Topic Review
Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Full Electric Mobility
Global warming originates mainly from greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Among them, carbon dioxide is the most critical man-made greenhouse gas that is constantly referred to. For this reason, total greenhouse gases are measured as carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-eq), a unit of measurement used to standardize the effects of the various greenhouse gases on the climate. CO2-eq is a metric used to compare the emissions of different greenhouse gases based on their global-warming potential (GWP) by converting the amounts of other gases to the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide with the same global warming potential. 
  • 372
  • 07 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Grey Goo
Grey goo (also spelled gray goo) is a hypothetical end-of-the-world scenario involving molecular nanotechnology in which out-of-control self-replicating robots consume all biomass on Earth while building more of themselves, a scenario that has been called ecophagy ("eating the environment", more literally "eating the habitation"). The original idea assumed machines were designed to have this capability, while popularizations have assumed that machines might somehow gain this capability by accident. Self-replicating machines of the macroscopic variety were originally described by mathematician John von Neumann, and are sometimes referred to as von Neumann machines or clanking replicators. The term gray goo was coined by nanotechnology pioneer Eric Drexler in his 1986 book Engines of Creation. In 2004 he stated, "I wish I had never used the term 'gray goo'." Engines of Creation mentions "gray goo" in two paragraphs and a note, while the popularized idea of gray goo was first publicized in a mass-circulation magazine, Omni, in November 1986.
  • 898
  • 08 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Grid Code Requirements in Ethiopia
Rapid integration of renewable energy into the electric grid has ramifications for grid management and planning. Therefore, system operators have formulated grid code requirements to ensure that the grid continues to operate in a secure, safe, and cost-effective manner. The current state of grid code in Ethiopia, as well as the need for it, is discussed here. It lays out the technological grid integration requirements, with a focus on small and microgrids, which are especially important for the integration of renewable. 
  • 1.7K
  • 08 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Grid Connected Photovoltaic Inverters
       The installation of photovoltaic (PV) system for electrical power generation has gained a substantial interest in the power system for clean and green energy. However, having the intermittent characteristics of photovoltaic, its integration with the power system may cause certain uncertainties (voltage fluctuations, harmonics in output waveforms, etc.) leading towards reliability and stability issues. In PV systems, the power electronics play a significant role in energy harvesting and the integration of grid-friendly power systems. Therefore, the reliability, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of power converters are of main concern in the system design and are mainly dependent on the applied control strategy. 
  • 3.0K
  • 26 Aug 2020
Topic Review
Grid-Connected Active Power Filter
Renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic (PV) and wind energies are integrated into the grid due to their low global emissions and higher power conversion efficiency techniques. Grid-connected inverters are the core components of distributed generation networks. However, several harmonic current and voltage variations affect the performance of circuits in grid-connected networks. These issues can be easily resolved using passive filters, static vector generators, and dynamic energy filters (APFs). 
  • 427
  • 23 May 2023
Topic Review
Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is increasing in various sectors of photovoltaic (PV) systems, due to the increasing computational power, tools and data generation. 
  • 662
  • 30 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Grid-Forming Control Approaches
Changes are being implemented in the electrical power grid to accommodate the increased penetration of renewable energy sources interfaced with grid-connected inverters. The grid-forming (GFM) control paradigm of inverters in active power grids has emerged as a technique through which to tackle the effects of the diminishing dominance of synchronous generators (SGs) and is preferred to the grid-following (GFL) control for providing system control and stability in converter-dominated grids. 
  • 635
  • 29 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Grid-Forming Converters and Power System Stability
Historically, the power system has relied on synchronous generators (SGs) to provide inertia and maintain grid stability. However, because of the increased integration of power-electronics-interfaced renewable energy sources, the grid’s stability has been challenged in the last decade due to a lack of inertia. Currently, the system predominantly uses grid-following (GFL) converters, built on the assumption that inertial sources regulate the system stability. Such an assumption does not hold for the low-inertia grids of the future. Grid-forming (GFM) converters, which mimic the traditional synchronous machinery’s functionalities, have been identified as a potential solution to support the low-inertia grids. The performance analysis of GFM converters for small-signal instability can be found in the literature, but large-signal instability is still an open research question. Moreover, various topologies and configurations of GFM converters have been proposed. Still, no comparative study combining all GFC configurations from the perspective of large-signal stability issues can be found. This research combines and compares all the existing GFM control schemes from the perspective of large-signal stability issues to pave the way for future research and development of GFM converters for large-signal stability analysis and stabilization of the future low-inertia grids. 
  • 2.3K
  • 19 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Grid-Forming Inverters
The electrical grid is predominantly characterized by synchronous generators (SGs). These generators provide a consistent voltage and frequency, facilitating the synchronization of VSIs and their connection at the point of common coupling (PCC) for injecting power into the main grid. These inverters operate as current sources and are known as grid-following inverters. The imperfections of grid-following inverters arise when the grid is absent, as this concept fails to produce instantaneous voltage and frequency set points. Therefore, this operating mode has been significantly modified, from following the grid to leading it. This concept is known as grid-forming (GFM) inverters, which can independently set up and keep the voltage and frequency within their nominal ranges without the need for the main grid.
  • 353
  • 29 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Grid-Forming Virtual Power Plants
Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) are efficient structures for attracting private investment, increasing the penetration of renewable energy and reducing the cost of electricity for consumers. It is expected that the number of VPPs will increase rapidly as their financial return is attractive to investors. VPPs will provide added value to consumers, to power systems and to electricity markets by contributing to different services such as the energy and load-following services. Grid forming inverters (GFM) are used to connect distributed energy sources and devices into a unique resource and convert it to Alternating Current. GFMs are especially suited to connecting VPPs to the main power grid.
  • 827
  • 20 Dec 2022
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