Topic Review
Wire is an encrypted communication and collaboration app created by Wire Swiss. It is available for iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Linux, and web browsers such as Firefox. Wire offers a collaboration suite featuring messenger, voice calls, video calls, conference calls, file-sharing, and external collaboration – all protected by a secure end-to-end-encryption. Wire offers three solutions built on its security technology: Wire Pro – which offers Wire's collaboration feature for businesses, Wire Enterprise – includes Wire Pro capabilities with added features for large-scale or regulated organizations, and Wire Red – the on-demand crisis collaboration suite. They also offer Wire Personal, which is a secure messaging app for personal use.
  • 903
  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Pothole Detection
Many datasets used to train artificial intelligence systems to recognize potholes, such as the challenging sequences for autonomous driving (CCSAD) and the Pacific Northwest road (PNW) datasets, do not produce satisfactory results. This is due to the fact that these datasets present complex but realistic scenarios of pothole detection tasks than popularly used datasets that achieve better results but do not effectively represents realistic pothole detection task. In an attempt to improve the detection accuracy of the pothole object detection problems, researchers have proposed varieties of object detection methods enhanced with super-resolution (SR) techniques that are employed to generate an enhanced image from a low-resolution image before performing object detection.
  • 903
  • 24 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Blockchain Enabled Cyber-Physical Systems
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) is a setup that controls and monitors the physical world around us. The advancement of these systems needs to incorporate an unequivocal spotlight on making these systems efficient. Blockchains and their inherent combination of consensus algorithms, distributed data storage, and secure protocols can be utilized to build robustness and reliability in these systems. Blockchain is the underlying technology behind bitcoins and it provides a decentralized framework to validate transactions and ensure that they cannot be modified. 
  • 903
  • 25 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Java Servlet
A Java servlet is a Java software component that extends the capabilities of a server. Although servlets can respond to many types of requests, they most commonly implement web containers for hosting web applications on web servers and thus qualify as a server-side servlet web API. Such web servlets are the Java counterpart to other dynamic web content technologies such as PHP and ASP.NET.
  • 901
  • 25 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Authentication in the Internet of Medical Things
The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has revolutionized the world of healthcare by remotely connecting patients to healthcare providers through medical devices connected over the Internet. IoMT devices collect patients’ medical data and share them with healthcare providers, who analyze it for early control of diseases. The security of patients’ data is of prime importance in IoMT. Authentication of users and devices is the first layer of security in IoMT.
  • 901
  • 29 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Convolutional Sparse Coding
The convolutional sparse coding paradigm is an extension of the global Sparse Coding model, in which a redundant dictionary is modeled as a concatenation of circulant matrices. While the global sparsity constraint describes signal [math]\displaystyle{ \mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^{N} }[/math] as a linear combination of a few atoms in the redundant dictionary [math]\displaystyle{ \mathbf{D}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times M}, M\gg N }[/math], usually expressed as [math]\displaystyle{ \mathbf{x}=\mathbf{D}\mathbf{\Gamma} }[/math] for a sparse vector [math]\displaystyle{ \mathbf{\Gamma}\in \mathbb{R}^{M} }[/math], the alternative dictionary structure adopted by the Convolutional Sparse Coding model allows the sparsity prior to be applied locally instead of globally: independent patches of [math]\displaystyle{ \mathbf{x} }[/math] are generated by "local" dictionaries operating over stripes of [math]\displaystyle{ \mathbf{\Gamma} }[/math]. The local sparsity constraint allows stronger uniqueness and stability conditions than the global sparsity prior, and has shown to be a versatile tool for inverse problems in fields such as Image Understanding and Computer Vision. Also, a recently proposed multi-layer extension of the model has shown conceptual benefits for more complex signal decompositions, as well as a tight connection the Convolutional Neural Networks model, allowing a deeper understanding of how the latter operates.
  • 901
  • 24 Nov 2022
Topic Review
IEEE 802.11ax-2021
IEEE 802.11ax-2021 or 802.11ax is an IEEE standard for wireless local-area networks (WLANs) and the successor of 802.11ac. It is marketed as Wi-Fi 6 (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz) and Wi-Fi 6E (6 GHz) by the Wi-Fi Alliance. It is also known as High Efficiency Wi-Fi, for the overall improvements to Wi-Fi 6 clients under dense environments. It is designed to operate in license-exempt bands between 1 and 7.125 GHz, including the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands already in common use as well as the much wider 6 GHz band (5.925–7.125 GHz in the US). The main goal of this standard is enhancing throughput-per-area[lower-alpha 1] in high-density scenarios, such as corporate offices, shopping malls and dense residential apartments. While the nominal data rate improvement against 802.11ac is only 37%,:qt the overall throughput improvement (over an entire network) is 400% (hence High Efficiency).:qt This also translates to 75% lower latency. The quadruplication of overall throughput is made possible by a higher spectral efficiency. The key feature underpinning 802.11ax is orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA), which is equivalent to cellular technology applied into Wi-Fi.:qt Other improvements on spectrum utilization are better power-control methods to avoid interference with neighboring networks, higher order 1024‑QAM, up-link direction added with the down-link of MIMO and MU-MIMO to further increase throughput, as well as dependability improvements of power consumption and security protocols such as Target Wake Time and WPA3. The IEEE 802.11ax-2021 standard was approved in February 9th, 2021.
  • 900
  • 11 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Poser (and Poser Pro) is a 3D computer graphics program distributed by Bondware. Poser is optimized for the 3D modeling of human figures. By enabling beginners to produce basic animations and digital images, along with the extensive availability of third-party digital 3D models, it has attained much popularity.
  • 900
  • 23 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Distance Geometry Problem
The distance geometry problem is that of characterization and study of sets of points based only on given values of the distances between member pairs. Therefore distance geometry has immediate relevance where distance values are determined or considered, such as biology, sensor network, surveying, cartography, and physics.
  • 900
  • 03 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Bionic is an implementation of the standard C library, developed by Google for its Android operating system. It differs from the GNU C Library (glibc) in being designed for devices with less memory and processor power than a typical Linux system. It is a combination of new code and code from FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD released under a BSD license, rather than glibc, which uses the GNU Lesser General Public License. This difference was important in the early days of Android, when static linking was common, and is still helpful in introducing Android to software companies used to proprietary operating systems, who can be wary of the LGPL, and unclear about the differences between it and the full GNU General Public License (GPL). Bionic is a C library for use with the Linux kernel, and provides libc, libdl, and libm (libpthread functionality is part of libc, not a separate library as on some other systems). This differs from the BSD C libraries that bionic shares code with, because they require a BSD kernel.
  • 899
  • 30 Oct 2022
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