Topic Review
Urban Electromobility
The growing need for electric energy is forcing the construction industry to greater integrate energy production systems based on renewable energy sources. The energy ought to be used not only to support functions of the building but also to charge electric vehicles, whose number has been increasing for the last few years.
  • 566
  • 19 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Vehicle Routing Problem
With the expansion of online shopping, urban logistics must handle the increasing customer demand, making the last-mile delivery process more challenging. Furthermore, this expansion significantly contributes to companies’ distribution costs. To overcome some of the last-mile delivery costs, parcel lockers-as a delivery option-can be an alternative solution. Parcel lockers extend delivery options beyond home delivery, offering cost-saving benefits. However, incorporating multiple delivery options introduces additional complexity to the delivery management system.
  • 214
  • 18 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Vehicles on Alternative Propulsion Systems
Cities are places where large concentrations of people are present, and as such, they generate large quantities of goods. In Europe, 80% of people live in urban areas. Distribution of goods is a fundamental prerequisite for the maintenance of urban life and business activity that generates income and development of urban areas. The distribution of goods within the cities leads to the emergence of "diseases in urban areas", such as traffic congestion, noise, adverse environmental impact, road safety, etc. With a view to sustainable development, increasing attention is paid to the development of environmentally friendly systems and goods transport technologies in the distribution of goods. This paper analyzes the role of vehicles on alternative propulsion systems in logistics and transport
  • 507
  • 06 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
The vehicular ad hoc network is an emerging area of technology that provides intelligent transportation systems with vast advantages and applications. Frequent disconnections between the vehicular nodes due to high-velocity vehicles impact network performance. 
  • 9.7K
  • 27 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Virtual Coupling in Railways
The mobility situation is constantly changing as people are increasingly moving to urban areas. Therefore, a flexible mode of transport with high-capacity passenger trains and a high degree of modularity in the trains’ composition is necessary. Virtual coupling (VC) is a promising solution to this problem because it significantly increases the capacity of a line and provides a more flexible mode of operation than conventional signaling systems.
  • 797
  • 29 May 2023
Topic Review
Walkability of Large Parking Lots on University Campuses
Car-dominated university campuses allocate large areas of land for parking lots, which are major hubs for users to start and end their daily walking trips.
  • 219
  • 12 May 2023
Topic Review
X 2000
X 2000, also called SJ X2 or simply as X2, is a tilting train operated by SJ in Sweden. It was constructed by Kalmar Verkstad in Kalmar, Sweden (prior to the company being bought by Adtranz in 1996) and launched in 1990 as a first-class only train with a meal included in the ticket price, and free use of the train's fax machine. There is a bistro on board that serves snack bar-style dishes. From 1995 second class was introduced. All trains are equipped with Wi-Fi for passenger access to the Internet and were repainted grey as of 2005. The trains also have electric power supply sockets at all seats in both first and second class. The trains have been fitted with repeaters to improve mobile phone reception. It has a top commercial speed of 200 km/h (120 mph), but has reached 276 km/h (171 mph) in a test. The reason the X2 was chosen was that Sweden (like most other countries) has very curved railways, and not enough traffic to justify building special high-speed railway lines (at least before 1990). As a result, a Swedish tilting train had to be developed. A tilting train provided the advantages of high speed and comfort for the passengers, as tilting trains can run through sharp (short radius or tight) curves up to 15% faster than non-tilting trains. The X2 was designed and built by ASEA (later ABB Asea Brown Boveri, Adtranz ABB Daimler Benz Transportation and now Bombardier Transportation). SJ ordered 20 trainsets in August 1986 and planned to order further 30 trainsets. However, this figure was later reduced to only 43 trainsets.
  • 923
  • 29 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Youth Road Safety Behavior in Serbia
Road traffic crashes are a leading cause of death for young people. Aberrant driver behaviors, such as drink driving, speeding, not wearing seatbelts, non-compliance with traffic rules and aggressive driving, are key contributors to these crashes. Gender and urban/rural differences are also risk factors. Younger people have the highest road crash and fatality risk.
  • 883
  • 07 Nov 2022
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