Topic Review
3D Photorealistic Human Body Modelling and Reconstruction Techniques
The continuous evolution of video technologies is now primarily focused on enhancing 3D video paradigms and consistently improving their quality, realism, and level of immersion. Both the research community and the industry work towards improving 3D content representation, compression, and transmission. Their collective efforts culminate in the striving for real-time transfer of volumetric data between distant locations, laying the foundation for holographic-type communication (HTC). 
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  • 21 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Integrated GNN and DRL in E2E Networking Solutions
Graph neural networks (GNN) and deep reinforcement learning (DRL) are at the forefront of algorithms for advancing network automation with capabilities of extracting features and multi-aspect awareness in building controller policies. While GNN offers non-Euclidean topology awareness, feature learning on graphs, generalization, representation learning, permutation equivariance, and propagation analysis, it lacks capabilities in continuous optimization and long-term exploration/exploitation strategies. Therefore, DRL is an optimal complement to GNN, enhancing the applications towards achieving specific policies within the scope of end-to-end (E2E) network automation.
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  • 18 Mar 2024
Topic Review
A Taxonomic Survey of Physics-Informed Machine Learning
Physics-informed machine learning (PIML) refers to the emerging area of extracting physically relevant solutions to complex multiscale modeling problems lacking sufficient quantity and veracity of data with learning models informed by physically relevant prior information.
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  • 20 Jun 2023
Topic Review
3D Measurement of High-Reflective Surfaces
The reflection phenomenon exhibited by highly reflective surfaces considerably affects the quality of captured images, thereby rendering the task of structured light (SL) 3D reconstruction.
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  • 06 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Cardiac Failure Forecasting
Accurate prediction of heart failure can help prevent life-threatening situations. Several factors contribute to the risk of heart failure, including underlying heart diseases such as coronary artery disease or heart attack, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, certain medications, and lifestyle habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol intake. Machine learning approaches to predict and detect heart disease hold significant potential for clinical utility but face several challenges in their development and implementation.
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  • 15 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Characterizations of the Category of Topological Spaces
In mathematics, a topological space is usually defined in terms of open sets. However, there are many equivalent characterizations of the category of topological spaces. Each of these definitions provides a new way of thinking about topological concepts, and many of these have led to further lines of inquiry and generalisation.
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  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Macintosh Toolbox
The Macintosh Toolbox implements many of the high-level features of the Classic Mac OS, including a set of application programming interfaces for software development on the platform. The Toolbox consists of a number of "managers," software components such as QuickDraw, responsible for drawing onscreen graphics, and the Menu Manager, which maintain data structures describing the menu bar. As the original Macintosh was designed without virtual memory or memory protection, it was important to classify code according to when it should be loaded into memory or kept on disk, and how it should be accessed. The Toolbox consists of subroutines essential enough to be permanently kept in memory and accessible by a two-byte machine instruction; however it excludes core "kernel" functionality such as memory management and the file system. Note that the Toolbox does not draw the menu onscreen: menus were designed to have a customizable appearance, so the drawing code was stored in a resource, which could be on a disk.
  • 361
  • 14 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Slovio (from the Slavic word "slovo") is a constructed language begun in 1999 by Mark Hučko. Hučko claims that the language should be relatively easy for non-Slavs to learn as well, as an alternative to languages such as Esperanto which are based more on Latin root words.
  • 361
  • 17 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Applications of Big Data in the Aerospace Domain
The term Big Data (BD) refers to massive datasets deriving from multiple sources such as people, sensors, or machines. Big Data applications have attracted ever-increasing attention in several scientific and business domains. Biomedicine, transportation, entertainment, and aerospace are only a few examples of sectors which are increasingly dependent on applications, where knowledge is extracted from huge volumes of heterogeneous data. 
  • 361
  • 29 May 2023
Topic Review
Activation-Based Pruning of Neural Networks
A novel technique is presented for pruning called activation-based pruning to effectively prune fully connected feedforward neural networks for multi-object classification. The technique is based on the number of times each neuron is activated during model training. Further analysis demonstrated that activation-based pruning can be considered a dimensionality reduction technique, as it leads to a sparse low-rank matrix approximation for each hidden layer of the neural network. The rank-reduced neural network generated using activation-based pruning has better accuracy than a rank-reduced network using principal component analysis. After each successive pruning, the amount of reduction in the magnitude of singular values of each matrix representing the hidden layers of the network is equivalent to introducing the sum of singular values of the hidden layers as a regularization parameter to the objective function.
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  • 17 Feb 2024
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