Topic Review
Bio-Inspired Optimization Algorithms
The application of artificial intelligence in everyday life is becoming all-pervasive and unavoidable. Within that vast field, a special place belongs to biomimetic/bio-inspired algorithms for multiparameter optimization, which find their use in a large number of areas. Novel methods and advances are being published at an accelerated pace. 
  • 874
  • 24 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Microsoft Jet Database Engine
The Microsoft Jet Database Engine (also Microsoft JET Engine or simply Jet) is a database engine on which several Microsoft products have been built. The first version of Jet was developed in 1992, consisting of three modules which could be used to manipulate a database. JET stands for Joint Engine Technology. Microsoft Access and Visual Basic use or have used Jet as their underlying database engine. However, it has been superseded for general use, first by Microsoft Desktop Engine (MSDE), then later by SQL Server Express. For larger database needs, Jet databases can be upgraded (or, in Microsoft parlance, "up-sized") to Microsoft's flagship SQL Server database product. A five billion record MS Jet (Red) database with compression and encryption turned on requires about one terabyte of disk storage space. It comprises typically hundreds of *.mdb files.
  • 872
  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Disordered Proteins and Dynamic Interactions
Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) or regions (IDRs), compared to the well-structural proteins, do not have stable tertiary structures under physiological conditions, and even remain dynamic in specific complexes and functional assemblies. It is now recognized that they are highly prevalent and play important roles in biology and human diseases due to the presence of many representative conformational states and potential dynamic interactions, which requires computer simulations for describing disordered protein ensembles and dynamic interactions involved in biological functions, diseases, and therapeutics.
  • 871
  • 27 Oct 2021
Topic Review
multiOTP is an open source PHP class, a command line tool, and a web interface that can be used to provide an operating-system-independent, strong authentication system. multiOTP is OATH-certified since version 4.1.0 and is developed under the LGPL license. Starting with version, multiOTP open source is also available as a virtual appliance - as a standard OVA file, a customized OVA file with open-vm-tools, and also as a Hyper-V downloadable file.Template:Jargon-statement A QR code is generated automatically when printing the user-configuration page.
  • 871
  • 21 Nov 2022
Topic Review
LPWAN stands for Low Power Wide Area Network;  LPWAN provides long-distance communication for rural and urban areas to support IIoT devices considered by a ten-year provision time to acclimate IIoT applications with higher extensibility, availability of intelligent monitoring infrastructure for a small portion of data exchanges. LoRa is favorable to use with smart sensing applications working IIoT non-authored spectrum. NBIoT is suitable for supporting agriculture and environmental data collection and observations, industrial data tracking and monitoring, inventory tracking, smart billing, and smart buildings, smart metering, and smart cities. Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication uses the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technique for the data communication, the other IIoT applications used in healthcare, smart agriculture, intelligent home, smart vehicles, smart city, smart gadgets, and industries use the cognitive LPWAN, LoRA, Sigfox.  There is a need to mix most LPWAN technologies in heterogeneous IIoT applications to provide more efficient and convenient intelligent services. In heterogeneous IIoT applications, there a need to mix most LPWAN technologies to provide more efficient and convenient intelligent services. This will be deployed by cognitive LPWAN 
  • 871
  • 20 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Solubility and Aggregation of Proteins
Protein solubility is based on the compatibility of the specific protein surface with the polar aquatic environment. The exposure of polar residues to the protein surface promotes the protein’s solubility in the polar environment. The application of 3D GAuss function allows identification of accordant/discordant regions in proteis. The discordant ones usually represent the localisation of biological activity. 
  • 869
  • 11 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Nurses' Health Study
The Nurses' Health Study is a series of prospective studies that examine epidemiology and the long-term effects of nutrition, hormones, environment, and nurses' work-life on health and disease development. The studies have been among the largest investigations into risk factors for major chronic diseases ever conducted. The Nurses' Health Studies have led to many insights on health and well-being, including cancer prevention, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes. They have included clinicians, epidemiologists, and statisticians at the Channing Laboratory (of Brigham and Women's Hospital), Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Public Health, and several Harvard-affiliated hospitals, including Brigham and Women's Hospital, Dana–Farber Cancer Institute, Children's Hospital Boston, and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
  • 869
  • 30 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Blockchain Enabled Cyber-Physical Systems
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) is a setup that controls and monitors the physical world around us. The advancement of these systems needs to incorporate an unequivocal spotlight on making these systems efficient. Blockchains and their inherent combination of consensus algorithms, distributed data storage, and secure protocols can be utilized to build robustness and reliability in these systems. Blockchain is the underlying technology behind bitcoins and it provides a decentralized framework to validate transactions and ensure that they cannot be modified. 
  • 868
  • 25 Apr 2022
Topic Review
MOOSE (Multiphysics Object Oriented Simulation Environment) is an object-oriented C++ finite element framework for the development of tightly coupled multiphysics solvers from Idaho National Laboratory. MOOSE makes use of the PETSc non-linear solver package and libmesh to provide the finite element discretization. A key design aspect of MOOSE is the decomposition of weak form residual equations into separate terms that are each represented by compute kernels. The combination of these kernels into complete residuals describing the problem to be solved is performed at run time. This allows modifications such as toggling of mechanisms and the addition of new physics without recompilation. MOOSE comes with an extensive library of kernels providing residual terms for solid mechanics, Navier–Stokes equations, phase field models and more. MOOSE uses VTK.
  • 868
  • 24 Oct 2022
Topic Review
After Dark
After Dark is a series of computer screensaver software introduced by Berkeley Systems in 1989 for the Apple Macintosh, and in 1991 for Microsoft Windows. Following the original, additional editions included More After Dark, Before Dark, and editions themed around licensed properties such as Star Trek, The Simpsons, Looney Tunes, Marvel, and Disney characters. On top of the included animated screensavers, the program allowed for the development and use of third-party modules, many hundreds of which were created at the height of its popularity.
  • 868
  • 02 Nov 2022
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