Topic Review
Systems Thinking and Simulation for Sustainability Education
Education for sustainable development (ESD) is considered vital to the success of the United Nations’ sustainable development goals. Systems thinking has been identified as a core competency that must be included in ESD. However, systems thinking-orientated ESD learning tools, established methods for assessment of sustainability skills, and formal trials to demonstrate the effectiveness of such learning tools are all lacking. Furthermore, simulation is seen by many Systems Thinkers as essential for learning about complex systems. Therefore, whether Systems Thinking theory, interactive simulation, or both, offer the best learning outcomes for sustainability education, is also an important question. A randomised controlled study found that simulation alone significantly increased sustainability learning outcomes. Simulation, together with systems archetypes, was also found to significantly support transfer of understanding from one problem to another with a similar systemic structure, although at a lower level of confidence.
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  • 06 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Systems Theory in Anthropology
Systems theory in anthropology is an interdisciplinary, non-representative, non-referential, and non-Cartesian approach that brings together natural and social sciences to understand society in its complexity. The basic idea of a system theory in social science is to solve the classical problem of duality; mind-body, subject-object, form-content, signifier-signified, and structure-agency. System theory suggests that instead of creating closed categories into binaries (subject-object); the system should stay open so as to allow free flow of process and interactions. In this way the binaries are dissolved. Complex systems in nature—for example, ecosystems—involve a dynamic interaction of many variables (e.g. animals, plants, insects and bacteria; predators and prey; climate, the seasons and the weather, etc.) These interactions can adapt to changing conditions but maintain a balance both between the various parts and as a whole; this balance is maintained through homeostasis. Human societies are complex systems, as it were, human ecosystems. Early humans, as hunter-gatherers, recognized and worked within the parameters of the complex systems in nature and their lives were circumscribed by the realities of nature. But they couldn't explain complex systems. Only in recent centuries did the need arise to define complex systems scientifically. Complex systems theories first developed in math in the late 19th century, then in biology in the 1920s to explain ecosystems, then to deal with artificial intelligence (cybernetics), etc. Anthropologist Gregory Bateson is the most influential and earliest founder of system theory in social sciences. In the 1940s, as a result of the Macy conferences, he immediately recognized its application to human societies with their many variables and the flexible but sustainable balance that they maintain. Bateson describes system as "any unit containing feedback structure and therefore competent to process information." Thus an open system allows interaction between concepts and materiality or subject and the environment or abstract and real. In natural science, systems theory has been a widely used approach. Austrian biologist, Karl Ludwig von Bertalanffy, developed the idea of the general systems theory (GST). The GST is a multidisciplinary approach of system analysis.
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  • 27 Oct 2022
Topic Review
System Architecture for Autonomous Vehicles
Technology facilitates humans, improves productivity and leads to a better quality of life. Technological developments and automation in vehicular networks will lead to better road safety and lower congestion in present urban areas where the traditional transport system is becoming increasingly disorganised and inefficient. Therefore, the development of the intelligent transport systems (ITS) concept has been proposed, with the aim and focus on improving traffic safety and providing different services to its users. There has been considerable research in ITS resulting in significant contributions . 
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  • 07 Apr 2021
Topic Review
In computing, syslog /ˈsɪslɒɡ/ is a standard for message logging. It allows separation of the software that generates messages, the system that stores them, and the software that reports and analyzes them. Each message is labeled with a facility code, indicating the type of system generating the message, and is assigned a severity level. Computer system designers may use syslog for system management and security auditing as well as general informational, analysis, and debugging messages. A wide variety of devices, such as printers, routers, and message receivers across many platforms use the syslog standard. This permits the consolidation of logging data from different types of systems in a central repository. Implementations of syslog exist for many operating systems. When operating over a network, syslog uses a client-server architecture where a syslog server listens for and logs messages coming from clients.
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  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Synthetic Image Data in Computer Vision
Many computer vision applications cannot rely on general image data provided in the available public datasets to train models, instead requiring labelled image data that is not readily available in the public domain on a large scale. At the same time, acquiring such data from the real world can be difficult, costly to obtain, and manual labour intensive to label in large quantities. Because of this, synthetic image data has been pushed to the forefront as a potentially faster and cheaper alternative to collecting and annotating real data.
  • 561
  • 15 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Synthetic Datasets
With the consistent growth in the importance of machine learning and big data analysis, feature selection stands to be one of the most relevant techniques in the field. Extending into many disciplines, the use of feature selection in medical applications, cybersecurity, DNA micro-array data, and many more areas is witnessed. Machine learning models can significantly benefit from the accurate selection of feature subsets to increase the speed of learning and also to generalize the results. Feature selection can considerably simplify a dataset, such that the training models using the dataset can be “faster” and can reduce overfitting. Synthetic datasets were presented as a valuable benchmarking technique for the evaluation of feature selection algorithms.
  • 180
  • 20 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Synthetic Aperture Radar
SAR constellations 
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  • 24 Aug 2020
Topic Review
Symmetric Difference
In mathematics, the symmetric difference, also known as the disjunctive union, of two sets is the set of elements which are in either of the sets and not in their intersection. The symmetric difference of the sets A and B is commonly denoted by or or For example, the symmetric difference of the sets [math]\displaystyle{ \{1,2,3\} }[/math] and [math]\displaystyle{ \{3,4\} }[/math] is [math]\displaystyle{ \{1,2,4\} }[/math]. The power set of any set becomes an abelian group under the operation of symmetric difference, with the empty set as the neutral element of the group and every element in this group being its own inverse. The power set of any set becomes a Boolean ring with symmetric difference as the addition of the ring and intersection as the multiplication of the ring.
  • 1.1K
  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
SYmbolic LinK (SYLK)
Symbolic Link (SYLK) is a Microsoft file format typically used to exchange data between applications, specifically spreadsheets. SYLK files conventionally have a .slk suffix. Composed of only displayable ANSI characters, it can be easily created and processed by other applications, such as databases. Microsoft does not publish a SYLK specification. Variants of the format are supported by Multiplan, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Works,, and Gnumeric. The format was introduced in the 1980s and has not evolved since 1986. A commonly encountered (and spurious) 'occurrence' of the SYLK file happens when a comma-separated value (CSV) format is saved with an unquoted first field name of 'ID', that is the first two characters match the first two characters of the SYLK file format. Microsoft Excel (at least to Office 2016) will then emit misleading error messages relating to the format of the file, such as "The file you are trying to open, 'x.csv', is in a different format than specified by the file extension...". SYLK is known to cause security issues, as it allows an attacker to run arbitrary code, offers the opportunity to disguise the attack vector under the benign-looking appearance of a CSV file, and is still enabled by default on recent (2016) versions of Microsoft Excel.
  • 367
  • 01 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Swarm Robotics for Area Coverage Problem
The area coverage problem solution is one of the vital research areas which can benefit from swarm robotics. The greatest challenge to the swarm robotics system is to complete the task of covering an area effectively. Many domains where area coverage is essential include exploration, surveillance, mapping, foraging, and several other applications.
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  • 19 Jan 2024
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