Topic Review
G Suite
G Suite is a suite of cloud computing, productivity and collaboration tools, software and products developed by Google, first launched on August 28, 2006 as Google Apps for Your Domain. G Suite comprises Gmail, Hangouts, Calendar, and Currents for communication; Drive for storage; Docs, Sheets, Slides, Keep, Forms, and Sites for productivity and collaboration; and, depending on the plan, an Admin panel and Vault for managing users and the services. It also includes the digital interactive whiteboard Jamboard. While these services are free to use for consumers, G Suite adds enterprise features such as custom email addresses at a domain (, option for unlimited cloud storage (depending on plan and number of members), additional administrative tools and advanced settings, as well as 24/7 phone and email support. Being based in Google's data centers, data and information is saved instantly and then synchronized to other data centers for backup purposes. Unlike the free, consumer-facing services, G Suite users do not see advertisements while using the services, and information and data in G Suite accounts do not get used for advertisement purposes. Furthermore, G Suite administrators can fine-tune security and privacy settings. As of April 2020, G Suite had 6 million paying businesses, and 120 million G Suite for Education users.
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  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Gâteaux Derivative
In mathematics, the Gâteaux differential or Gâteaux derivative is a generalization of the concept of directional derivative in differential calculus. Named after René Gâteaux, a French mathematician who died young in World War I, it is defined for functions between locally convex topological vector spaces such as Banach spaces. Like the Fréchet derivative on a Banach space, the Gâteaux differential is often used to formalize the functional derivative commonly used in the calculus of variations and physics. Unlike other forms of derivatives, the Gâteaux differential of a function may be nonlinear. However, often the definition of the Gâteaux differential also requires that it be a continuous linear transformation. Some authors, such as (Tikhomirov 2001), draw a further distinction between the Gâteaux differential (which may be nonlinear) and the Gâteaux derivative (which they take to be linear). In most applications, continuous linearity follows from some more primitive condition which is natural to the particular setting, such as imposing complex differentiability in the context of infinite dimensional holomorphy or continuous differentiability in nonlinear analysis.
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  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Machine Learning Algorithms for Depression
Over the years, stress, anxiety, and modern-day fast-paced lifestyles have had immense psychological effects on people’s minds worldwide. The global technological development in healthcare digitizes the scopious data, enabling the map of the various forms of human biology more accurately than traditional measuring techniques. Machine learning (ML) has been accredited as an efficient approach for analyzing the massive amount of data in the healthcare domain. ML methodologies are being utilized in mental health to predict the probabilities of mental disorders and, therefore, execute potential treatment outcomes. The ML-based depression detection algorithms are categorized into three classes, classification, deep learning, and ensemble. A general model for depression diagnosis involving data extraction, pre-processing, training ML classifier, detection classification, and performance evaluation is presented.
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  • 02 Apr 2022
Topic Review
RGB-D Data-Based Action Recognition
Early research on Human Action Recognition was dominated by the analysis of still images or videos, localizing the actor in a video spatio-temporally using bounding boxes, temporal extent, and a spatio-temporal cuboid which contains a particular action. Human Action Recognition has many applications, including the automated annotation of user videos, indexing and retrieving user videos, automated surveillance, monitoring elderly patients using specially adapted cameras, robot operations, and live blogging of actions. In recent times, the availability of massive amounts of video data has provided significance to the understanding of video data (through a sequence of images) with the possibility of solving problems such as scene identification, searching through video content, and interaction recognition through video scenes. RGB-D generally refers to Red, Green, Blue plus Depth data captured by RGB-D sensors. An RGB-D image provides a per-pixel depth information aligned with corresponding image pixels. An image formed through depth information is an image channel in which each pixel relates to a distance between the image plane and the corresponding object in the RGB image. The addition of depth information to conventional RGB image helps improve the accuracy and the denseness of the data.
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  • 14 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Plone is a free and open source content management system (CMS) built on top of the Zope application server. Plone is positioned as an enterprise CMS and is commonly used for intranets and as part of the web presence of large organizations. High-profile public sector users include the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Brazilian Government, United Nations, City of Bern (Switzerland), New South Wales Government (Australia), and European Environment Agency. Plone's proponents cite its security track record and its accessibility as reasons to choose Plone. Plone has a long tradition of development happening in so-called "sprints", in-person meetings of developers over the course of several days, the first having been held in 2003 and nine taking place in 2014. The largest sprint of the year is the sprint immediately following the annual conference. Certain other sprints are considered strategic so are funded directly by the Plone Foundation, although very few attendees are sponsored directly. The Plone Foundation also holds and enforces all copyrights and trademarks in Plone, and is assisted by legal counsel from the Software Freedom Law Center.
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  • 07 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence as a Disruptive Technology
The greatest technological changes in our lives are predicted to be brought about by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Together with the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, and several others, AI is considered to be the most disruptive technology, and has impacted numerous sectors, such as healthcare (medicine), business, agriculture, education, and urban development.
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  • 07 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Interslavic Language
Interslavic (Medžuslovjansky; Меджусловјанскы) is a zonal constructed language based on the Slavic languages. Its purpose is to facilitate communication between representatives of different Slavic nations, as well as to allow people who do not know any Slavic language to communicate with Slavs by being understandable to most, if not all Slavic speakers without them having to learn the language themselves. For Slavs it can fulfill an educational role as well. Interslavic can be classified as a semi-constructed language. It is essentially a modern continuation of Old Church Slavonic, but also draws on the various improvised language forms Slavs have been using for centuries to communicate with Slavs of other nationalities, for example in multi-Slavic environments and on the Internet, providing them with a scientific base. Thus, both grammar and vocabulary are based on the commonalities between the Slavic languages, and non-Slavic elements are avoided. Its main focus lies on instant understandability rather than easy learning, a balance typical for naturalistic (as opposed to schematic) languages. Precursors of Interslavic have a long history and predate constructed languages like Volapük and Esperanto by centuries: the oldest description, written by the Croatian priest Juraj Križanić, goes back to the years 1659–1666. In its current form, Interslavic was created in 2006 under the name Slovianski. In 2011, Slovianski underwent a thorough reform and merged with two other projects, simultaneously changing its name to "Interslavic", a name that was first proposed by the Czech Ignác Hošek in 1908. Interslavic can be written using the Latin and the Cyrillic alphabets.
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  • 10 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Web Search Engine
A web search engine or Internet search engine is a software system that is designed to carry out web search (Internet search), which means to search the World Wide Web in a systematic way for particular information specified in a textual web search query. The search results are generally presented in a line of results, often referred to as search engine results pages (SERPs). The information may be a mix of links to web pages, images, videos, infographics, articles, research papers, and other types of files. Some search engines also mine data available in databases or open directories. Unlike web directories, which are maintained only by human editors, search engines also maintain real-time information by running an algorithm on a web crawler. Internet content that is not capable of being searched by a web search engine is generally described as the deep web.
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  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Computing Platforms
Unprecedented advances in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones, their application has become widespread in public and industrial sectors. Now, drones are used in many areas such as the deployment of wireless networks, product shipping and delivery, precision agriculture, object detection and tracking, border surveillance and monitoring, remote sensing and environmental monitoring, traffic control, and earth mapping.
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  • 31 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Methods for Crowd Counting
The crowd counting task has become a pillar for crowd control as it provides information concerning the number of people in a scene. It is helpful in many scenarios such as video surveillance, public safety, and future event planning. To solve such tasks, researchers have proposed different solutions. In the beginning, researchers went with more traditional solutions, then the focus is on deep learning methods and, more specifically, on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), because of their efficiency. 
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  • 21 Jul 2022
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