Topic Review
High-Temperature Materials in Ammonia/Hydrogen Gas Turbines
This entry reviews the critical role of material selection and design in ensuring efficient performance and safe operation of gas turbine engines fuelled by ammonia–hydrogen. As these energy fuels present unique combustion characteristics in turbine combustors, the identification of suitable materials becomes imperative. Detailed material characterisation is indispensable for discerning defects and degradation routes in turbine components, thereby illuminating avenues for improvement. With elevated turbine inlet temperatures, there is an augmented susceptibility to thermal degradation and mechanical shortcomings, especially in the high-pressure turbine blade—a critical life-determining component.
  • 1.3K
  • 17 Oct 2023
Topic Review
High-Voltage Film Capacitors
High-voltage capacitors are key components for circuit breakers and monitoring and protection devices, and are important elements used to improve the efficiency and reliability of the grid. Different technologies are used in high-voltage capacitor manufacturing process, and at all stages of this process polymeric films must be used, along with an encapsulating material, which can be either liquid, solid or gaseous.
  • 789
  • 24 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Higher Education Sustainable Business Excellence
Higher education has always been a driver of development for an entire society, as it influences the growth of the economy, culture and individual career development. Accordingly, higher education is an area that is constantly exposed to requests for the continuous improvement, competitiveness and sustainable development of all of the processes carried out in higher education institutions (HEIs). Sustainable business excellence (SBE) is based on a business excellence (BE) concept, meaning that the exceptional levels of performance that meet or go beyond the expectations of different groups of stakeholders are obtained and kept, with current resource usage, which will not compromise future generations’ ability to meet their resource utilisation. SBE represents a concept with many influencing factors: participation, motivation, professional staff training, a focus on customers, strategic planning, a focus on innovation and continuous improvement, leadership, process management, and most crucially sustainable resource management.
  • 682
  • 24 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Human Emotion Recognition
Automated emotion recognition (AEE) is important issue in the various field of activities, which uses human emotional reaction as a signal for marketing, technical equipment or human-robot interaction. Paper analyzes vast layer of scientific research and technical papers for sensor use analysis, where various methods implemented or researched. Paper cover few classes of sensors, using contactless methods, contact and skin-penetrating electrodes with for human emotion detection and measurement of their intensity. Result of performed analysis in this paper presented applicable methods for each type of emotions or their intensity and proposed their classification. Provided classification of emotion sensors revealed area of application and expected outcome from each method as well as noticed limitation of them. This paper should be interested for researchers, needed to use of human emotion evaluation and analysis, when there is a need to choose proper method for their purposes or find alternative decision.
  • 1.9K
  • 27 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Humanitarian Logistics Network
Humanitarian Logistics Network (HLN) acts as a coordinating body for humanitarian partners interested in embarking goods or personnel.
  • 366
  • 24 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Humanitarian Supply Chains
In humanitarian logistics, efficiently evacuating people during disasters poses a significant challenge. Comprehensive plans are essential for moving individuals from affected areas, encompassing both pre- and post-disaster phases. These plans must optimize resource usage, including public transportation, and consider those with mobility challenges. 
  • 162
  • 10 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Hydraulic Accumulators in Hydraulic Systems
Electric motors used in industrial machines and devices, as well as internal combustion engines (ICE) used in vehicles, mobile machines, and marine devices, participate in the transformation of mechanical power into hydraulic power. In power transmission, hydraulic drive systems have a high power density. Hydraulic pumps, as energy sources in hydraulic drive systems, are widely used due to their high working pressure and high flow rate. The hydraulic accumulator (HA) is a device that is used to store energy in the hydraulic system in the form of pressure energy. 
  • 1.3K
  • 14 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Hydrogen Electrolyzer
Hydrogen energy is regarded as an ideal solution for addressing climate change issues and an indispensable part of future integrated energy systems. The electrolyzer (EL) is the key equipment and is the interface between electrical energy and hydrogen energy in the water electrolysis (WE) process.
  • 260
  • 21 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Hyperloop Academic Research
Hyperloop is a proposed very high-speed ground transportation system for both passenger and freight that has the potential to be revolutionary, and which has attracted much attention in the last few years. The concept was introduced in its modern form relatively recently, yet substantial progress has been made in the past years, with research and development taking place globally, from several Hyperloop companies and academics. 
  • 509
  • 05 Jul 2021
Topic Review
I4.0, Servitisation, and Circular Economy
Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies have been highlighted in recent literature as enablers of servitisation. Simultaneously, businesses are advised to implement a circular economy (CE) to bring new opportunities. However, it is pertinent to mention that little attention has been given to assess the role of I4.0 in adopting the CE and servitisation in a fully integrated manner. This research fills this gap by developing a conceptual framework through a systematic literature review of 139 studies investigating the relationship between the I4.0, CE, and servitisation. This study identifies the impact of these variables on a firm’s operational and financial performance (revenue stream, growth, and profitability). Our research findings advocate that adopting I4.0 technologies to the business and manufacturing model enables sustainability, energy and resource efficiency while enhancing performance and offering innovative products through smart services. Thus, firms must systematically adopt I4.0 technologies to support a CE model that creates value through servitisation. This study identifies the research gaps that are unexplored for practitioners and future researchers while providing insight into the role of I4.0 in implementing CE in the servitisation business model.
  • 778
  • 23 Jun 2021
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