Topic Review
Evolution of Knowledge within Building Energy Efficiency Field
The building sector is responsible for 50% of worldwide energy consumption and 40% of  CO2 emissions. Consequently, a lot of research on Building Energy Efficiency has been carried out over recent years, covering the most varied topics. While many of these themes are no longer of interest to the scientific community, others flourish. However, there is a paucity of research on trend analysis in this field. Thus, it is important to read the trends within this field of knowledge is wise, since it allows resources to be directed towards the most promising topics. 
  • 596
  • 08 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Evolution of Macro-Modeling Practices
International transport corridors (ITCs) are intricate logistical networks essential for global trade flows. The effective modeling of these corridors provides invaluable insights into optimizing the transport system. The relevance of macro-modeling in today’s international transport landscape is underscored by the growing complexity of global supply chains. With the rise of e-commerce and just-in-time delivery models, the demand for strategic planning and optimization of ITCs has soared. Countries and corporations alike recognize the need for a holistic understanding of transport networks to maintain competitiveness and ensure economic growth. Macro-modeling answers this call by enabling the simulation and analysis of large-scale transport systems, providing stakeholders with a complex view of the operational intricacies and potential improvements.
  • 180
  • 26 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Evolution of Microgrid Technology
Microgrids are energy systems that can operate independently or in conjunction with the main electricity grid. There are numerous subdomains of microgrid technology research, each of which focuses on a distinct component of microgrid design, operation, and management. Energy storage, control, power electronics and power quality, renewable energy integration, stability, storage, protection and cybersecurity, regulation and distribution, and economic and business models are some of the major areas of microgrid technology study.
  • 831
  • 06 May 2023
Topic Review
Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle
Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) is an expendable launch system program of the United States Air Force (USAF), intended to assure access to space for Department of Defense and other United States government payloads. The program, which began in the 1990s with the goal of making government space launches more affordable and reliable, resulted in the development of the Delta IV and Atlas V. Along with the newer Falcon 9, these launch systems are the primary methods for launching U.S. military satellites. The USAF plans to use the EELV family of launch vehicles until at least 2030. Follow-on technologies are being considered, one of which was the Reusable Booster System, discontinued in 2012.
  • 652
  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Evolving Paradigms in Economic Dispatch
Economic Dispatch Problems (EDP) refer to the process of determining the power output of generation units such that the electricity demand of the system is satisfied at a minimum cost while technical and operational constraints of the system are satisfied. This procedure is vital in the efficient energy management of electricity networks since it can ensure the reliable and efficient operation of power systems. As power systems transition from conventional to modern ones, new components and constraints are introduced to power systems, making the EDP increasingly complex. This highlights the importance of developing advanced optimization techniques that can efficiently handle these new complexities to ensure optimal operation and cost-effectiveness of power systems. 
  • 205
  • 27 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Examination of Apollo Moon Photographs
The examination of Apollo Moon photographs is an endeavour undertaken by certain people engaged in the debate as to the merits of Moon landing conspiracy theories, despite the abundance of third-party evidence for Apollo Moon landings. A number of allegations and refutations with a variable degree of notability are put forward due to this examination.
  • 4.6K
  • 02 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Excelsior (Smack)
Excelsior is an authentically restored fishing smack of the Lowestoft fishing fleet and a member of the National Historic Fleet. She was built by John Chambers of Lowestoft in 1921 and worked until 1936 before being converted into a motor coaster. In 2021 Excelsior will celebrate her 100th birthday. During her time as a motor coaster she was known as Svinør and worked mainly in Norwegian waters before returning to Lowestoft in 1972. She measures 23 metres (75 ft) long with a beam of 5.9 metres (19 ft) and is ketch rigged and is the last traditional sailing trawler able to tow a full-sized traditional trawl net. Excelsior was restored in 1989 and operates as a sail training vessel based out of Lowestoft, able to accommodate up to 17 people, including 12 trainees or passengers.
  • 257
  • 18 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Existing Mobile Broadband Performance Measurements
Globally, mobile broadband (MBB) penetration has increased due to the widespread use of smart devices, better mobile network coverage, and the ongoing quest for faster wireless and mobile communication technology. This has led to a tremendous rise in the number of internet subscribers, which is positively impacting the social and economic well-being of society at large. Terrestrial mobile network operators (MNOs) are responsible for providing MBB services to end users, but some of them do not offer the advertised speeds or theoretical speeds specified by 3GPP specifications. Therefore, periodic impartial and unbiased performance measurement studies of the quality of service (QoS) provided by the MNOs as perceived by the end users are required to help MNOs enhance the capabilities of their MBB networks and provide services at an acceptable quality.
  • 386
  • 07 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Existing Reinforcement Concepts for 3D Printed Concrete
3D printed concrete (3DPC) technology is relatively new, and it still has many challenges to overcome if it is going to replace, at least in part, conventional concrete construction. One of the difficulties is the lack of proper reinforcement for printing building scale structures. Different ideas proposed to reinforce 3D printed concrete can be categorized based on the material (e.g., steel, thermoplastic, FRP, and other materials) or stage to place reinforcement (pre-installed, in-process, and post-installed reinforcement). However, limited available test data and even fewer examples of the use of the proposed reinforcement concepts in actual construction have retarded the development of this advanced technology. Before developing some novel concepts, looking back to review what has been achieved in this regard is a necessary step to move forward. This section will discuss the recent attempts to reinforce 3D printed concrete based on different stages to place the reinforcement.
  • 2.3K
  • 28 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Existing Waste-To-Energy Technologies
Energy is a critical element in human existence, and is essential to a society’s sustainable economic growth. Globally, fossil fuels have been the primary source of electrical generation. Technologies that can efficiently recover energy from waste with little to no environmental damage have been considered as alternatives for conventional fossil fuel generation. The conversion pathways utilized in waste-to-energy (MSW) technologies may be classified into two main categories: thermochemical and biochemical. The thermochemical pathway involves the conversion of MSW feedstock to energy (electricity, heat, and value-added products) under high temperatures. It is most commonly utilized for dry waste with a larger proportion of nonbiodegradable material (a low water content). Combustion (incineration), gasification, and pyrolysis are the most common technologies under thermochemical conversion of MSW. Biochemical processes are optimal for wastes with a high proportion of biodegradable organic materials and a high moisture/water content that promotes microbial activity. Anaerobic digestion (AD) and methane recovery from a controlled environment in landfills are the most common technologies under the biochemical pathway.
  • 916
  • 26 Aug 2022
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