinations in that they wish to live memorable experiences related to the nostalgia of the past. 
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  • 25 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Ecliptic Coordinate System
The ecliptic coordinate system is a celestial coordinate system commonly used for representing the apparent positions, orbits, and pole orientations of Solar System objects. Because most planets (except Mercury) and many small Solar System bodies have orbits with only slight inclinations to the ecliptic, using it as the fundamental plane is convenient. The system's origin can be the center of either the Sun or Earth, its primary direction is towards the vernal (March) equinox, and it has a right-hand convention. It may be implemented in spherical or rectangular coordinates.
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  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Electronic Skin
Mimicking skin sensorial properties, the development of “electronic skin” (e-skin) holds the promise of developing medical monitoring and highly sensitive prosthetic devices, biocompatible compliant medical implants, enhanced robotics, and more. The e-skin-related research field is a robust interdisciplinary approach, which combines micro-/nanoelectronics, material science, biotechnology, data transmission, and data processing technologies. The potential of epidermal electronics as biomimetic sensors, soft neural probes, prosthetics, implantable biomedical electronics, robotics, and a whole range of other skin-inspired devices show great potential to change the world. Its feasibility, however, relies on the desired e-skin characteristics such as flexibility, stretchability, self-healing ability, self-powering, biocompatibility, biodegradability and last, but not least, the reliability of large-scale manufacturing processes. 
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  • 18 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Tata Nano Singur Controversy
The Tata Nano Singur controversy was a controversy generated by land acquisition of a proposed Tata Motors automobile factory at Singur in Hooghly district, West Bengal, India. The factory would have been used to build the compact car Tata Nano. Tata Motors started constructing a factory to manufacture a car, Tata Nano which was estimated to cost $2,500 at Singur. The small car was scheduled to roll out of the factory by 2008. The state government of West Bengal created the controversy by citing the 1894 land acquisition act rule to conduct an eminent domain takeover of 997 acres (4.03 km2) of farmland on which Tata Motors was supposed to build its factory. The rule is meant for public improvement projects, and the West Bengal government wanted Tata to build in its state. The project was opposed by activists and opposition parties in Bengal.
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  • 19 Oct 2022
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