Topic Review
Radar Depth and Velocity Estimation
Radar can measure range and Doppler velocity, but both of them cannot be directly used for downstream tasks. The range measurements are sparse and therefore difficult to associate with their visual correspondences. The Doppler velocity is measured in the radial axis and, therefore, cannot be directly used for tracking.
  • 997
  • 08 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Rack Locations in the Mobile-Rack Picking System
The flexible movement of racks in the mobile-rack picking system (MRPS) significantly improves the picking efficiency of e-commerce orders with the characteristics of “one order multi–items” and creates a challenging problem of how to place racks in the warehouse. This is because the placement of each rack in the MRPS directly influences the distance that racks need to be moved during order picking, which in turn affects the order picking efficiency.
  • 184
  • 23 Feb 2024
Topic Review
QVD is an open-source virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) product built on Linux. Its main purpose is to provide remote desktops to users.
  • 375
  • 03 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Quote Notation
Quote notation is a representation of the rational numbers based on Kurt Hensel's p-adic numbers. In quote notation, arithmetic operations take particularly simple, consistent forms, producing exact answers with no roundoff error. Quote notation’s arithmetic algorithms work in a right-to-left direction; addition, subtraction, and multiplication algorithms are the same as for natural numbers, and division is easier than the usual division algorithm. The notation was invented by Eric Hehner of the University of Toronto and Nigel Horspool, then at McGill University, and published in the SIAM Journal on Computing, v.8, n.2, May 1979, pp. 124–134.
  • 658
  • 24 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Quietism in philosophy sees the role of philosophy as broadly therapeutic or remedial. Quietist philosophers believe that philosophy has no positive thesis to contribute, but rather that its value is in defusing confusions in the linguistic and conceptual frameworks of other subjects, including non-quietist philosophy. For quietists, advancing knowledge or settling debates (particularly those between realists and non-realists) is not the job of philosophy, rather philosophy should liberate the mind by diagnosing confusing concepts.
  • 596
  • 17 Nov 2022
Topic Review
QuickView is a file viewer in Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0 operating systems. The viewer can be used to view practically any file. The software has been ported by third parties to support XP, Vista and 7. On 1995-04-03, InfoSoft International, Inc., announced the acquisition of Systems Compatibility Corporation, and the renaming of InfoSoft International, Inc. to Inso Corporation. Inso Corporation later developed Quick View Plus products.
  • 335
  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Quick Objects
Quick Objects is a powerful object–relational mapping tool for Microsoft .NET Framework with a built in framework for business logic and validation. The architecture for Quick Objects is different from other ORM tools (See: List of object–relational mapping software). Focus of Quick Objects to provide the advantages of code reuse, code generation and object relational mapping in a single tool set. Quick Objects API is very simple but packed with powerful features and capabilities. LINQ is fully supported and can be used against any of the supported databases. Classes generated by Quick Objects are ready for Web Services, Windows Communication Foundation and Remoting. Comprehensive data access and modification capabilities are complemented by a very flexible object model that allows the developer to specify and control every aspect of the CRUD operations. See below for a list of features.
  • 611
  • 17 Nov 2022
Topic Review
QUIC Protocol
The QUIC protocol developed in 2012 by Google is an alternative protocol that improves the performance of web-based applications. It makes use of UDP, which allows the connection to enhance the performance of many online applications by replacing the TCP three-way handshake with a single UDP round-trip.
  • 203
  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Quaternary Numeral System
A quaternary /kwəˈtɜːrnəri/ numeral system is base-4. It uses the digits 0, 1, 2 and 3 to represent any real number. Four is the largest number within the subitizing range and one of two numbers that is both a square and a highly composite number (the other being 36), making quaternary a convenient choice for a base at this scale. Despite being twice as large, its radix economy is equal to that of binary. However, it fares no better in the localization of prime numbers (the smallest better base being the primorial base six, senary). Quaternary shares with all fixed-radix numeral systems many properties, such as the ability to represent any real number with a canonical representation (almost unique) and the characteristics of the representations of rational numbers and irrational numbers. See decimal and binary for a discussion of these properties.
  • 5.4K
  • 16 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Quantum-Resistant Blockchain System
Blockchain transactions are decentralized, secure, and transparent, and they have altered industries. However, the emergence of quantum computing presents a severe security risk to the traditional encryption algorithms used in blockchain. Post-quantum signatures are required to preserve integrity and reliability. Furthermore, combining the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) with blockchain provides a long-term strategy for data storage and sharing.
  • 247
  • 20 Sep 2023
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