Topic Review
Association Rule Mining in Facility Management
Maintenance represents a substantial share of work in various industries. Due to its significant financial impact, industry and research focus on improving the effectiveness of maintenance. Predictive Maintenance (PM) is one way to reduce costs and downtimes by planning maintenance work based on an asset’s actual condition rather than relying on fixed time-based maintenance cycles. Association rule mining (ARM) is a suitable method for PM tasks when data are unlabeled and less structured, as is the case in the facility management domain.
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  • 07 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Mobile Augmented Reality Used in Sustainable Education
Educational institutions have faced significant difficulties in the teaching process at all educational levels, due to lack of motivation, concentration, attention, and confidence, among other aspects. In this sense, information and communication technologies can be the answer to transform educational models. One of the most promising and accessible technologies in recent years is mobile augmented reality (MAR), which allows students to visualize content through a mobile device combining the real environment with a virtual environment, providing an interactive and digital vision of the physical world in real time. 
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  • 07 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Deep Learning for Robotic Vision Methods
Robotic vision algorithms serve three primary functions in visual perception. Pattern recognition in machine vision is the process of identifying and classifying objects or patterns in images or videos using machine learning algorithms. Deep learning in robotic vision reveals a plethora of promising approaches, each with its own unique strengths and characteristics. Robotic vision systems can leverage the strengths of each architecture to improve object detection, tracking, and the understanding of complex visual scenes in dynamic environments. Big data and federated learning play significant roles in advancing the field of computer vision. Big data provides a wealth of diverse visual information, which is essential for training deep learning models that power computer vision applications. These datasets enable more accurate object recognition, image segmentation, and scene understanding.
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  • 07 Feb 2024
Topic Review Video
Metaverse-Related Technologies and Applications
The definition of the Metaverse is a virtual space where users can interact with one another, and with their environment, via 3D digital objects and virtual avatars, in a complex manner that mimics the real world, holding things developed using artificial intelligence techniques; therefore, creating digital humans is essential to the development of the Metaverse and other Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Extended Reality (XR) applications.
  • 1.1K
  • 05 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Cloud Vendor Lock-In
Cloud computing has become an integral part of businesses and personal lives due to its scalability, cost-effectiveness, accessibility, and user-friendliness. Its popularity has led to widespread adoption by people and businesses alike, resulting in significant market growth.
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  • 05 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Optimizing Data Processing
Intelligent applications in several areas increasingly rely on big data solutions to improve their efficiency, but the processing and management of big data incur high costs. Although cloud-computing-based big data management and processing offer a promising solution to provide scalable and abundant resources, the current cloud-based big data management platforms do not properly address the high latency, privacy, and bandwidth consumption challenges that arise when sending large volumes of user data to the cloud. Computing in the edge and fog layers is quickly emerging as an extension of cloud computing used to reduce latency and bandwidth consumption, resulting in some of the processing tasks being performed in edge/fog-layer devices. Although these devices are resource-constrained, recent increases in resource capacity provide the potential for collaborative big data processing. 
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  • 05 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Internet of Things Firmware Vulnerabilities and Auditing Techniques
Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm has been widely applied across a variety of industrial and consumer areas to facilitate greater automation and increase productivity. Higher dependability on connected devices led to a growing range of cyber security threats targeting IoT-enabled platforms, specifically device firmware vulnerabilities, often overlooked during development and deployment.
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  • 04 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Augmented and Virtual Reality Exergames for Elderly People
Augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) can be used in the context of the exergames to train motor and cognitive skills in the elderly population for health improvement.
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  • 04 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Techno-Nationalism and Country of Origin
Techno-nationalism is a viewpoint that emphasizes the importance of domestic control over technology and the digital economy as a means to achieve national security and economic prosperity. It advocates for policies that support national technological advancement, protect against foreign dependency, and prioritize the development of domestic technological capabilities. The country of origin (COO) concept is crucial as it directly impacts economic independence and technological supremacy. By understanding and controlling the COO of technological products and services, a nation can reduce dependency on external tech suppliers and foster domestic innovation. Furthermore, the COO may be essential in protecting national digital infrastructure from potential foreign cyber threats and improving national cybersecurity culture. A framework is introduced with a multi-faceted approach for assessing the country of origin of digital products, incorporating 19 parameters that consider the complexities of hardware, software, and data sources.
  • 195
  • 04 Feb 2024
Topic Review
AI and XAI for Visual Quality Assurance
Quality assurance (QA) plays a crucial role in manufacturing to ensure that products meet their specifications. However, manual QA processes are costly and time-consuming, thereby making artificial intelligence (AI) an attractive solution for automation and expert support. In particular, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have gained a lot of interest in visual inspection. Next to AI methods, the explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) systems, which achieve transparency and interpretability by providing insights into the decision-making process of the AI, are interesting methods for achieveing quality inspections in manufacturing processes.
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  • 02 Feb 2024
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