Topic Review
Factors Affecting FIV in Internal Two-Phase Flow
Two-phase flow is commonly encountered in various engineering systems. Momentum fluctuation in two-phase flow can create undesirable and destructive vibrations. These vibrations have attracted considerable attention and are known as flow-induced vibrations (FIV). Different factors effecting FIV is two phase flow is discussed here in detail.
  • 863
  • 13 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Factors Affecting Gecko Toe Adhesion
In real life, geckos’ dwell on a variety of environmental conditions, such as deserts and tropical forests, consisting of surfaces that are often hot, wet, and experience humid conditions. Considerable studies have worked to understand the mechanics of gecko adhesion, but the majority have been performed under highly controlled laboratory surfaces. Less information is available about how surrounding factors such as wet conditions, humid conditions, and surface roughness impact the adhesive abilities of geckos in their natural habitat. Hence, it is necessary to study how environmental factors impact the natural adhesion capabilities of geckos.
  • 428
  • 16 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Factors Affecting Human Errors in Manual Assembly Processes
Human errors (HEs) are common problems in manual assembly processes, impacting product quality and resulting in additional costs. HEs refer to mistakes or deviations from intended actions made by individuals when implementing some tasks. These errors can occur due to various reasons, such as a lack of training, fatigue, poor work instructions, etc.
  • 1.2K
  • 15 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Factors Affecting Pavement Condition
The pavement experiences deterioration due to traffic and environment, i.e., unsatisfactory riding quality and structural inadequacy, over time. Thus, predicting pavement performance over time is one of the key elements of any pavement maintenance management system (PMMS).
  • 1.4K
  • 14 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Factors Affecting Performance of FO/RO
Forward osmosis (FO) and pressure-retarded osmosis (PRO) have gained attention recently as potential processes to solve water and energy scarcity problems with advantages over pressure-driven membrane processes. These processes can be designed to produce bioenergy and clean water at the same time (i.e., wastewater treatment with power generation). Despite having significant technological advancement, these bioenergy processes are yet to be implemented in full scale and commercialized due to its relatively low performance. Hence, massive and extensive research has been carried out to evaluate the variables in FO and PRO processes such as osmotic membrane, feed solutions, draw solutions, and operating conditions in order to maximize the outcomes, which include water flux and power density.
  • 781
  • 12 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Factors Affecting Quality in Construction
Achieving a high level of quality in a residential building, characterized by the highest level of performance features, is crucial for the client and all participants in the investment process. The identification of negative factors that occur in the investment process, and the assessment of their impact on the quality of the facility, provide important knowledge that gives the basis for controlling the course of the process.
  • 681
  • 17 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Factors Affecting the Adoption of Automated Vehicles
Autonomous driving is expected to be part of everyday life with technological advancement in AVs and cutting edge research in this field conducted worldwide. After several years of research, the Society of Automotive Engineers has categorized six levels of driving automation, from level 0 (human being dominated) to level 5 (full automation in any given driving scenario). Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) will slowly become a reality by combining the AVs’ function and wireless technology so that they can communicate with other vehicles, infrastructure, and the road.
  • 457
  • 13 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Factors Affecting the Hydrothermal Liquefaction
Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) is a thermochemical depolymerization technology, also known as hydrous pyrolysis, that transforms wet biomass into biocrude and valuable chemicals at a moderate temperature (usually 200–400 °C) and high pressure (typically 10–25 MPa). In HTL, water acts as a key reactant in HTL activities. The reaction’s process parameters mostly influence the distribution, composition, and characteristics of HTL products; therefore, optimizing those factors can aid in producing biocrude with a high yield and suitable quality. 
  • 1.1K
  • 26 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Factors envolved in Coal Slurry Flocculation Process
Coal slurry is a mixture of finely grained coal and other minerals suspended and/or sediment in the water, generated during the coal preparation processes, accounting for more than half of mining operating cost. Dewatering technology is simultaneously confronted with obstacles and possibilities, and it may yet be improved as the crucial step for reducing the ultimate processing cost. Coagulation/flocculation is a process in which solid and liquid parts of a solution are separated using different types of coagulants and flocculants.
  • 823
  • 08 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Factors Impacting Bridge Deterioration in Gulf Cooperation Council
The deterioration module (DM) is one of the four major modules necessary for any bridge management system (BMS). Environmental conditions, structural systems, bridge configuration, geographic location, and traffic data are some of the major factors that affect the development of deterioration modules. This emphasizes the need for the development of deterioration models that reflect the local conditions. 
  • 227
  • 19 Dec 2023
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