Topic Review
Maritime Transportation Safety Management
Maritime transportation plays a critical role in global trade, and studies on maritime transportation safety management are of great significance to the sustainable development of the maritime industry. Consequently, there has been an increasing trend recently in studies on maritime transportation safety management, especially in terms of safety risk analysis and emergency management.
  • 212
  • 04 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Methodology of Transport Corridor Modeling Using Petri Nets
Current models for evaluating sustainable transport corridors often lack a comprehensive framework capturing the multifaceted performance measures vital for holistic assessment especially at the early stages of operation, when detailed information on the performance indicators of these transport corridors is not available. This gap motivates a Petri net-based modeling approach that integrates key sustainability indicators into a flexible simulation tool.
  • 318
  • 07 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Micromobility is a widely used term for low speed modes of transport based on the use of electric-powered personal micro vehicles, such as e-scooters. E-bikes can be included in this definition as they have been in the USA, even if in some countries, such as Italy, micromobility usually refers to small electric devices, thus excluding e-bikes. 
  • 751
  • 08 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Mobility Apps for Improving Urban Travel Patterns
In recent decades cities have applied a number of policy measures aimed at reducing car use and increasing public transportation (PT) patronage. Persuasive strategies to change mobility behavior present notable limitations in economic and logistical terms and have only minor impacts. The smartphone has emerged as a promising tool to overcome these challenges, as it can host persuasion strategies through mobility apps. Simultaneously, Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) schemes could open up new possibilities for addressing both sustainability goals and the needs of urban travelers.
  • 1.1K
  • 25 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Modelling Freight Last Mile
The transport of freight involves numerous intermediate steps, such as freight consolidation, truck allocation, and routing, all of which exhibit high day-to-day variability. On the delivery side, drivers usually cover specific geographic regions, also known as clusters, to optimise operational efficiency. A crucial aspect of this process is the effective allocation of resources to match business requirements. The discrete-event simulation (DES) technique excels in replicating intricate real-world operations and can integrate a multitude of stochastic variables, thereby enhancing its utility for decision making. 
  • 246
  • 18 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Mohawk Warrior
Mohawk Warrior (also known as Great Clips Mohawk Warrior since 2017) is a monster truck currently racing in the Monster Jam professional monster truck racing series. It is currently driven by Bryce Kenny, and was originally driven by George Balhan, former An Escalade driver, who debuted in 2010 during the Monster Jam World Finals XI Encore in the Obsession Chassis. It features one of the first trucks a decoration on the roof, which is a Giant Mohawk. The truck is also a successor to An Escalade. It also has an NGK Spark Plugs flag at the back of the truck, and was replaced by the Great Clips flags in 2017. It is sponsored by Great Clips since Bryce Kenny became the new driver of Mohawk Warrior after Balhan retired from Monster Jam.
  • 859
  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Navigation and Communication of UAS Operating in BVLOS
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) have rapidly gained attraction in recent years as a promising solution to revolutionize numerous applications and meet the growing demand for efficient and timely delivery services due to their highly automated operation framework. Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations, in particular, offer new means of delivering added-value services via a wide range of applications.
  • 348
  • 31 Jan 2024
Topic Review
New Mobility Agenda
The New Mobility Agenda is an international institution which, although a virtual and open collaborative project today, was originally set up by an international working group meeting at the Abbey de Royaumont near Paris in 1974 with the support of the Parisian OECD to challenge old ideas and practices in the field of urban transport through a long term collaborative program of information exchange, education and peer support. The Agenda today draws together the experience, expertise and support of more than four thousand individuals and groups worldwide in an open collaborative peer network. One of the original proponents of this approach, Professor Mikoto Usui then director of the OECD Development Centre, referred to it in the founding meeting at the "Abbé de Royaumont as an "invisible college". Drawing together the experience and expertise of more than four thousand individuals and groups worldwide, who are networked via a combination of websites, discussion groups and fora, and collaborative projects, the Agenda takes an approach to transportation planning, policy and practice that has gained considerable force over the last two decades—provides a leading-edge alternative to earlier (20th century) methods of looking at and providing mobility for people and goods in cities. The Agenda has received prestigious awards for its contributions, including the Stockholm Environment Challenge Prize (2000) and the World Technology Environment Award (2002). Like the sustainable transportation movement, to which it is closely related, it differs from previous methods (which in fact still dominate planning, policy, investment and operations in most parts of the world) in that it takes a global or broad systemic approach to the challenges of how to get around in cities, and is especially sensitive not only to pure transport efficiency (which traditionally is interpreted in pure engineering terms as speed and volume of vehicle throughput) but equally to matters of sustainable development, pollution and environmental impacts—including matters relating to climate change, the reduction of Greenhouse gases, resource efficiency, energy conservation, public health, both personal and public economics, overall time savings, public spaces, and quality of life in communities, including relations between people in public spaces – with particular attention to social justice and the unmet needs of women, children, and others with mobility or economic or health disadvantages which are not being properly served in our present mainly car-based systems and thinking, in which other forms of transport, including public transport, play only residual roles.
  • 290
  • 09 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Occupational Health and Safety
Sustainability of large transport infrastructure projects is directly linked with the working conditions and procedures in construction and maintenance. Furthermore, safety is one of the most crucial performance indicators for transport infrastructure operators, dealing with management priorities, policies and measures closely related to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). This issue is extremely important especially for public private partnerships (PPP), extensively adopted in transport sector in many regions, where detailed contacts and OHS provisions should be considered. By a systemic analysis, this research identifies the key management factors influence safety performance in the PPP/concession projects and the management comprehensives over those factors. The survey analysis framework for the evaluation of OHS management performance for large transport operators are breakdown, promoting the structure and the expected outcomes toward sustainable management of transport infrastructure. The application is the Greek motorways concessions projects that implemented in the last decade. The research outputs provide key messages to planners, managers, decision makers, and stakeholders over large transport infrastructure sustainable development, promoting OHS performance aspects should be taken into consideration in operation management contacts and highlighting the link between OHS, level of safety, and sustainability. The case study structure and outputs are valuable for comparisons with similar cases, provide the framework for using in other places and/or cases and stimulate the interest for further research. 
  • 438
  • 30 May 2022
Topic Review
Olea europea and By-Products: Extraction Methods/Cosmetic Applications
The olive oil industry produces vast quantities of by-products, such as olive mill wastewater, olive pomace and leaves from which new ingredients may be obtained for cosmetic use. In this way, by-products are revalorized, which contributes to the implementation of a sustainable economy or upcycling. 
  • 258
  • 08 Aug 2023
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