Topic Review
The Importance of Social Media in Water Quality
Social media has become a useful instrument and forum for expressing worries about various difficulties and day-to-day concerns. The pertinent postings containing people’s complaints about water quality as an additional source of information can be automatically acquired/retrieved and analyzed using natural language processing and machine learning approaches.
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  • 13 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Models for Enhancing Autonomous Driving Accuracy
Higher-level autonomous driving necessitates the best possible execution of important moves under all conditions. Most of the accidents caused by the AVs launched by leading automobile manufacturers are due to inadequate decision-making, which is a result of their poor perceivance of environmental information. In today’s technology-bound scenarios, versatile sensors are used by AVs to collect environmental information. Due to various technical and natural calamities, the environmental information acquired by the sensors may not be complete and clear, due to which the AVs may misinterpret the information in a different context, leading to inadequate decision-making, which may then lead to fatal accidents. To overcome this drawback, effective preprocessing of raw sensory data is a mandatory task. Pre-processing the sensory data involves two vital tasks, namely data cleaning and data fusion. Since the raw sensory data are complex and exhibit multimodal characteristics, more emphasis is given to data preprocessing. 
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  • 12 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Fire and Smoke Detection
Wildfires are major natural disasters that can cause extensive damage to ecosystems and threaten human lives. It is an uncontrollable and destructive fire that rapidly spreads through vegetation, grasslands, or other flammable areas. Wildfires are typically triggered by a combination of factors, including the presence of abundant dry vegetation and favorable weather conditions like high temperatures, low humidity, and strong winds. The sources of ignition for wildfires are diverse and can range from natural causes like lightning strikes to human activities such as campfires, careless disposal of cigarettes, or even intentional acts of arson. Besides the destructive nature of wildfires, the smoke from wildfires can have severe human health risks and environmental consequences as it can contribute to air quality degradation, disrupt the balance of ecosystems, and even impact the behavior and survival of wildlife. Therefore, early fire and smoke detection are crucial.
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  • 12 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Smart IoT Technologies for Crop Health
Teh field of agriculture has witnessed significant advancements in technology, paving teh way for improved monitoring and management practices. One such technological innovation that holds great promise is teh use of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies for monitoring crop health, growth, and yield prediction. Teh integration of IoT devices, sensors, and data analytics offers new possibilities for farmers to gain real-time insights into their crops and make informed decisions for optimizing agricultural productivity. 
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  • 12 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Prediction of Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer ranks among the top causes of death among females in developing countries. The most important procedures that should be followed to guarantee the minimizing of cervical cancer’s aftereffects are early identification and treatment under the finest medical guidance. 
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  • 12 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Wildlife Detection with Drones
With the impacts of global climate change and habitat loss, wild animals are facing unprecedented threats to their survival. For instance, rising temperatures, increased extreme weather events, and rising sea levels all pose threats to the survival of wildlife. The global urbanization and agricultural expansion have led to large-scale habitat destruction and loss. This has deprived many wild animals of places to live and breed. Moreover, the decline of biodiversity has also exacerbated human concerns about environmental sustainability. As a result, the issue of wildlife conservation has received extensive international attention. In this context, governments and international organizations have taken various initiatives in an attempt to curb the decline of wildlife populations and to improve the efficiency of conservation through the use of scientific and technological means. Drones are widely used for wildlife monitoring. Deep learning algorithms are key to the success of monitoring wildlife with drones, although they face the problem of detecting small targets.
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  • 12 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Autonomous Approaches in Multi-Access Edge Computing Networks
The widespread use of technology has made communication technology an indispensable part of daily life. However, the present cloud infrastructure is insufficient to meet the industry’s growing demands, and multi-access edge computing (MEC) has emerged as a solution by providing real-time computation closer to the data source. Effective management of MEC is essential for providing high-quality services, and proactive self-healing is a promising approach that anticipates and executes remedial operations before faults occur.  The term self-healing (SH) is closely associated with autonomous computing (AC), which was introduced at IBM’s event in 2001. The event aimed to develop a system that could manage itself without human intervention to address the management issues arising from the growing computer systems and networks.
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  • 12 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Self-Healing in Cyber–Physical Systems Using Machine Learning
The rapid advancement of networking, computing, sensing, and control systems has introduced a wide range of cyber threats, including those from new devices deployed during the development of scenarios. With advancements in automobiles, medical devices, smart industrial systems, and other technologies, system failures resulting from external attacks or internal process malfunctions are increasingly common. Restoring the system’s stable state requires autonomous intervention through the self-healing process to maintain service quality.
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  • 12 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Detection of Rootkits Using Memory Analysis
Rootkits are malicious programs designed to conceal their activities on compromised systems, making them challenging to detect using conventional methods. As the threat landscape continually evolves, rootkits pose a serious threat by stealthily concealing malicious activities, making their early detection crucial to prevent data breaches and system compromise. A promising strategy for monitoring system activities involves analyzing volatile memory. The process can be made more reliable by the use of Machine learning and deep learning algorithms too.
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  • 12 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Advanced Persistent Threats Detection for Mobile Devices
Advanced persistent threat (APT) refers to a specific form of targeted attack used by a well-organized and skilled adversary to remain undetected while systematically and continuously exfiltrating sensitive data. Various APT attack vectors exist, including social engineering techniques such as spear phishing, watering holes, SQL injection, and application repackaging. Various sensors and services are essential for a smartphone to assist in user behavior that involves sensitive information. Resultantly, smartphones have become the main target of APT attacks.
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