Topic Review
Survey of the Tactile Internet
The Tactile Internet (TI) is an innovation that facilitates interaction between human beings (possibly over a distance) with visual presence and haptic feedback. In June 2015, the Technical Activities Board Future Directions Committee launched the most current activity for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Digital Senses Initiative (DSI). The DSI is devoted to propelling advancements that catch and recreate human activities such as sense, touch, hearing, taste, and sight from the external world.
  • 738
  • 18 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Deep Learning in Predicting Aging-Related Diseases
Aging refers to progressive physiological changes in a cell, an organ, or the whole body of an individual, over time. Aging-related diseases are highly prevalent and could impact an individual’s physical health. Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) methods have been used to predict aging-related diseases and issues, aiding clinical providers in decision-making based on patient’s medical records. Deep learning (DL), as one of the most recent generations of AI technologies, has embraced rapid progress in the early prediction and classification of aging-related issues.
  • 737
  • 29 Nov 2021
Topic Review
SPAdes (St. Petersburg genome assembler) is a genome assembly algorithm which was designed for single cell and multi-cells bacterial data sets. Therefore, it might not be suitable for large genomes projects. SPAdes works with Ion Torrent, PacBio, Oxford Nanopore, and Illumina paired-end, mate-pairs and single reads. SPAdes has been integrated into Galaxy pipelines by Guy Lionel and Philip Mabon.
  • 737
  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Operational Technology
Operational technology (OT) is hardware and software that detects or causes a change, through the direct monitoring and/or control of industrial equipment, assets, processes and events. The term has become established to demonstrate the technological and functional differences between traditional information technology (IT) systems and industrial control systems environment, the so-called "IT in the non-carpeted areas".
  • 736
  • 09 Nov 2022
Topic Review
AR for Human–Robot Collaboration/Cooperation in Industrial Applications
Augmented reality (AR): overlays virtual objects on the real-world environment and also provides the ability to interact with that environment. AR is any case in which an otherwise real environment is “augmented” by means of virtual (computer graphic) objects. With the continuously growing usage of collaborative robots in industry, the need for achieving a seamless human–robot interaction has also increased, considering that it is a key factor towards reaching a more flexible, effective, and efficient production line. As a prominent and prospective tool to support the human operator to understand and interact with robots, Augmented Reality (AR) has been employed in numerous human–robot collaborative and cooperative industrial applications. 
  • 736
  • 12 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Quote Notation
Quote notation is a representation of the rational numbers based on Kurt Hensel's p-adic numbers. In quote notation, arithmetic operations take particularly simple, consistent forms, producing exact answers with no roundoff error. Quote notation’s arithmetic algorithms work in a right-to-left direction; addition, subtraction, and multiplication algorithms are the same as for natural numbers, and division is easier than the usual division algorithm. The notation was invented by Eric Hehner of the University of Toronto and Nigel Horspool, then at McGill University, and published in the SIAM Journal on Computing, v.8, n.2, May 1979, pp. 124–134.
  • 736
  • 24 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Stock Index Prediction
The stock index is an important indicator to measure stock market fluctuation, with a guiding role for investors’ decision-making, thus being the object of much research. However, the stock market is affected by uncertainty and volatility, making accurate prediction a challenging task. 
  • 735
  • 07 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Machine Learning-Based Application Life-Cycle
The application of emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), entails risks that need to be addressed to ensure secure and trustworthy socio-technical infrastructures. Machine Learning (ML), the most developed subfield of AI, allows for improved decision-making processes. ML models exhibit specific vulnerabilities that conventional IT systems are not subject to. As systems incorporating ML components become increasingly pervasive, the need to provide security practitioners with threat modeling tailored to the specific AI-ML pipeline is of paramount importance.
  • 734
  • 21 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Token Ring
Token Ring is a computer networking technology used to build local area networks. It uses a special three-byte frame called a token that travels around a logical ring of workstations or servers. This token passing is a channel access method providing fair access for all stations, and eliminating the collisions of contention-based access methods. There were several other earlier implementations of token-passing networks. Token Ring was introduced by IBM in 1984, and standardized in 1989 as IEEE 802.5. It was a successful technology, particularly in corporate environments, but was gradually eclipsed by the later versions of Ethernet.
  • 734
  • 10 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Cybersecurity in ICT Supply Chains
According to the US National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), cyber resilience is defined as “the ability to anticipate, withstand, recover from, and adapt to adverse conditions, stresses, attacks, or compromises on systems that include cyber resources”. The specific demands of supply chains built upon large and complex IoT systems, make it a must to design a coordinated framework for cyber resilience provisioning, intended to guarantee trusted supply chains of ICT systems, built upon distributed, dynamic, potentially insecure, and heterogeneous ICT infrastructures. Today, the resilience of ICT systems is premium, and every ICT system is expected to implement at least a set of basic mechanisms to prevent, resist, and recover from any type of disruption in a timely manner, thus minimizing the impact on service quality and user experience. Particularly in complex ICT supply chain scenarios, the ICT implementation of physical supply chains, serving multiple actors in finance, manufacturing, healthcare, and many other sectors, not only individual parts of the supply chain need to be secured and reliably provisioned, but also the end-to-end process of securing the ICT supply chain. The concept of cyber resilience is expected to become the norm, and one of the key measures of an ICT system’s ability to continue its operations in the event of a cyber attack (be it either software or hardware) or incident.
  • 733
  • 08 Oct 2021
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