Topic Review
Scalable Distributed Hyperledger Fabric
Blockchain technology, with its decentralization characteristics, immutability, and traceability, is well-suited for facilitating secure storage, sharing, and management of data in decentralized Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Despite the increasing development of blockchain platforms, there is still no comprehensive approach for adopting blockchain technology in IoT systems. This is due to the blockchain’s limited capability to process substantial transaction requests from a massive number of IoT devices. Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) is a popular open-source permissioned blockchain platform hosted by the Linux Foundation. 
  • 938
  • 26 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Sc (Command)
In Windows NT operating systems, a Windows service is a computer program that operates in the background. It is similar in concept to a Unix daemon. A Windows service must conform to the interface rules and protocols of the Service Control Manager, the component responsible for managing Windows services. It is the Services and Controller app, services.exe, that launches all the services and manages their actions, such as start, end, etc. Windows services can be configured to start when the operating system is started and run in the background as long as Windows is running. Alternatively, they can be started manually or by an event. Windows NT operating systems include numerous services which run in context of three user accounts: System, Network Service and Local Service. These Windows components are often associated with Host Process for Windows Services. Because Windows services operate in the context of their own dedicated user accounts, they can operate when a user is not logged on. Prior to Windows Vista, services installed as an "interactive service" could interact with Windows desktop and show a graphical user interface. In Windows Vista, however, interactive services are deprecated and may not operate properly, as a result of Windows Service hardening.
  • 904
  • 13 Oct 2022
Topic Review
SBGTool v2.0: An Empirical Study
SBGTool v2.0 differs from SBGTool due to design changes made in response to teacher suggestions, the addition of sorting options to the dashboard table, the addition of a dropdown component to group the students into classrooms, and improvement in some visualizations. By applying SBGTool v2.0, teachers may compare the outcomes of individual students inside a classroom, determine which subjects are the most and least difficult over the period of a week or an academic year, identify the numbers of correct and incorrect responses for the most difficult and easiest subjects, categorize students into various groups based on their learning outcomes, discover the week with the most interactions for examining students’ engagement, and find the relationship between students’ activity and study success. 
  • 360
  • 08 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Save Your Voice
Save Your Voice is a movement against internet censorship in India. It was founded by cartoonist Aseem Trivedi, journalist Alok Dixit, socialist Arpit Gupta and Chirag Joshi in January 2012. The movement was initially named "Raise Your Voice", before it was renamed. The movement started from Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh, under the frontier-ship of the movement's four founders; with a "Langda March" at Ujjain. The movement opposes the Information Technology Act of India and demands democratic rules for the governance of Internet. The campaign is targeted at the rules framed under the Information Technology Act, 2000.
  • 817
  • 11 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Saturn Launch Vehicle Digital Computer
The Saturn Launch Vehicle Digital Computer (LVDC) was a computer that provided the autopilot for the Saturn V rocket from launch to Earth orbit insertion. Designed and manufactured by IBM's Electronics Systems Center in Owego, N.Y., it was one of the major components of the Instrument Unit, fitted to the S-IVB stage of the Saturn V and Saturn IB rockets. The LVDC also supported pre- and post-launch checkout of the Saturn hardware. It was used in conjunction with the Launch Vehicle Data Adaptor (LVDA) which performed signal conditioning to the sensor inputs to the computer from the launch vehicle.
  • 580
  • 02 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Satisfaction Equilibrium
In game theory, a satisfaction equilibrium is a solution concept for a class of non-cooperative games, namely games in satisfaction form. Games in satisfaction form model situations in which players aim at satisfying a given individual constraint, e.g., a performance metric must be smaller or bigger than a given threshold. When a player satisfies its own constraint, the player is said to be satisfied. A satisfaction equilibrium, if it exists, arises when all players in the game are satisfied.
  • 491
  • 07 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Satellite-Based Active Fire Detection
Detection of an active wildfire in a satellite image scene relies on an accurate estimation of the background temperature of the scene, which must be compared to the observed temperature, to decide on the presence of fire. The expected background temperature of a pixel is commonly derived based on spatial-contextual information. Multi-temporal information and multi-spectral information have also been exploited in estimation of the background temperature of a pixel. This review discusses different approaches of estimation of background temperature and highlights the potentiality of the estimation of the background temperature using the multi-temporal data for early fire detection and real-time fire monitoring. The perspectives of a proposed multi-temporal approach are also outlined. 
  • 2.8K
  • 06 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Satellite-Assisted Disrupted Communications
The space industry has witnessed a resurgence, characterized by a notable proliferation of satellites operating at progressively lower altitudes, promising extensive global coverage and terrestrial-level data transfer speeds, while remaining cost-effective solutions. In particular, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) can benefit from the wide coverage of space infrastructure due to their extensive deployment, disrupted communication nature, and the potential absence of terrestrial support. 
  • 178
  • 09 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Sarcasm and Irony Detection in Social Media
Sarcasm and irony represent intricate linguistic forms in social media communication, demanding nuanced comprehension of context and tone. 
  • 431
  • 30 Nov 2023
Topic Review
SAP Converged Cloud
SAP Converged Cloud is a private managed cloud developed and marketed by SAP. It is a set of cloud computing services that offers managed private cloud, based on the OpenStack technology-based public cloud. It is used by SAP's organization for their own internal IT resources to create a mix of different cloud computing environments made up of the Openstack services. It offers compute, storage, and platform services that are accessible to SAP.
  • 1.2K
  • 15 Nov 2022
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