Topic Review
Risk Management Methodology for Transport Infrastructure Security
The development of transport infrastructure is associated with risks, expressed in the likelihood of harm to the road users’ health during road accidents and their consequences. The risk management process is aimed at reducing the influence of factors that contribute to the occurrence of an accident and increase the consequences’ severity after it. 
  • 561
  • 28 Jun 2022
Topic Review
APTs Applications in Non-Pavement Research
Accelerated pavement testing (APT) facilities are traditionally used for pavement evaluation under in-service conditions of traffic, environment, and other pavement design parameters. “APT is defined as the controlled application of a prototype wheel loading, at or above the appropriate legal load limit to a prototype or actual, layered, structural pavement system to determine pavement response and performance under a controlled, accelerated accumulation of damage in a compressed time period. The acceleration of damage is achieved by means of increased repetitions, modified loading conditions, imposed climatic conditions, the use of thinner pavements with a decreased structural capacity and thus shorter design lives, or a combination of these factors.
  • 549
  • 17 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Passenger-like Container Train
The passenger-like container train is a fixed marshalling and fixed bottom. It does not dismantle and the marshalling station operates during the operation process. It has a definite departure and final station. Different trains will choose different stopping methods according to the different terminal stations of the transported containers. At the stopping stations, the fast loading and unloading mode of the arrival and departure line is adopted, and the containers can wait for the train at the platform like passengers and carry out loading, unloading, and reloading operations.
  • 548
  • 17 May 2022
Topic Review
Public Transport COVID-19-Safe: New Barriers and Policies
The COVID-19 emergency forced cities worldwide to adopt measures to restrict travel and implement new urban public transport solutions. The discontinuity and reduction of services made users recognize public transport systems as contamination vectors, and the decrease in the number of passengers can already be seen in several places. Countermeasures that reduce the contact with other passengers—directly (limit the number of passengers in vehicles) or indirectly (operate with large vehicles)—and increase offers are possible solutions to make users feel safe while riding. 
  • 534
  • 28 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Vehicles on Alternative Propulsion Systems
Cities are places where large concentrations of people are present, and as such, they generate large quantities of goods. In Europe, 80% of people live in urban areas. Distribution of goods is a fundamental prerequisite for the maintenance of urban life and business activity that generates income and development of urban areas. The distribution of goods within the cities leads to the emergence of "diseases in urban areas", such as traffic congestion, noise, adverse environmental impact, road safety, etc. With a view to sustainable development, increasing attention is paid to the development of environmentally friendly systems and goods transport technologies in the distribution of goods. This paper analyzes the role of vehicles on alternative propulsion systems in logistics and transport
  • 507
  • 06 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Spatial-Temporal Flows-Adaptive Street Layout Control Using Reinforcement Learning
This study proposes a novel optimal control method that decides the ROW of road space assigned to driveways and sidewalks in real-time. To solve this optimal control task, a reinforcement learning method is introduced that employs a microscopic traffic simulator, namely SUMO, as its environment. The model was trained for 150 episodes using a four-legged intersection and joint AVs-pedestrian travel demands of a day. Results evidenced the effectiveness of the model in both symmetric and asymmetric road settings. After being trained by 150 episodes, our proposed model significantly increased its comprehensive reward of both pedestrians and vehicular traffic efficiency and sidewalk ratio by 10.39%. Decisions on the balanced ROW are optimised as 90.16% of the edges decrease the driveways supply and raise sidewalk shares by approximately 9%. Moreover, during 18.22% of the tested time slots, a lane-width equivalent space is shifted from driveways to sidewalks, minimising the travel costs for both an AV fleet and pedestrians.
  • 503
  • 28 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Ammonia and Hydrogen Energy Utilization in Road Transportation
The crisscross progress of transportation and energy carries the migrating track of human society development and the evolution of civilization, among which the decarbonization strategy is a key issue. Traffic carbon emissions account for 16.2% of total energy carbon emissions, while road traffic carbon emissions account for 11.8% of total energy carbon emissions. Therefore, road traffic is a vital battlefield in attaining the goal of decarbonization. Employing clean energy as an alternative fuel is of great significance to the transformation of the energy consumption structure in road transportation. Hydrogen and ammonia are renewable energy with the characteristics of being widely distributed and clean. Both exist naturally in nature, and the products of complete combustion are substances (water and nitrogen) that do not pollute the atmosphere. Because it can promote agricultural production, ammonia has a long history in human society. Both have the potential to replace traditional fossil fuel energy. 
  • 500
  • 30 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Emotional Well-Being during Travel
Well-being has been suggested as another indicator of social development level besides income and economic prosperity. Traveler emotional well-being as a specific domain of subjective well-being has attracted attention across the field of transportation.
  • 494
  • 26 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Car-Free Day on a University Campus
Intensive car use is associated with serious damage to the environment, human health and the economy. It has a great impact on climate change as passenger cars account for nearly half of the worldwide carbon dioxide emissions from the transport sector. Locally, it is a major source of air pollution—mainly from nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds and particulate matter emissions, which causes hundreds of thousands premature deaths every year. Moreover, the growing number of cars in urban areas increases congestion and traffic accidents, decreases citizens’ quality of life and brings about considerable economic losses. Although recent research has indicated that car use has reached its peak and has begun a downward trajectory, there are still major concerns about other issues such as improvements in fuel consumption, the pace of electric vehicle adoption and the increasing demand for heavier and more polluting vehicles. More recently, with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, tight circulation restrictions significantly reduced the average distance traveled by car. However, post-pandemic trends in car use are uncertain as the combined result of widespread disruptions in public transit, increased substitution of traveling by teleactivities and the rise of active transport remains unclear.
  • 490
  • 06 Apr 2022
Topic Review
The M-Bahn or Magnetbahn was an elevated Maglev train line operating in Berlin, Germany , experimentally from 1984 and in passenger operation from 1989 to 1991. The line was 1.6 kilometres (1 mi) in length, and featured three stations, two of which were newly constructed. Presumed to be the future of rail transit in Berlin, the line was built to fill a gap in the West Berlin public transport network created by the construction of the Berlin Wall. It was rendered redundant by the reunification of Berlin and was closed to enable reconstruction of the U2 line. The M-Bahn was the second Maglev line to open to public traffic, after the Birmingham Maglev but before the Shanghai maglev train. Construction and running were undertaken by Magnetbahn GmbH.
  • 491
  • 30 Sep 2022
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