Topic Review
Community Source
Community Source is a type of software development used in colleges and universities that builds on the practices of Free Software communities. The software of these collective efforts are distributed via an approved Free Software Foundation licence. Examples include the Sakai Project, Kuali, and Open Source Portfolio. Copyright for the software is often held by an independent foundation (organized as a 501c3 corporation in the United States ) modeled on the contributor agreements, licensing, and distribution practices of the Apache Foundation.
  • 670
  • 24 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Systems Theory in Anthropology
Systems theory in anthropology is an interdisciplinary, non-representative, non-referential, and non-Cartesian approach that brings together natural and social sciences to understand society in its complexity. The basic idea of a system theory in social science is to solve the classical problem of duality; mind-body, subject-object, form-content, signifier-signified, and structure-agency. System theory suggests that instead of creating closed categories into binaries (subject-object); the system should stay open so as to allow free flow of process and interactions. In this way the binaries are dissolved. Complex systems in nature—for example, ecosystems—involve a dynamic interaction of many variables (e.g. animals, plants, insects and bacteria; predators and prey; climate, the seasons and the weather, etc.) These interactions can adapt to changing conditions but maintain a balance both between the various parts and as a whole; this balance is maintained through homeostasis. Human societies are complex systems, as it were, human ecosystems. Early humans, as hunter-gatherers, recognized and worked within the parameters of the complex systems in nature and their lives were circumscribed by the realities of nature. But they couldn't explain complex systems. Only in recent centuries did the need arise to define complex systems scientifically. Complex systems theories first developed in math in the late 19th century, then in biology in the 1920s to explain ecosystems, then to deal with artificial intelligence (cybernetics), etc. Anthropologist Gregory Bateson is the most influential and earliest founder of system theory in social sciences. In the 1940s, as a result of the Macy conferences, he immediately recognized its application to human societies with their many variables and the flexible but sustainable balance that they maintain. Bateson describes system as "any unit containing feedback structure and therefore competent to process information." Thus an open system allows interaction between concepts and materiality or subject and the environment or abstract and real. In natural science, systems theory has been a widely used approach. Austrian biologist, Karl Ludwig von Bertalanffy, developed the idea of the general systems theory (GST). The GST is a multidisciplinary approach of system analysis.
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  • 27 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Improvement of Agricultural Product Traceability with Blockchain
In recent years, agricultural product safety accidents have raised public concern, jeopardizing people’s dietary safety and health. In order to keep track of specific information through the entire supply chain, including the production, logistics, processing, and sales processes, as well as to quickly find and prevent agricultural product safety problems, it is important to build a trusted traceability system. Traditional centralized traceability systems exist with the issues of insecure data storage, low traceability reliability, and single-point attack vulnerability. Blockchain technology has the characteristics of being data tamper-proof, distributed, decentralized, and traceable, which makes it a promising technology for agricultural product traceability.
  • 669
  • 16 May 2022
Topic Review
Progressive Web Apps
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web applications that load like regular web pages or websites but can offer the user functionality such as working offline, push notifications, and device hardware access traditionally available only to native mobile applications. PWAs are an emerging technology that combine the open standards of the web offered by modern browsers to provide benefits of a rich mobile experience.
  • 669
  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
IBM Spectrum Scale
IBM Spectrum Scale is high-performance clustered file system software developed by IBM. It can be deployed in shared-disk or shared-nothing distributed parallel modes. It is used by many of the world's largest commercial companies, as well as some of the supercomputers on the Top 500 List. For example, it was the filesystem of the ASC Purple Supercomputer which was composed of more than 12,000 processors and had 2 petabytes of total disk storage spanning more than 11,000 disks. Before 2015, Spectrum Scale was known as IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS). Like typical cluster filesystems, Spectrum Scale provides concurrent high-speed file access to applications executing on multiple nodes of clusters. It can be used with AIX 5L clusters, Linux clusters, on Microsoft Windows Server, or a heterogeneous cluster of AIX, Linux and Windows nodes. In addition to providing filesystem storage capabilities, Spectrum Scale provides tools for management and administration of the Spectrum Scale cluster and allows for shared access to file systems from remote Spectrum Scale clusters. Spectrum Scale has been available on IBM's AIX since 1998, on Linux since 2001, and on Windows Server since 2008.
  • 668
  • 31 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Generative Adversarial Network in Amodal Completion
The generative adversarial network (GAN) is a structured probabilistic model that consists of two networks, a generator that captures the data distributions and a discriminator that decides whether the produced data come from the actual data distribution or from the generator. The two networks train in a two-player minimax game fashion until the generator can generate samples that are similar to the true samples, and the discriminator can no longer distinguish between the real and the fake samples. Although current computer vision systems are closer to the human intelligence when it comes to comprehending the visible world than previously, their performance is hindered when objects are partially occluded. Since we live in a dynamic and complex environment, we encounter more occluded objects than fully visible ones. Therefore, instilling the capability of amodal perception into those vision systems is crucial. However, overcoming occlusion is difficult and comes with its own challenges. GAN, on the other hand, is renowned for its generative power in producing data from a random noise distribution that approaches the samples that come from real data distributions.
  • 667
  • 24 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Blockchain-Based Loyalty Programs
Loyalty platforms are designed to increase customer loyalty and thus increase consumers’ attraction to purchase. Loyalty programs are one of the main options for brands to increase their accessibility and attractiveness. However, these systems have shortcomings that can influence interaction with users. Blockchain is an innovative technology capable of transforming the behavior of these systems and solving current problems.
  • 667
  • 07 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Privacy-Preserving and Explainable AI
The industrial environment has gone through the fourth revolution, also called “Industry 4.0”, where the main aspect is digitalization. Each device employed in an industrial process is connected to a network called the industrial Internet of things (IIOT). With IIOT manufacturers being capable of tracking every device, it has become easier to prevent or quickly solve failures. Specifically, the large amount of available data has allowed the use of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to improve industrial applications in many ways (e.g., failure detection, process optimization, and abnormality detection).
  • 667
  • 01 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Physiological Measurement of Advertising Engagement
Advertising evokes emotional responses and triggers cognitive processes in consumers. This, in turn, influences individuals’ physiological responses and can provide new insights into consumer behavior. Owing to the steady development of wearable devices with physiological sensors, physiological signals may provide a way to directly and continuously measure the effects of ad exposure and thus better understand consumer behavior.
  • 667
  • 10 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Heart Health Monitoring Service Platform
Heart Health Monitoring Service Platform is a concept that allows medical device manufacturers to offer diagnosis support for a range of diseases to healthcare providers. The proposed platform is based on heart rate monitoring and the diagnosis support is achieved with deep learning. 
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  • 17 Feb 2021
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