Topic Review
The Concept of a Dual-Core PLC
IEC 61131-3-compliant engineering environments consist of IDE (integrated development environment) with language editors, compiler of source programs into binary code, and runtime for execution of the code. In a dual-core PLC proposed here, the cores run different projects cooperating by shared memory.
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  • 30 Nov 2023
Topic Review Video
K-Center Problem
This entry is adapted from the peer-reviewed paper 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2933875 K-center problems are particular cases of the facility location problem, where a set of optimal centers are to be found given a set of constraints. In a nutshell, a k-center problem usually seeks a set of at most k centers that minimize the distance a client must travel to its nearest center. Namely, their objective function is often a minmax one. Naturally, these problems are well suited for modeling real location problems. Although many different problems fit within the description of a k-center problem, the most popular of these is the vertex k-center problem, where the input is a simple graph and an integer k, and the goal is to find at most k vertices whose distance to the remaining vertices is minimal.
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  • 30 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Knowledge Sharing System (KSS) Design
Numerous ICT instruments, such as communication tools, social media platforms, and collaborative software, bolster and facilitate knowledge sharing activities. Determining the vital success factors for knowledge sharing within its unique context is argued to be essential before implementing it. Therefore, it is imperative to define domain-specific critical success factors when envisioning the design of a knowledge sharing system. 
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  • 30 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Sarcasm and Irony Detection in Social Media
Sarcasm and irony represent intricate linguistic forms in social media communication, demanding nuanced comprehension of context and tone. 
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  • 30 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Electrocardiogram Signal Denoising
The electrocardiogram (ECG) is widely used in medicine because it can provide basic information about different types of heart disease. 
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  • 29 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Ransomware Attack Detection
Several malware variants have attacked systems and data over time. Ransomware is among the most harmful malware since it causes huge losses. In order to get a ransom, ransomware is software that locks the victim’s machine or encrypts his personal information. Numerous research has been conducted to stop and quickly recognize ransomware attacks.
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  • 29 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Deep Neural Networks
The fundamental principles and structures of deep learning (DL) are examined herein. The specific roles and functions of the diverse layers that make up deep networks are discussed, and the importance of evaluation metrics, which serve as crucial tools for gauging the effectiveness of these models, are emphasized. Commonly used architectures in medical image segmentation are also introduced.
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  • 29 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Fault Localization Using TrustRank Algorithm
Fault localization refers to the process of identifying the specific locations or program entities within a software system that are responsible for causing observed failures or errors. It involves analyzing various sources of information, such as execution traces, test cases, and program dependencies, to pinpoint the root causes of failures. The goal of fault localization is to narrow down the search space and provide developers with actionable insights to efficiently and effectively fix the identified faults. By accurately localizing faults, developers can save time and effort in debugging and troubleshooting software systems.
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  • 28 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Subject–Action–Object Structure and Patent Image Features
Patent application is one of the important ways to protect innovation achievements that have great commercial value for enterprises; it is the initial step for enterprises to set the business development track, as well as a powerful means to protect their core competitiveness. Manual measurement in patent detection is slow, costly, and subjective, and can only play an auxiliary role in measuring the validity of patents. Protecting the inventive achievements of patent holders and realizing more accurate and effective patent detection were the issues explored by academics. There are five main methods to measure patent similarity: clustering-based method, vector space model (VSM)-based method, subject–action–object (SAO) structure-based method, deep learning-based method, and patent structure-based method. 
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  • 28 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Large-Scale Unstructured Unsteady Flow
Animation visualization is one of the primary methods for analyzing unsteady flow fields. Loading and rendering individual time steps sequentially can result in substantial frame delay, whereas loading and rendering all time steps simultaneously can result in excessive memory usage.
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  • 28 Nov 2023
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