Topic Review
Network Optimization in the Internet of Vehicles
The Internet of Things (IoT) has risen from ubiquitous computing to the Internet itself. Internet of vehicles (IoV) is the next emerging trend in IoT. People can build intelligent transportation systems (ITS) using IoV. However, overheads are imposed on IoV network due to a massive quantity of information being transferred from the devices connected in IoV. One such overhead is the network connection between the units of an IoV. To make an efficient ITS using IoV, optimization of network connectivity is required. 
  • 704
  • 28 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output Systems
The quantum leap in mobile data traffic and high density of wireless electronic devices, coupled with the advancements in industrial radio monitoring and autonomous systems, have created great challenges for smooth wireless network operations. The fifth-generation and beyond (B5G) (also being referred to as sixth-generation (6G)) wireless communication technologies, due to their compatibility with the previous generations, are expected to overcome these unparalleled challenges. Accompanied by traditional and new techniques, the massive multiple input multiple output (mMIMO) approach is one of the evolving technologies for B5G/6G systems used to control the ever-increasing user stipulations and the emergence of new cases efficiently. 
  • 485
  • 19 Jan 2023
Topic Review
USV and AUV for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Oceanographic data collection, disaster prevention, aided navigation, critical observation sub-missions, contaminant screening, and seaward scanning are just a few of the submissions that use underwater sensor hubs. Unmanned submerged vehicles (USVs) or autonomous acoustic underwater vehicles (AUVs) through sensors would similarly be able to explore unique underwater resources and gather data when utilized in conjunction with integrated screen operations. The most advanced technological method of oceanic observation is wireless information routing beneath the ocean or generally underwater. Water bottoms are typically observed using oceanographic sensors that collect data at certain ocean zones.
  • 588
  • 19 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Short Text Clustering Algorithms
Short text clustering (STC) has become a critical task for automatically grouping various unlabelled texts into meaningful clusters. STC is a necessary step in many applications, including Twitter personalization, sentiment analysis, spam filtering, customer reviews and many other social network-related applications.
  • 1.5K
  • 18 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Blockchain-Based Approaches for User Reputation on E-Commerce
User trust is a fundamental issue in e-commerce. To address this problem, recommendation systems have been widely used in different application domains including social media healthcare, e-commerce, and others. In the literature, on the one hand, blockchain-based reputation systems have been highlighted as possible solutions to effectively provide the necessary transparency, as well as effective identity management. On the other hand, new challenges are posed in terms of user privacy and performance, due to the specific characteristics of the blockchain. According to the literature, two major approaches have been proposed based on public and permissioned blockchains. Each approach applies adjusted models for calculating reputation scores.
  • 418
  • 18 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Design of Experiments in the Advancement of Biomaterial
Optimisation of tissue engineering (TE) processes requires models that can identify relationships between the parameters to be optimised and predict structural and performance outcomes from both physical and chemical processes. Design of Experiments (DoE) methods are commonly used for optimisation purposes in addition to playing an important role in statistical quality control and systematic randomisation for experiment planning. DoE is only used for the analysis and optimisation of quantitative data (i.e., number-based, countable or measurable), while it lacks the suitability for imaging and high dimensional data analysis.
  • 859
  • 18 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Deep Learning Models for Radiography in Chest Disease
Chest X-ray radiography (CXR) is among the most frequently used medical imaging modalities. It has a preeminent value in the detection of multiple life-threatening diseases. Radiologists can visually inspect CXR images for the presence of diseases. Most thoracic diseases have very similar patterns, which makes diagnosis prone to human error and leads to misdiagnosis. Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) provided techniques to make this task more efficient and faster. Numerous experiments in the diagnosis of various diseases proved the potential of these techniques.
  • 535
  • 18 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Data Locality in High Performance Computing
Big data has revolutionized science and technology leading to the transformation of our societies. High-performance computing (HPC) provides the necessary computational power for big data analysis using artificial intelligence and methods. Data locality is a broad term that encapsulates different aspects including bringing computations to data, minimizing data movement by efficient exploitation of cache hierarchies, reducing intra- and inter-node communications, locality-aware process and thread mapping, and in situ and transit data analysis. 
  • 651
  • 17 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Deep Reinforcement Learning Approaches for Smart Manufacturing
AI and, in particular, the Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) algorithms, which are a perfect response to the unpredictability and volatility of modern demand, are studied in detail. Through the introduction of RL concepts and the development of those with ANNs towards DRL, the potential and variety of these kinds of algorithms are highlighted. Moreover, because these algorithms are data based, their modification to meet the requirements of industry operations is also included. Digital twins are a technology that is increasingly important in I.40 and I.5.0, which seems to be crucial to the development of smart manufacturing. 
  • 781
  • 13 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Facility Location and Vehicle-Routing Problem in Reverse Logistics
The concept of reverse logistics (RL) was put forward in 1992, whose essence was to transfer end-of-life (EOL) products from the consumer to the producer for processing.
  • 563
  • 13 Jan 2023
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