Topic Review
Geospatial Data-Driven Approaches for Sustainable Smart Cities
The concept of smart cities has become increasingly important in the pursuit of sustainable development goals. In general, common urban challenges have been addressed through smart-city services, and new perspectives for more sustainable cities have emerged. To realise the full potential of such smart urban environments, geospatial approaches have been used as a focal point, offering a plethora of applications that contribute to a better understanding of urban challenges and innovation potentials.
  • 542
  • 29 Jan 2024
Topic Review
IoT for Smart Cities
Smart city is a collective term for technologies and concepts that are directed toward making cities efficient, technologically more advanced, greener and more socially inclusive. These concepts include technical, economic and social innovations. This term has been tossed around by various actors in politics, business, administration and urban planning since the 2000s to establish tech-based changes and innovations in urban areas. The idea of the smart city is used in conjunction with the utilization of digital technologies and at the same time represents a reaction to the economic, social and political challenges that post-industrial societies are confronted with at the start of the new millennium. The key focus is on dealing with challenges faced by urban society, such as environmental pollution, demographic change, population growth, healthcare, the financial crisis or scarcity of resources. In a broader sense, the term also includes non-technical innovations that make urban life more sustainable. So far, the idea of using IoT-based sensor networks for healthcare applications is a promising one with the potential of minimizing inefficiencies in the existing infrastructure. A machine learning approach is key to successful implementation of the IoT-powered wireless sensor networks for this purpose since there is large amount of data to be handled intelligently. 
  • 541
  • 15 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Occurrence of Bearing Currents in Electric Machines
In electrical machines, there are numerous negative phenomena of a destructive nature. The constructors of electrical machines try to limit these phenomena and/or minimize their negative effects. One such phenomenon in electrical machines is the occurrence of bearing voltages and currents. Despite their simple structure, the bearings are susceptible to damage to the raceway surface and rolling elements. Even small traces and imperfections of these surfaces may cause a serious failure resulting in the bearing being excluded from further operation.
  • 541
  • 11 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Blockchain–Cloud Integration
Blockchain is a new and emergent technology that is expected to change the way current markets work. It is a distributed digital ledger and is decentralized. With the current working capacity of blockchain, it has the potential to be the operating system of smart cities. Blockchain is technology that is open source and distributed and is used to record transactions between parties. It provides a way to develop a system that is both verifiable and secured. Blockchain is open source, so different versions of blockchain are available on the market. Each version is developed depending upon the different needs of the various industries. Blockchain is neither owned nor singly controlled by any one authority. Blockchain technology is evolving at a swift pace. It started with Bitcoin, and now there are many types of blockchain. Organizations are developing different versions of blockchain depending upon their need and benefits.
  • 540
  • 21 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Factors Influencing Blockchain Adoption
The technology of Blockchain may open up new potential for innovation and distinction. It can enable the software sector to develop more safe and transparent systems that can function in an environment without trust. The adoption rate still needs to be higher despite the potential advantages; the relatively low adoption rate may be attributable to issues such as a lack of awareness, the difficulty of adoption, and ambiguity surrounding legal and regulatory frameworks.
  • 540
  • 21 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Oximetry for Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Scoring polysomnography for obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis is a laborious, long, and costly process. Machine learning approaches, such as deep neural networks, can reduce scoring time and costs.
  • 540
  • 11 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Encoding Techniques for Gait Analysis
Gait refers to the movement patterns of an individual’s walk. It encompasses the rhythm, speed, and style of movement which require a strong coordination of the upper and lower limbs. The dramatic increase in the use of numerous sensors, e.g., inertial measurement unit (IMU), in our daily wearable devices has gained the interest of the research community to collect kinematic and kinetic data to analyze the gait. The most crucial step for gait analysis is to find the set of appropriate features from continuous time series data to accurately represent human locomotion.
  • 540
  • 19 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Object detection plays a vital role in autonomous driving systems, and the accurate detection of surrounding objects can ensure the safe driving of vehicles. A category-assisted transformer object detector called DetectFormer for autonomous driving. The proposed object detector can achieve better accuracy compared with the baseline. Specifically, ClassDecoder is assisted by proposal categories and global information from the Global Extract Encoder (GEE) to improve the category sensitivity and detection performance. This fits the distribution of object categories in specific scene backgrounds and the connection between objects and the image context. Data augmentation is used to improve robustness and attention mechanism added in backbone network to extract channel-wise spatial features and direction information.
  • 539
  • 15 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Famous Photographical Manipulations
Photographical Manipulation is the alteration of a photograph. The U.S. National Press Photographers Association (NPPA) Digital Manipulation Code of Ethics states: “As journalists we believe the guiding principle of our profession is accuracy; therefore, we believe it is wrong to alter the content of a photograph in any way that deceives the public. As photojournalists, we have the responsibility to document society and to preserve its images as a matter of historical record. It is clear that the emerging electronic technologies provide new challenges to the integrity of photographic images... in light of this, we the National Press Photographers Association, reaffirm the basis of our ethics: Accurate representation is the benchmark of our profession. We believe photojournalistic guidelines for fair and accurate reporting should be the criteria for judging what may be done electronically to a photograph. Altering the editorial content... is a breach of the ethical standards recognized by the NPPA.”
  • 539
  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Satisfaction Equilibrium
In game theory, a satisfaction equilibrium is a solution concept for a class of non-cooperative games, namely games in satisfaction form. Games in satisfaction form model situations in which players aim at satisfying a given individual constraint, e.g., a performance metric must be smaller or bigger than a given threshold. When a player satisfies its own constraint, the player is said to be satisfied. A satisfaction equilibrium, if it exists, arises when all players in the game are satisfied.
  • 539
  • 07 Nov 2022
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