Topic Review
Methods for Enhancing Security of Precision Agriculture
Precision agriculture encompasses automation and application of a wide range of information technology devices to improve farm output. In this environment, smart devices collect and exchange a massive number of messages with other devices and servers over public channels. Consequently, smart farming is exposed to diverse attacks, which can have serious consequences since the sensed data are normally processed to help determine the agricultural field status and facilitate decision-making. Many schemes have been developed to enhance security in the smart farm environment. 
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  • 17 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Apache XMLBeans (Retired)
XMLBeans is a Java-to-XML binding framework which is part of the Apache Software Foundation XML project.
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  • 07 Nov 2022
Topic Review
As the next version of Windows NT after Windows 2000, as well as the successor to Windows Me, Windows XP introduced many new features but it also removed some others.
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  • 27 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Microgrids Cybersecurity
Microgrids are growing in importance in the Smart Grid paradigm for power systems. Microgrid security is becoming crucial since these systems increasingly rely on information and communication technologies. Many technologies have been proposed in the last few years for the protection of industrial control systems, ranging from cryptography, network security, security monitoring systems, and innovative control strategies resilient to cyber-attacks.
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  • 08 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Security of Transport Layer Security
This article discusses the security of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) internet protocol.
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  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
IcedTea is a build and integration project for OpenJDK launched by Red Hat in June 2007. IcedTea also includes some addon libraries: IcedTea-Web is a free software implementation of Java Web Start and the Java web browser applet plugin. IcedTea-Sound is a collection of plugins for the Java sound subsystem, including the PulseAudio provider which used to be included with IcedTea. The Free Software Foundation recommends that all Java programmers use IcedTea as their development environment. Historically, the initial goal of the IcedTea project was to make the OpenJDK software, which Sun Microsystems released as free software in 2007, usable without requiring any proprietary software, and hence make it possible to add OpenJDK to Fedora and other Linux distributions that insist on free software. This goal was met, and a version of IcedTea based on OpenJDK was packaged with Fedora 8 in November 2007. April 2008 saw the first release of a new variant, IcedTea6, which is based on Sun's build drops of OpenJDK6, a fork of the OpenJDK with the goal of being compatible with the existing JDK6. This was released in Ubuntu and Fedora in May 2008. The IcedTea package in these distributions has been renamed to OpenJDK using the OpenJDK trademark notice. In June 2008, the Fedora build passed Sun's rigorous TCK testing on x86 and x86-64. IcedTea 2, the first version based on OpenJDK 7, was released in October 2011. IcedTea 3, the first version based on OpenJDK 8, was released in April 2016. Support for IcedTea 1 was dropped in January 2017.
  • 623
  • 25 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Machine Learning-Based for Depressive Syndrome
The current polythetic and operational criteria for major depression inevitably contribute to the heterogeneity of depressive syndromes. The heterogeneity of depressive syndrome has been criticized using the concept of language game in Wittgensteinian philosophy. Moreover, “a symptom- or endophenotype-based approach, rather than a diagnosis-based approach, has been proposed” as the “next-generation treatment for mental disorders” by Thomas Insel. Understanding the heterogeneity renders promise for personalized medicine to treat cases of depressive syndrome, in terms of both defining symptom clusters and selecting antidepressants. Machine learning algorithms have emerged as a tool for personalized medicine by handling clinical big data that can be used as predictors for subtype classification and treatment outcome prediction. The large clinical cohort data from the Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR*D), Combining Medications to Enhance Depression Outcome (CO-MED), and the German Research Network on Depression (GRND) have recently began to be acknowledged as useful sources for machine learning-based depression research with regard to cost effectiveness and generalizability. In addition, noninvasive biological tools such as functional and resting state magnetic resonance imaging techniques are widely combined with machine learning methods to detect intrinsic endophenotypes of depression.
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  • 24 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Deep Learning-Based Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most familiar type of dementia, is a severe concern in modern healthcare. Around 5.5 million people aged 65 and above have AD, and it is the sixth leading cause of mortality in the US. AD is an irreversible, degenerative brain disorder characterized by a loss of cognitive function and has no proven cure. Deep learning techniques have gained popularity in recent years, particularly in the domains of natural language processing and computer vision. Since 2014, these techniques have begun to achieve substantial consideration in AD diagnosis research, and the number of papers published in this arena is rising drastically. Deep learning techniques have been reported to be more accurate for AD diagnosis in comparison to conventional machine learning models. 
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  • 01 Jun 2022
Topic Review
VBS1 (Virtual Battlefield Systems 1) is a military simulator which relies heavily on modern game technology and is therefore generally referred to as a serious game. The platform is derived from the first-person entertainment game Operation Flashpoint and is developed by Bohemia Interactive Australia. The system enables the practice of small unit military tactics in an interactive multiplayer 3D environment. The platform provides real-time scenario management facilities, customized vehicles and equipment, user-definable mission scenarios, and variable environmental conditions. This combination of military simulator functionality and modern gaming technology proved to be a success and resulted in a broad military customer base. VBS2 is the successor of this platform.
  • 622
  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
OMSI - The Bus Simulator is a bus driving simulation for Windows that was released in February 2011 as Digital Distribution and in March 2011 on DVD-ROM by Aerosoft. It was developed between 2007 and 2011 by Marcel Kuhnt and Rüdiger Hülsmann under the company name MR Software. The simulation takes place in 1989;-OMSI- it simulates the then-current state of BVG route 92 in Berlin-Spandau. For this purpose, the track was rebuilt faithfully resembling the original and integrated into the game.
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  • 03 Nov 2022
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