Topic Review
Functional Nucleic-Acid Biosensors
According to the latest Global Cancer Statistics, there are about 19.3 million new cancer cases worldwide and nearly 10 million people died of cancer in 2020. As the largest threat to human life, the early detection of cancer is an effective way to reduce its mortality. In addition, heavy metal poisoning and biological toxins also seriously endanger human health, and their detection methods still have some shortcomings. Against this backdrop, biosensors have been developed by integrating modern biotechnology and advanced physical technology. Biosensors are devices that are used for the rapid and sensitive detection of substances at the molecular level. The basic unit of the biosensor includes the identification element, transducer and detector, etc. The components of organisms with molecular recognition capabilities or the organism itself can be used as recognition elements.
  • 624
  • 27 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Functional Polymer Materials for Energy Applications
This entry provides insight into the recent energy applications of polymers.
  • 1.9K
  • 15 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Functionalised Graphene for Sensing Applications
The demand for gas detection is increasing nowadays. However, its fast detection at room temperature (RT) is a major challenge. Graphene is found to be the most promising sensing material for RT detection, owing to its high surface area and electrical conductivity. The high edge functionalized chemically synthesized graphene derivatives thin films are promising candidates to achieve a fast gas sensing response at room temperature. The high amount of edge functional groups is prominent for the sorption of analyte gas/vapor molecules. 
  • 835
  • 21 May 2021
Topic Review
Functionalities of Solid State Transformers
The ongoing energy transition has changed the architecture of electricity networks in ways that conventional power transformers are not able to cope with the new required functionalities. The solid state transformer (SST), which comprises state-of-the-art power electronics with galvanic isolation to interconnect two separate alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC) power grids, is considered to be the dominant solution. 
  • 445
  • 19 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Functions in photovoltaic device system
The defact standard of a solar cell is that electric power generation is made at the same place as  photoharvesting is performed, i.e., the function of photoharvesting/photoreception is spatially degenerated with that of electric power generation (photo-electroconversion). Here, in this review paper, we investigate how liberated we are when the degeneracy is lifted off. A conventional concentrator system is, in a sense, a system in which the primary photoharvesting place is decoupled from the photo-conversion part, but is too bulky because the two parts are connected three-dimensionally by photons. We propose a two-dimensional photoreceptor-conversion (2DPRC) scheme in which the photoreception part is spatially decoupled from, but is two-dimensionally connected to the photo-conversion part by a redirection waveguide (RWG). The whole system is in an edge-illumination/photoinjection configuration and concentrator system is quite naturally built, and the edge-injection lift off the trade-off between photo-absorption and photo-carrier collection in the conventional solar cell, leading to a possible high conversion efficiency.
  • 1.3K
  • 15 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Fundamental Building Solutions for Expansive Soils
Expansive soils exist in many countries worldwide, and their characteristics make them exceedingly difficult to engineer. Due to its significant swelling and shrinkage characteristics, expansive soil defies many of the stabilization solutions available to engineers. Differential heave or settlement occurs when expansive soil swells or shrinks, causing severe damage to foundations, buildings, roadways, and retaining structures. In such soils, it is necessary to construct a foundation that avoids the adverse effects of settlement.
  • 1.8K
  • 06 May 2023
Topic Review
Fundamentals of Coupled Bulk Acoustic Wave MEMS Resonators
Bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonators are a type of Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) device experiencing acoustic wave propagation through the bulk of the medium. Combining the approach of coupled resonators with BAW resonators has recently led to achieving better performance and new functionalities. In particular, coupled BAW resonators based on lateral vibration modes are studied due to its advantages.
  • 1.7K
  • 06 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Fundamentals of Gut-on-a-Chip Models
Recent progress in microfluidic technology has made it possible to mimic characteristics and responses of the human gut as seen in vivo. In the past decade, researchers have enhanced organ-on-a-chip technology (GOC) models by incorporating sensors and biometers to control parameters that mimic the human gut. Most in vitro GOC models depend upon 2D cell culture models, whereby the intestinal epithelial cell lines (i.e., human colon adenocarcinoma (Caco-2) or human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line with epithelial morphology (HT-29 cells)) are grown on extracellular matrix (ECM)-coated porous membranes inside Transwell systems or 2D monoculture plates. These models are often used to study the barrier functions and drug absorption; hence they are primarily applied in the pharmaceutical industry. 2D Transwell culture systems are simple and can be used for short-term observations; however, they fail to recapitulate the 3D structures and interactions of the native tissue such as microstructures (i.e., microvilli), mucus production, peristaltic motion, drug metabolism, etc. Another challenge with conventional models is due to the static nature the integration of commensal microbiomes, such as bacteria (i.e., E. coli) due to overgrowth and contamination of the system. To appropriately study the human gut’s physiology, pharmacology or pathology, the system used must recreate the 3D structures and microenvironment of the human gut. This can be achieved by using microfluidic platforms and incorporating live cells, thereby creating a 3D model with dynamic cell culture, and overcoming challenges such as microbial overgrowth. The most common GOC model structure has two channels (upper and lower layer), separated by a porous semipermeable membrane, which depicts the separation between the intestinal lumen and the vasculature. Furthermore, one of the two microchannels represents the lumen of the human gut. This channel aligns with the gut epithelial cells (i.e., IECs). The other channel represents the blood vessels and therefore aligns with vascular endothelial cells. The role of the semipermeable membrane is to facilitate the transport of soluble molecules and nutrients between the gut and the blood vessels.
  • 509
  • 13 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Fundamentals of Laser Shock Peening
With the rapid development of the advanced manufacturing industry, equipment requirements are becoming increasingly stringent. Since metallic materials often present failure problems resulting from wear due to extreme service conditions, researchers have developed various methods to improve their properties. Laser shock peening (LSP) is a highly efficacious mechanical surface modification technique utilized to enhance the microstructure of the near-surface layer of metallic materials, which improves mechanical properties such as wear resistance and solves failure problems.
  • 313
  • 29 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Fundamentals of Microwave Technology in Catalyst Production
The fundamentals and mechanisms of microwave irradiation are fundamentals of microwave technology. Two mechanisms of the microwave technology, electric field and magnetic field heating, which make microwave irradiation unique and potentially viable in numerous fields are included as well. These aspects are essential to be understood prior to investigating microwave-absorbing catalysts for the production of biofuel. With the outstanding benefit of microwave heating, the active sites of catalysts or entire catalysts can be heated selectively to enhance the catalytic performance. In the case of microwave-unabsorbing material, selective heating of the catalyst will result in heat transfer to organic solvents and eventually increases the conversion yield. The kinetic rate by microwave irradiation was higher than conventional heating by 1.15 times.
  • 921
  • 17 Nov 2022
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